Creator: Date: 01/08/2022 This dataset contains 8 separate files: --> 'LandscapeComposition' in % of the total area of six land use types at five different scales (500, 250, 125, 50 and 10 meter radius) around all 41 m²-gardens (explanatory variable). --> All 7 other files contain data on measurements in the individual m²-gardens (response variables). 1. 'AbioticSoilMoisture': contains data of TMS4 sensors (TOMST: that were running in the center of all 41 m²-gardens gathering data on soil moisture and temperature (-6, 0, 12 cm). 2. 'AbioticTemperature': contains data of HOBO Pendant T sensors (ONSET: that were running in the center of all 41 m²-gardens gathering data on temperature (-10 cm). 3. 'BioticArthropods': data from both pan traps and pitfall traps that were installed during three periods of 14 dats in 2018 and 2019 in the center of all m²-gardens. 4. 'CropHerbivory': average leaf herbivory througout each growing season per plant species for all 41 m²-gardens. 5. 'CropYield': fresh weighted biomass per plant species for all 41 m²-gardens. 6. 'CropMultiHerbivory': crop-specific leaf herbivory combined in a multi-crop index per m²-garden. 7. 'CropMultiYield': crop-specific yield (fresh biomass) combined in a multi-crop index per m²-garden. More specific information on the datasets can be found in the second worksheet of each file that contains specific metadata. The variable Sensor/Location in all datasets is referring to the 41 m²-gardens and should be used to couple the different datasets.