Published May 17, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Oryctini Mulsant 1842


Identification key to the genera of adult Oryctini of South America

1. Body convex dorsally in lateral view. Ventral area of metatarsomeres with a longitudinal row of bristles ......................................................................................................... 2

- Body flattened dorsally in lateral view. Ventral area of metatarsomeres bearing a brush of bristles........................................................................................ Platyphileurus Ohaus

2. Protibia tridentate ............................................................................................................................... 3

- Protibia quadridentate....................................................................................................................... 5

3. Colour black. Elytra nearly smooth, except for a deep sutural stria ............................... 4

- Colour reddish brown. Elytra with distinct rows of punctures................ Coelosis Hope

4. Mandibles bidentate............................................................................................ Megaceras Hope

- Mandibles tridentate.......................................................................... Megaceropsis Dechambre

5. Male head bearing a tubercle, never with a horn. Female pronotum with an anterior tubercle or concavity, or both combined .................................................................................. 6

- Male head bearing a prominent horn. Female pronotum simple, without anterior tubercle or concavity.......................................................................................................................... 8

6. Tergite VII bearing stridulatory apparatus.......................... .......................... Strategus Kirby.

- Tergite VII without stridulatory apparatus................................................................................. 7

7. Teeth small and triangular at galea. Pronotum similar in both sexes, without horn or deep concavity. Female abdomen bearing the ventrite V shorter than ventrite VI...... .............................................................................................................................. Gibboryctes Endrödi.

- Teeth strong and scythe-shaped at galea. Male pronotum with an anterior horn. Pronotal concavity deep in both sexes. Female abdomen bearing the ventrite V longer than ventrite VI.................... .................... Tetragus Duarte and Grossi, gen. nov.

8. Prosternal process conspicuous, produced between coxae. Female head with 1–2 tubercles, never with a prominent horn ................................................................................... 9

- Prosternal process quite reduced, nearly obsolete, confined below coxae. Female head with a prominent horn......................................... ......................................... Enema Hope.

9. Body elongated in overall aspect, subparallel laterally. Anterior margin of clypeus with 2 teeth separated by a wide emargination............ ............ Podischnus Burmeister.

- Body broader in overall aspect, rounded laterally. Anterior margin of clypeus convergent, rounded, or with 2 teeth separated by a small notch............................................. ................................................................................................................ Heterogomphus Burmeister.


Published as part of Costa, Leidiane O., Duarte, Paulo R. M., Iannuzzi, Luciana & Grossi, Paschoal C., 2022, Taxonomic revision and notes on natural history of the enigmatic beetle genus Gibboryctes Endrödi (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae), pp. 191-225 in Journal of Natural History 56 (1 - 4) on pages 221-222, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2021.2017499,


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Oryctini Mulsant, 1842 sec. Costa, Duarte, Iannuzzi & Grossi, 2022