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Published June 30, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D4.1 User feedback report on the functional design of the federation (Under EC Review)


At the C-SCALE project’s inception, six use cases were identified. Their objective was to deploy applications on the C-SCALE federated infrastructure and provide feedback on their experiences working with the providers in co-designing the C-SCALE federation. This report provides information about the use case dependencies and who implemented these. Additionally, the use cases provide feedback about speed of access to resources and data, the ease of use of the resources, the appropriateness of the technology used to implement the use case, the resultant usability of the application running on the federated infrastructure, the missing functionality/resources, the effectiveness of support from the providers and the overall satisfaction of the service/resource. Additionally, all use cases make improvement suggestions which in summary are centred around simplifying and harmonising resources provisioning and access, improving documentation and providing examples and training and finding mechanisms to ensure that data and tooling are readily available for users so that users can focus on science. In general, the feedback from the use cases is positive. Users recognise the value of developing customised solutions in collaboration with the federation providers and appreciate the flexibility of the resources being provided.



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C-SCALE – Copernicus - eoSC AnaLytics Engine 101017529
European Commission