Published May 30, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D3.3 Report on the baseband design, D-band antenna designs and metasurfaces

  • 1. The National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NCSRD)
  • 2. Intracom SA Telecom Solutions (ICOM)
  • 3. Fraunhofer IAF
  • 4. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
  • 5. Aalto University
  • 6. University of Oulu


This deliverable summarizes the research on D-band radio concepts of ARIADNE, as an output of the first 30 months of work in Tasks 3.1 - 3.4. Deliverable D3.3 reinforces, generalizes and expands the results of the research activities conducted and settled as plan in Deliverable D3.1 on “Report on baseband and antenna concepts” and Deliverable D3.2 “Report on simulations of first RFIC implementations”. In this direction the present deliverable focuses on baseband design and prototypes, on antennas design and prototypes for short and long range scenarios (outdoor and indoor) and on metasurfaces/RIS design and manufacture to assist mainly indoor communications. Coordinator of this deliverable is NCSRD. Technical contributors are all partners of the work package. The technical quality is assured by the technical management UPRC Prof. Angela Alexiou, the WP Leader IAF and the Task Leaders ICOM (Task 3.1), IAF (Task 3.2), NCSRD (Task 3.3), and AALTO (Task 3.4).


D3.3 Report on the baseband design, D-band antenna designs and metasurfaces.pdf

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ARIADNE – Artificial Intelligence Aided D-band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution 871464
European Commission