This RSOS_2022__data_readme.txt file was generated on 2022-06-22 by Nadia Maaroufi GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Northward range expansion of rooting ungulates decreases detritivore and predatory mite abundances in boreal forests 2. Author Information Corresponding Author Name: Dr Nadia I. Maaroufi Institution: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2017-2018 4. Geographic location of data collection: Bornsjö, Sweden 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Maaroufi, (2022), Data from: Northward range expansion of rooting ungulates decreases detritivore and predatory mite abundances in boreal forests DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. Description of dataset These data were generated to investigate the effects of wild boar rooting on soil mites in boreal forests 2. File List: File Name: Nadia_Maaroufi_Bornsjondata.xlsx File Description: natural and artificial rooting experiment data METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Soil mites were extracted using tullgren funnel method. Soil parameters were measured using standard protocoles. Details methodology are availbale in the article DOI : 10.1098/rsos.211283 DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Nadia_Maaroufi_Bornsjondata.xlsx 1. Number of variables: 14 2. Number of cases/rows: sheet 1 natural rooting: 10 sheet 2 artifical rooting: 25 3. Variable List: Meso: Total number of Mesostigmata (per core) Orib: Total number of Oribatida (per core) MesoAD: number of Mesostigmata adult (per core) MesoJUV: number of Mesostigmata juvenile (per core) OribAD: number of Oribatida adult (per core) OribJUV: number of Oribatida juvenile (per core) N: soil total nitrogen content (%) C: soil total carbon content (%) P: soil total phoshorus content (%) CN: carbon to nitrogen ratio CP: carbon to phosphorus ratio NP: nitrogen to phosphorus ratio SOM: Soil organic matter content (%) Moisture:soil moisture content (%) 4. Missing data codes: None 5. Abbreviations used: ID: Sample identity NatRoo: Natural rooting NatCtr: Natural control Meso: Mesostigmata Orib: Oribatida MesoAD: Mesostigmata adult MesoJUV: Mesostigmata juvenile OribAD: Oribatida adult OribJUV: Oribatida juvenile N: soil total nitrogen content (%) C: soil total carbon content (%) P: soil total phoshorus content (%) CN: carbon to nitrogen ratio CP: carbon to phosphorus ratio NP: nitrogen to phosphorus ratio SOM: Soil organic matter content (%) Moisture:soil moisture content (%) Low: rooting occured once High: rooting occured twice Co: control NoRem: no removal of organic material including wild boar food ressources Rem: removal of organic material including wild boar food ressources Control: no rooting and no removal lowR: low rooting intensity and no removal HighR: high rooting intensity and no removal lowRRe: low rooting intensity and removal HighRe: high rooting intensity and removal 6. Other relevant information: none