Raw data belonging to : Didion-Gency, M., Gessler, A., Buchmann, N., Gisler, J., Schaub, M., Grossiord, C. (2022) Impact of warmer and drier conditions on tree photosynthetic properties and the role of species interactions Metadata in file "Data_file" Column Entry Value Unit Explaination Remark A Tree 96 Tree number B Year 3 Year (2019, 2020, 2021) C Campaign 9 Campaign number (from 1 to 9) D Chamber 16 Chamber number E Treatment 4 Treatment type (C: control, W: warming, MR: soil moisture reduction, WMR: warming + soil moisture reduction) F Warming 2 If there is a warming treatment (YES or NO) G Soil moisture reduction 2 If there is a moisture reduction treatment (YES or NO) H Compartment 8 Compartment number (from 1 to 8) I Mixture 2 Type of mixture (monoculture; mixture) J Species 2 Type of species (B: beech, O: oak) K Gs Numerical mol/m²/s Stomatal conductance at 400ppm of CO2 L Asat Numerical µmol/m²/s Light-saturated CO2 assimilation at 400ppm of CO2 M Vcmax Numerical µmol/m²/s Maximum carboxylation rate extracted from the ACi curves N Jmax Numerical µmol/m²/s Maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate extracted from the ACi curves O Fv_Fm Numerical Maximum photochemical efficiency extracted from the dark adapted fluorescence measurement P Chl Numerical µmol/m² Chlorophyll concentration Q Height Numerical cm Tree height measured in September of each year Measured at the campaign 1, 3, 6 and 9 R Diameter Numerical mm Tree diameter measured in September of each year Measured at the campaign 1, 3, 6 and 9