FILE NAMES:\ \ LAKO_DIC_TA.csv\ SANNA_DIC_TA.csv\ \ \ CURATED BY: H. C. Henson. ( and J. M. Holding (\ \ \ DESCRIPTION: LAKO_DIC_TA.csv is a comma-separated file containing 20 stations sampled for carbonate chemistry from a cruise that took place in August 2018 along the East Coast of Greenland. Sampling was taken along several transects in several different fjord systems in East Greenland on board the vessel HDMS Lauge Koch. Water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) were collected from Niskin bottles. Water samples for DIC and TA determination were transferred directly from the Niskin bottle into triplicate 12 ml exetainers with a gas tight Tygon tubes, allowing overflow of at least 3 times the volume of the bottle. Samples were preserved with HgCl2 (saturated solution) to a final concentration of 0.02%. TA was measured on an automatic titrator (Metrohm 888 Titrando), and a combined Metrohm glass electrode (Unitrode). DIC samples were analyzed on Apollo SciTech's AS-C3 analyzer, using a sample volume of 0.5 ml. Routine analysis of Certified Reference Materials (provided by A. G. Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography) verified that the accuracy of DIC and TA measurements.\ \ SANNA_DIC_TA.csv is a comma-separated file containing 23 stations sampled for carbonate chemistry from a cruise that took place in August 2016 along the West Coast of Greenland. Sampling was taken along several transects in several different fjord systems in East Greenland on board the vessel RV Sanna. Water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) were collected from Niskin bottles. Water samples for DIC and TA determination were transferred directly from the Niskin bottle into triplicate 12 ml exetainers with a gas tight Tygon tubes, allowing overflow of at least 3 times the volume of the bottle. Samples were preserved with HgCl2 (saturated solution) to a final concentration of 0.02%. TA was measured on an Apollo SciTech AS-ALK2 total alkalinity titrator based on the Gran titration procedure for samples in West Greenland. DIC samples were analyzed on Apollo SciTech's AS-C3 analyzer, using a sample volume of 0.5 ml. Routine analysis of Certified Reference Materials (provided by A. G. Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography) verified that the accuracy of DIC and TA measurements.\ \ \ COLUMN NAMES:\ \ LAT = latitude [decimal degrees]\ LONG = longitude [decimal degrees]\ station = numerical station name (in LAKO_DIC_TA.csv)\ ctd_file = ctd file name used to index CTD casts at same location\ depth = nominal sampling depth [metres]\ TA = Total Alkalinity [µmol kg-1]\ SD_TA = standard deviation of TA [µmol kg-1]\ DIC = dissolved inorganinc carbon [µmol kg-1]\ SD_DIC = standard deviation of DIC [µmol kg-1]\ \ }