Published July 31, 2022 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Buhârî'nin el-Câmiʿu's-Sahîh'inde Kur'ân-ı Kerîm'e, Sahih Hadislere ve Diğer Bazı Kıstaslara Uygunluk Yönünden Metin Tenkidi


  • 1. Mehmet Ali


In this article Bukhārī’s care for the consistency of the ḥadīth with the Qurʾān, ḥadīth, consensus of the scholars, historical and geographical information, sayings and behaviours of the Companions, the context of the utterance and other measures is shown referring to over a hundred concrete examples from his work Sahīh al-Bukhārī. Bukhārī presented ḥadīth which can be seen as contrary to Qurʾān by associationg those hadiths with verses that he thinks are consistent with the cited ḥadīths, thereby showed that he took into consideration the consistency of the hadith text with the Qurʾān. Also, he chose the ḥadīth of weak narrators which are in line with those of the reliable narrators and this way showed that he focused on the text and not isnad. This result is in contrary to isnad criticism. Furthermore, he drew attention to the mistakes in the text which has a strong isnad and thereby showed that even a reliable narrator could make a mistake in the text. Bukhari solved the inconsistencies of hadith by reconciling, abrogating or prefering and also paid attention to many issues related to correct recording of the hadith. In this context, he showed the reinforcing ḥadīth, drew attention to the differences in text, detected additions to the text and commentated on the ḥadīth. Furthermore, there are examples which show that consistency to historical facts, consensus of the scholars, utterances and behaviours of the Companions and reality are taken into account by Bukhārī. Our article shows that the claim that ḥadīth scholars only focused on the isnad and did not criticize the text of the ḥadīth is not correct by indicating to the concrete examples of content criticism by a prominent hadith scholar such as Bukhārī in his work Sahīh al-Bukhārī.



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