### The code is used in the linux system. #Python environment and Cutadapt (version 2.10 or latest) needs to be installed before data processing. Installation on a Debian-based Linux distribution (https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html) Cutadapt is also included in Debian-based Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu. Simply use your favorite package manager to install Cutadapt. On the command-line, this should work sudo apt install cutadapt or possibly sudo apt install python3-cutadapt ############# The tso-mix index information. Index ID Index sequence £¨5' of 1st read in pair-end£© N4 ^NNNNGGG index1 ^ATCACGNNNNGGG index2 ^CGATGTNNNNGGG index3 ^NNNNTTAGGCNGGG ########### The single cell barcodes information in barcode.txt. Barcodes (5' end of 2nd read in pair-end) CGTGAT ACATCG GCCTAA TGGTCA CACTGT ATTGGC GATCTG TCAAGT CTGATC AAGCTA GTAGCC TACAAG TTGACT GGAACT TGACAT GGACGG CTCTAC GCGGAC TTTCAC GGCCAC ################ If there are hunderds and more cells are in scm6A-seq data, tso-mix separation is needed. sh ./scm6A-tsomix-separation.sh ${dir}/Test.fastq.gz output file: *index1.fastq *index2.fastq *index3.fastq *N4.fastq ############## After tso-mix separation,cellular barcodes is needed for single cell reads isolation. Or if less than 20 cells in one library, single cell reads isolation is performed directlty. ###In the "scm6A-seq reveals single-cell landscapes of the dynamic m6A during oocyte maturation and early embryonic development" manuscript, each library contains no more than 20 cells, so we only used this procedure. ### Test 10 thousand reads for single cell isolation with 6 cores, cost 1m24.507s sh ./scm6A-SCbarcodes-isolation.sh Expected output files: *_${barcode}.fastq.gz