Plegadognathus bonairensis (Viets, 1936)

Records from India. ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS: Chiriatapu, Port Blair, Mus Island, among Halimeda opuntia — Sarma & Chatterjee (1993b). GOA: Anjuna beach, among Spongomorpha sp. — Sarma & Chatterjee (1993b). KERALA: Kovalam beach, among Gracilaria corticata — Sarma & Chatterjee (1993b).

Records from other places. AUSTRALIA: Great Barrier Reef, Australia (reported as Arhodeoporus ventromaculatus)— Otto (2000); Northwestern Australia, Dampier (reported as A. bonairensis)— Bartsch (2009b). CARIBBEAN AREA: Bonaire (reported as Copidognathopsis bonairensis)— Viets (1936). GALAPAGOS ISLANDS: Galapagos Islands (Santa Cruz) in tidal and subtidal sediments (reported as A. bonairensis)— Bartsch (1977). HAWAIAN ISLANDS: Oahu, Kauai (reported as A. bonairensis)— Bartsch (2009b). HONG KONG: Hong Kong— Bartsch (2009b). PHILIPPINES: Mactan Island— Bartsch (2009b). SINGAPORE: St John’s Island— Bartsch (2009b). QATAR: Persian Gulf, collected from steel settlement plates— Durucan et al. (2019). USA: Biscayne Bay and Soldier Key, Florida (reported as Copidognathus (s. str.) bonairensis), among green algae Halimeda opuntia — Newell (1947).

Distribution. ATW– Caribbean area, Florida; ISE—Western Australia; ITE— India (Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Goa, Kerala); ITW— Qatar; PTE—Galapagos Islands, Hawai Islands; PTW—Eastern Australia, Hong Kong, Phillipines, Singapore.

Remarks. Bartsch (2009b) classified Arhodeoporus ventromaculatus Otto, 2000 as a junior synonym of A. bonairensis. Bartsch (2016) also commented that Plegadognathus thyreophorus (André, 1959) may be a junior synonym of P. bonairensis.