Material for the study “Influence of genetic recombination on protein folding stability” by Roberto Del Amparo, Laura Rodriguez-Moure, Ugo Bastolla and Miguel Arenas. The directory “DataSimulatedWithSCSmodels” includes for every protein family a subdirectory with the protein data evolved under SCS models with mutation and recombination events. It also includes the corresponding predicted protein folding stability. In addition, it includes the applied tools, including the program Prot_evol and several scripts. The directory “DataSimulatedWithEmpiricalmodels” includes for every protein family a subdirectory with the data used for every figure. This data was simulated under the empirical models with recombination events with the program “ProteinEvolver” (freely available from The data is organized by figures and for the corresponding cases it specifies the population substitution rates (theta) and recombination rates (rho) used for the simulations. Please do not hesitate to contact us ( for any question