Published July 27, 2022
| Version 1
Image sensing with multilayer, nonlinear optical neural networks
- 1. Cornell University
- 2. Cornell University, NTT Research Inc.
This data repository contains the information necessary to reproduce the main results of the paper “Image sensing with multiplayer, nonlinear optical neural networks”.
This repository contains the data and the code for generating the figures in the manuscript "Image sensing with multilayer, nonlinear optical neural networks", including figures in the main text and in supplementary materials. The repository also contains the code for controling the experiment setup and running the experiments conducted in the paper:
- Folder 'Data_Collection_Example' and 'Data_Extraction_Example' contain example scripts for instrument control and data collection using the multilayer optical-neural-network sensor.
- Other folders are organized according to the figure panels in the main text, each containing the data and the code required to reproduce the plots in a main figure panel and its associated supplementary figures. In each of these folders, there is a README.txt file that summarizes the role of each file in the folder.