
Perrens’s Tuco-tuco

Ctenomys perrensi

French: Tuco-tuco de Perrens / German: Corrientes-Kammratte / Spanish: Tuco tuco de Perrens

Other common names: Goya Tuco-tuco

Taxonomy. Ctenomys perrensi Thomas,

1896, “Goya, Corrientes,”


Goya, Argentina.

Although based on mtDNA, C. perrensi

can be classified in the torquatusspecies

group; according to biogeography, it has

been considered as part of the Corrientes

group. Karyotype is 2n = 50, 54, 56 and 58,

and sperm form is symmetric. Monotypic.

Distribution. NE Argentina (W Corrientes


Descriptive notes. Total length 230-270 mm. No specific data are available for body weight. Perrens’s Tuco-tuco is medium-sized. General coloris dark buff or clay. Along medial line that extends from face down back, pelage is mixed with black. Under surfaces are rich buff from throat to belly, and upper surfaces of hands and feet have thin white hair. Skull is short skull, broad, and rounded, without many crests; interorbital region is short and wide; and postorbital process is underdeveloped. Upper incisors are opisthodont, forming circle that is smaller than in most other tuco-tucos.

Habitat. Sandy soils.

Food and Feeding. There is no information available for this species.

Breeding. Mean littersize of Perrens’s Tuco-tuco is 2-4 young.

Activity patterns. There is no information available for this species.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. Perrens’s Tuco-tuco is solitary.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List.

Bibliography. Bidau (2015), Contreras & Bidau (1999), Garcia et al. (2000), Lanzone et al. (2007), Medina et al. (2007), Ortells (1995), Ortells & Barrantes (1994), Ortells et al. (1990), Parada et al. (2011), Reig et al. (1992), Thomas (1896).