#####pmid_clusters_2014.txt, pmid_clusters_2015.txt, pmid_clusters_2016.txt##### These are the documents and clusters of each citation network. The number in the file name is the year of publication of the systematic reviews. The first column is the PubMed Id of each document, and the next 13 columns are the id of clusters to which they belong at each level, starting from level 1 to level 13. The cluster id is unique only among the child clusters of a single cluster. This means that two cluster id with the same value refer to the same cluster only if they have the same parent clusters genealogy. Levels with a '-' symbol mean that the clusters were not generated because the parent cluster did not contain a relevant document. PubMed Ids may be duplicated because some documents from our data source (Dimensions.ai) had the same PubMed Id. #####sr_positive.txt, sr_retrieved.txt##### These contain the documents relevant for the systematic reviews (sr_positive.txt) and retrieved by the Boolean query (sr_retrieved.txt). The first column is the year of publication of the systematic review, the second column is the identity of the systematic review, and the third column is the PubMed id of the document. All relevant documents of a systematic review are contained in the Boolean query retrieved documents of that systematic review, which in time are all contained in the documents of the respective (publication year) citation network. #####systematic_reviews.json##### This contain the identity and URL of the systematic reviews. This file belongs to the Scells dataset (https://github.com/ielab/SIGIR2017-SysRev-Collection) but we include it here for completeness. #####Boolean_queries.zip##### This contains files of the Boolean queries in their OVID version and their PubMed version. The file names nomenclature is: [number] is the identity of the systematic review, [number].txt is the OVID version and [number]_reviewed.txt is the PubMed version. When possible, the rows in the OVID version are matched to a PubMed parentheses, and this is indicated in the PubMed version with a #[number], where [number] is the row in the OVID version, using the OVID version enumeration. Some PubMed versions were partially translated and abandoned, and they are also included here.