Tryphosites longipes (Bate, 1862)

(Fig. 38)

Anonyx longipes Bate, 1862: 79, pl. 13, fig. 4.— Bate & Westwood, 1863: 113, text figure.— Della Valle, 1893: 830. Tryphosa longipes.— Boeck, 1871: 118. Tryphosites longipes.—G.O. Sars, 1891: 81, pl. 28, fig. 3, pl. 29, fig. 1.— Stebbing, 1906: 77.— Chevreux & Fage, 1925: 61, figs 48, 49.— Chevreux, 1935: 55.— Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1973: 921.— Karaman, 1973: 141.— Relini Orsi & Würtz, 1977: [page unknown].— Drago, Albertelli & Cattaneo, 1978: [page unknown].— Lincoln, 1979: 80, fig. 31a–h.— Diviacco & Ruffo, 1989: 572, fig. 394.— Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 538.

Anonyx ampulla.— Bate, 1862: 79.— Bate & Westwood, 1863: 116.

Types. Apparently lost. Bate (1862) based his description on specimen(s) from the collection of the British Museum (Natural History Museum, London). However, no specimens are subsequently mentioned in the catalogue of types from that institution (Thurston & Allen 1969).

Type locality. Off the Shetland Islands, North-eastern Atlantic Ocean.

Material examined. 1 female with setose oostegites, ZMUB 16488, North Sea (56º50’N 1º36’E), 68 m, 2 July 1904, M. Sars; 1 ovigerous female, ZMUB 16440, North Sea (57º09’N 1º30’E), 96 m, 6 July 1904, M. Sars; 1 female, ZMUB 16461, North Sea (57º41’N 5º39’E), 100 m, 19 June 1904, M. Sars; 1 male, ZMUB 16773, North Sea (56º50’N 01º36’E), 68 m, 2 July 1904, M. Sars; 2 ovigerous females, ZMUB 32356, Feios Bay, Sogn, Norway [approx. 61º09’N 6º45’E], 40–80 m, 26 August 1908, J. Greig; 1 female, ZMUB 31836; Skagerrak (57º44’N 9º53’E), 31 July 1906, M. Sars; 1 male, ZMUB 59107, Liholmene, Bergen, Norway [approx. 60º22’N 5º10’E], 90–100 m, 2 August 1966, Biol. Stasjon; 1 specimen, ZMUB 16786, Norwegian Sea (61º15’N 01º06’E), 170 m, 25 June 1906, M. Sars; 1 ovigerous female, ZMUB 17119, Jondal, Hardangerfjord, Norway [approx. 60º16’N 06º13’E], 100–200 m, 25 July 1908, J. Greig; 1 female, ZMUB 16394, Norwegian Sea (61º15’N 01º06’E), 170 m, 25 June 1904, M. Sars; 5 specimens, ZMUB 7122, Trondheim fjord [approx. 63º31’N 10º17’E], 365 m, 17 January 1899, Wollebaek; 1 specimen, ZMUB 3037, Hardanger [approx. 60º16’N 06º13’E],? Danielssen; 1 ovigerous female, ZMUB 19872, Norwegian Sea (61º43’N 01º60’E), 190 m, 1906, M. Sars; 1 specimen, ZMUB 2689, Hardanger [approx. 60º16’N 06º13’E],? Danielssen; 1 juvenile, ZMUB 59110, Drivsund, 17 m, 9 August 1965, Biol. St; 1 specimen, AM P.71648, off Kilchattan, Bute Island, Firth of Clyde, Scotland (55°45'N 05°02'W), 60 m, muddy sand, D net, 1 October 1981, P.G. Moore; 2 males, AM P.32405, 40 km off Isle of May, Scotland (56°11'N 2°34'W), 1887.

Depth range. 1–365 m (this study).

Distribution. Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Shetland (Bate 1862); coast of Scotland (Bate & Westwood 1863; this study); Norwegian coasts (Boeck 1871; this study); Channel Islands (Chevreux & Fage 1925); Atlantic coasts of France (Chevreux & Fage 1925); North Sea; North Polar Sea; Mediterranean Sea. Naples; Sicily (Chevreux & Fage 1925; Chevreux 1935); Kotor, Montenegro (Karaman 1973).