README file for data associated with:

The strength of reproductive isolating barriers in seed plants: insights from studies quantifying premating and postmating reproductive barriers over the past 15 years.  Christie, K., L.S. Fraser, and D.B. Lowry.  Evolution (2022).

The input file "RI_data_FINAL.csv" together with four .R files were used for all analyses and generating figures for the manuscript.  

The data file provides reproductive isolation (RI) data for the 89 taxa pairs from 70 publications used in the analysis.  Numerical values reflect the strength of individual isolating barriers, as calculated using Sobel and Chen (2014) RI metrics.  NA values indicate missing data, representing barriers that individual studies did not quantify.  

NOTE: all columns ending in "1" or "2" represent isolating barrier strengths from the perspective of "Species1" (e.g., "ecogeo1", "ImmigrantInviability1") or "Species2" ("e.g., "ecogeo2", "ImmigrantInviability2").

See the Supporting Information associated with the original manuscript for detailed descriptions of all isolating barriers, as well as for a table showing the raw data which the Sobel and Chen RI values presented here were based on.

The following columns exist in the dataset:

Author – First (or primary) author(s) of the manuscript.
Year – The year the article was published.
Title – The title of the article.
Journal – The journal in which the article was published.
SC_metrics – YES/NO values indicating whether the authors used Sobel and Chen (2014) RI metrics in the original publication.
in_Lowry_2008 – YES/NO values indicating whether the study was included in Lowry et al. 2012 ("The strength and genetic basis of reproductive isolating barriers in flowering plants").
parents_different_ploidy – YES/NO values indicating whether the two taxa used for comparisons were of different ploidy levels.
Genus – The genus name of the taxa used in comparisons.
Taxa_type – A description of the taxonomic rank of the plants used in comparisons, including "cytotypes", "ecotypes", "species", and "subspecies".
Taxa_type2 – A description of the taxonomic rank of the plants used in comparisons, including "cytotypes", "ecotypes", and "species", in which subspecies are included in the "ecotypes" category.
Family – The family name of the taxa used in comparisons.
Species1 – The scientific name of the first taxon used in the comparisons.  The "first" species was selected arbitrarily. 
Species2 – The scientific name of the other taxon (i.e., the "second" taxon) used in comparisons.
sympatric_at_least_some_pops – A verbal description of the geographic context of the taxa used in comparisons.
geography – An abbreviated description of the geographic context of the taxa used in comparisons, including "allopatric", "parapatric", and "sympatric".
temperate_tropical – Value of "temperate" (>23.5 degrees latitude) or tropical (<23.5 degrees latitude) indicating the biogeographic zone occupied by the taxa.
Life_History – A description of the life histories of the two taxa, including values of "annual", "biennial", and "perennial".  Multiple values indicate the life history of the first taxon, followed by the life history of the second taxon.
Life_History2 – A concise description of the life histories of the taxa, including "A/B/P" representing a mix of annual-biennial-perennial, "annual" (both taxa), "biennial" (both taxa), and "perennial" (both taxa).
Lifeform – A description of the lifeform of the taxa of interest, including "grass", "herb", "shrub", and "tree".
Ecogeo1 – Ecogeographic isolation.
Ecogeo2 – Ecogeographic isolation.
Ecogeo1_ecogeo – Ecogeographic isolation measured at a broad or range-wide scale.
Ecogeo2_ecogeo – Ecogeographic isolation measured at a broad or range-wide scale.
Ecogeo1_micro – Ecogeographic isolation measured at a fine scale associated with microhabitat segregation in areas of range overlap.
Ecogeo2_micro – Ecogeographic isolation measured at a fine scale associated with microhabitat segregation in areas of range overlap.
ImmigrantInviability1 – Immigrant inviability.
ImmigrantInviability2 – Immigrant inviability.
Pheno1 – Phenological (flowering time) isolation.
Pheno2 – Phenological (flowering time) isolation.
MatingSystem1 – Reproductive isolation resulting from mating system differences.
MatingSystem2 – Reproductive isolation resulting from mating system differences.
DifferentialPollen1 – Differences in pollen production associated with mating system differences; values were subsequently aggregated with the MatingSystem columns for analyses.
DifferentialPollen2 – Differences in pollen production associated with mating system differences; values were subsequently aggregated with the MatingSystem columns for analyses.
FloralIsolation1 – Floral isolation (regardless of the specific mechanism).
FloralIsolation2 – Floral isolation (regardless of the specific mechanism).
FloralIsolation1_pollinators – Floral isolation associated with differences in pollinator communities or floral visitors.
FloralIsolation2_pollinators – Floral isolation associated with differences in pollinator communities or floral visitors.
FloralIsolation1_transitions – Floral isolation associated with (conspecific vs. heterospecific) pollinator transitions.
FloralIsolation2_transitions – Floral isolation associated with (conspecific vs. heterospecific) pollinator transitions.
FloralIsolation1_deposition – Floral isolation associated with pollen deposition.
FloralIsolation2_deposition – Floral isolation associated with pollen deposition.
PollenPistil1 – Reproductive isolation associated with the outcome of pollen-pistil interactions.
PollenPistil2 – Reproductive isolation associated with the outcome of pollen-pistil interactions.
FruitProduction1 – Reproductive isolation associated with fruit set in hybrid crosses.
FruitProduction2 – Reproductive isolation associated with fruit set in hybrid crosses.
SeedProduction1 – Reproductive isolation associated with seed set in hybrid crosses.
SeedProduction2 – Reproductive isolation associated with seed set in hybrid crosses.
F1Germination1 – Reproductive isolation associated with germination of F1 hybrid seeds.
F1Germination2 – Reproductive isolation associated with germination of F1 hybrid seeds.
F1Viability1 – Reproductive isolation associated with survival and performance of F1 hybrids.
F1Viability2 – Reproductive isolation associated with survival and performance of F1 hybrids.
F1PollenSterility1 – Reproductive isolation associated with pollen sterility F1 hybrids (aggregated with F1OvuleSterility within a "F1Sterility" category for subsequent analyses).
F1PollenSterility2 – Reproductive isolation associated with pollen sterility F1 hybrids (aggregated with F1OvuleSterility within a "F1Sterility" category for subsequent analyses).
F1OvuleFertility1 – Reproductive isolation associated with female/ovule sterility F1 hybrids (aggregated with F1PollenSterility within a "F1Sterility" category for subsequent analyses).
F1OvuleFertility2 – Reproductive isolation associated with female/ovule sterility F1 hybrids (aggregated with F1PollenSterility within a "F1Sterility" category for subsequent analyses).
ExtrinsicPost1 – Reproductive isolation associated with extrinsic postzygotic isolation (i.e., ecologically-mediated fitness declines in hybrids).
ExtrinsicPost2 – Reproductive isolation associated with extrinsic postzygotic isolation (i.e., ecologically-mediated fitness declines in hybrids).