Published July 19, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Cross-site Canopy Leaf Temperature and associated Environmental Data

  • 1. Oregon State University
  • 2. Northern Arizona University
  • 3. University of California, Irvine
  • 4. Florida State University
  • 5. Princeton University


This dataset includes canopy leaf temperature along with meteorology, flux, and radiation data from 6 forest sites in North and Central America. Canopy temperature (Tcan) data are based on thermal images to understand how Tcan varies with Tair and with environmental conditions. Importantly, these measurements span multiple growing seasons and are near-continuous in nature, as they were collected by thermal cameras mounted on eddy covariance towers that also measured a wide range of co-located environmental variables, including Tair, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, short- and long wave radiation, soil moisture and temperature, and ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, H2O, and energy. We necessarily averaged multiple leaves in each region of interest at each site, and we then averaged multiple thermal images into hourly data, so some extremes in Tcan are not captured.


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