This README_DATA_Bondaruk_et_al_2022.txt file was generated on 2022-06 by Viviana Bondaruk GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Data from: Forage provision is more affected by droughts in arid and semi-arid than in mesic rangelands. 2. Author Information Corresponding Author Name: Viviana Florencia Bondaruk Institution: IFEVA, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Email: Co-Authors: Gastón R. Oñatibia 1,2, Roberto J. Fernández1,2, Walter Agüero3, Lisandro Blanco3, Martín Brusquetti4, Alicia Kröpfl5,8, Alejandro Loydi6, Jesús Pascual4, Pablo Peri7, Guadalupe Peter5,6, R. Emiliano Quiroga3, & Laura Yahdjian1,2 1Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura (IFEVA), CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2Facultad de Agronomía, Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Cátedra de Ecología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 3Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)-EEA La Rioja, La Rioja, Argentina 4Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC), CONICET-Universidad de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Viedma, Argentina 6Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS), CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina 7Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), EEA Río Gallegos, CONICET-Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Santa Cruz, Argentina 8Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica (CURZA), Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Viedma, Argentina 3. Date of data collection: 2015-2019 4. Geographic location of data collection: Argentina, South America 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Council of Science and Technology of Argentina 6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Bondaruk, V. F. et al. (2022), Data from: Forage provision is more affected by droughts in arid and semi-arid than in mesic rangelands, Dryad, Dataset DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. Description of dataset 1. These data were generated to investigate The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity to droughts of nine rangelands located across a broad aridity gradient in Argentina, South America. We experimentally imposed comparable droughts under field conditions by reducing a fixed proportion of each incoming precipitation event within-year during three consecutive years and tracked changes in total aboveground and forage productivity. 2. File List: File 1 Name: README_Bondaruk_et_al_2022_Fig2_S1.xlsx File 1 Description: Site name with corresponding Aridity Index and Mean annual precipitation (MAP); the proportion of Forage vs. aboveground primary productivity for each replicate (block 1 to 4); Forage Productivity (in g m-2 yr -1) and ANPP (in g m-2 yr -1) productivity for each replicate (block 1 to 4). This file corresponds to the data of Figures 2 and S1. File 2 Name: README_Bondaruk_et_al_2022_Fig3.xlsx File 2 Description: Site name with corresponding Aridity Index; the relative and absolute sensitivity to drought for each replicate (block 1 to 4). This file corresponds to the data of Figures 3. File 3 Name: README_Bondaruk_et_al_2022_Fig4.xlsx File 3 Description: Site name with corresponding Aridity Index and experimental year; Forage Productivity (in g m-2 yr -1) for each treatment and for each replicate (block 1 to 4) along experimental years. This file corresponds to the data of Figures 4. File 4 Name: README_Bondaruk_et_al_2022_Fig5.xlsx File 4 Description: Site name; Forage Productivity (in g m-2 yr -1) for each treatment in the initial and final experimental drought year for each replicate (block 1 to 4). Also, the ; Forage Productivity (in g m-2 yr -1) for each forage species of each site. This file corresponds to the data of Figures 5. File 5 Name: README_Bondaruk_et_al_2022_Fig6.xlsx File 5 Description: Site name with corresponding Aridity Index; the effect size of drought in Forage Productivity (in g m-2 yr -1) through the log response ratio for each replicate (block 1 to 4). This file corresponds to the data of Figures 6. .