Published May 9, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A Model of Rhythm Transcription as Path Selection Through Approximate Common Divisor Graphs


We apply the concept of approximated common divisors (ACDs) to estimate the tempo and quantize the durations of a rhythmic sequence. The ACD models the duration of the tatum within the sequence, giving its rate in beats per minute. The rhythm input, a series of timestamps, is first split into overlapping frames. Then, we compute the possible ACDs that fit this frame and build a graph with the candidate ACDs as nodes. By building this graph, we transform the quantization problem into one of path selection, where the nodes represent the ACDs and determine the note values of the transcription and the edges represent tempo transitions between frames. A path through the graph thus corresponds to a rhythm transcription. For path selection, we present both an automated method using weights for evaluating the transcription and finding the shortest path, and an interactive approach that gives users the possibility of influencing the path selection.



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