This file contains explanations for variables in the datasets associated with the publication: "Lietzenmayer, L.B., L.M. Goldstein, J.M. Pasche, L.A. Taylor. Extreme natural size variation in both sexes of a sexually cannibalistic mantidfly" Please contact the corresponding author for questions about these data ( Data set: Size_measurement_compare.csv ID: unique identification code for each specimen measured Measurer: name of the author that took the measurements in the corresponding columns HeadCapsule: head capsule width (micrometers) as the width of the head capsule measured through the eyes at the base of antennae from anterior viewpoint Pronotum: pronotum length (micrometers) as the lateral view from posterior point of articulation to articulation point with the mesothorax Forewing: subcostal vein length (micrometers) as the length of subcostal vein of forewing from base of subcosta to most distal corner of the darkened pterostigma Data set: Size_measurement_DPI.csv ID: unique identification code for each specimen measured "Trait: head, pronotum, or forewing as explained above for HeadCapsule, Pronotum, and Forewing, respectively" Measurement: the distance measured for each body part described above in millimeters Sex: m = male; f = female Measurer: name of the author that took the measurements in the corresponding columns "Location: 2 letter code for specimens from the 3 geologic areas we tested (AB = Archbold Biological Station, CC = Corpus Christi State Park, SF = Stephen Foster State Park)" Notes: additional notes explaining why certain measurements couldn't be made Data set: Size_measurement_spiders.csv ID: unique identification code for each specimen measured Sex: m = male; f = female SpiderType: denotes what species of jumping spider the mantidfly developed on (habro = Habronattus trimaculatus; phid = Phidippus regius) "Trait: head, pronotum, or forewing as explained above for HeadCapsule, Pronotum, and Forewing, respectively" Measurement: the distance measured for each body part described above in millimeters Notes: additional notes explaining why certain measurements couldn't be made