Salix × diazii M. Idrees & J.M.H. Shaw, nom. nov.

Replaced name:— Salix × longissima T.E.Díaz & J.Andrés (1987: 132), nom. illeg., non S. longissima P.Wessel (1855: 140).

Type:— SPAIN. Léon Province: La Martina, 490 m, 29TPH91, 16 June 1985, T.E. Díaz et al. s.n. (holotype, LEB29538!, isotypes LEB29539!, LEB30605!).

Etymology:— The specific epithet honours Prof. Dr. Tomás Emilio Díaz González (University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain), author of the replaced name, for his tremendous contributions to the taxonomy of the genus Salix.

Distribution:— Spain, Léon Province (La Martina).