liouvillei Koehler, 1912, Bathybiaster

Bathybiaster liouvellei Koehler, 1912: 158; 1912a: 96, pl. 6, figs 2, 4, 12, pl. 8, figs 5, 6.

Bathybiaster loripes obesus ‒ Clark 1989: 273.

CURRENT STATUS. — Bathybiaster loripes obesus Sladen, 1889.

TYPE MATERIAL. — Antarctic • 2 syntypes; Pourquoi-Pas? expedition; 1908-1910, MNHN-IE-2014-180 • 2 syntypes; same as for preceding; MNHN-IE-2014-500 • 1 syntype, same as for preceding; MNHN-IE-2014-516.


Koehler (1912a) reports twenty-one specimens from four localities in South Shetland: east of Admiralty Bay (1 syntype, 18 m); middle of Admiralty Bay (1 syntype, 420 m); west cove of Admiralty Bay (1 syntype, 75 m); dredging 18th (18 syntypes).