Ref.n;Field;Subfield;Exact topic/coverage;DOG;DOG2;Type of studies;Type of Literature;Period;Stage;Substage;Type of loss;Exact effect;N;Units sampled;Estimate;N_f;Remove from the global MA 1;Applied ecology;Forest research;ecological effects of timber harvesting practices in native comercial forests: all documents relevant to two distinct forest types in Victoria, Australia and to three response variables that represent traditional wood-production values (tree regeneration) and diverse non-wood values (vertebrates and water). ;1;1;experimental;any;up to 2002;Publication;NA;Unpublished documents;% unpublished work (documents);124;all documents on harvesting;0.41;51;No 1;Applied ecology;Forest research;ecological effects of timber harvesting practices in native comercial forests: all documents relevant to two distinct forest types in Victoria, Australia and to three response variables that represent traditional wood-production values (tree regeneration) and diverse non-wood values (vertebrates and water). ;1;1;experimental;any;up to 2002;Reporting;NA;under-reporting results;% complete sample statistics not provided ;89;all documents relevant to tree regeneration or vertebrates that used between and /or within-stand contrasts;0.81;72;No 1;Applied ecology;Forest research;ecological effects of timber harvesting practices in native comercial forests: all documents relevant to two distinct forest types in Victoria, Australia and to three response variables that represent traditional wood-production values (tree regeneration) and diverse non-wood values (vertebrates and water). ;1;1;experimental;any;up to 2002;Study planning;Design;Replication issues;% Lack of treatment replication: treatment replication ‘sacrificed’, i.e. data for replicate experimental units pooled prior to statistical analysis, or subsamples from within replicated experimental units treated as independent replicates;113;all documents relevant to tree regernation and vertebrates that used between-stand or within-stand contrasts;0.48;54;No 2;Ecology;Animal telemetry;"animal movement research in the Australasian region";2;2;NA;any;2000-2012;Publication;NA;Unpublished projects;% Unpublished research projects;1220;projects that generated animal telemetry data (eatimated based on New Zealands approved aniaml ethics appliactions and extrapolating for the region);0.492;600;No 3;Evolutionary ecology;NA;facultative sex-ratio adjustment in birds;1;1;any;peer-reviewed;since the development of molecular sexing techniques-2004;Reporting;NA;under-reporting results;% presented insufficient information to calculate direct estimates of effect sizes for all of thei independent variables of a study;52;papers;0.52;27;No 4;Ecology;not specified;post-impoundment reservoir outflow modification and associated downstream biotic and abiotic responses (also see the title);1;1;any;peer-reviewed;1981-2012;Study planning;Design;Replication + randomization issues;% not replicated or randomised;76;studies;0.95;72;No 4;Ecology;not specified;post-impoundment reservoir outflow modification and associated downstream biotic and abiotic responses (also see the title);1;1;any;peer-reviewed;1981-2012;Study planning;Analysis;Suboptimal analytical choices;% not accounting for autocorelation;76;studies;0.89;68;Yes 5;Ecology and evolution;NA;studies from journals American Naturalist,Animal Behaviour,Behavioral Ecol-ogy,Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,EcologicaMonographs,Ecology,Evolution,Evolutionary Biology,Journal of Evolutionary Biology,and Quarterly Review ofBiology. ;3;2;any;peer-reviewed;published up until the end of 2000;Publication;NA;Unpublished documents;% unpublished;2060;of all the studies/ES that could have been used in 40 MA;0.124;255;No 6;"Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour";not specified;nine prominent journals publishing in the area of EEB (e.g., Ecology, Evolution, American Naturalist, Animal Behavior) and EEB articles in four general-interest journals (Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Royal Society B);3;2;experimental;peer-reviewed;"January and February 2012";Study planning;Blinding;Non-blinded data collection;% non blinding eperiments;248;articles that icnluded experiments that could be affected by observers bias;0.867;215;No 7;Ecology;NA;the relationship between morphological asymmetry and sexual selection - tried to identify all researchers working on this subject;1;1;any;any;up to 2001;Publication;NA;Unpublished documents;% of unpublished studies;125;all studies;0.16;20;No 8;Evolutionary biology;NA;the function or characteristics of plumage colour in bluetits using experimental or observational methods ;1;1;any;peer-reviewed;1955-2011;Reporting;NA;under-reporting results;% of effects reported insufficiently;1192; total effects reported - All categories;0.41;489;No 9;Evolutionary ecology;NA;"testing the prediction that dominance rank is positively associated with bib size across studies";1;1;any;any;1985-2016;Publication;NA;Unpublished documents;% of unpublished studies;19;all studies;0.316;6;No 10;Soil ecology;NA;Forest fire impact on soil animals;1;1;any;any;NA;Publication;NA;Unpublished projects;% unpublished projects;17;scientists;0.45;8;No 11;Insect ecology;Insect herbivory;publications comparing woody plant damage by defoliating insects in different environments;1;1;any;peer-reviewed;1977- 2018;Study planning;Blinding;Non-blinded data collection;% of measurements of herbivory not blinded with respect to sample origin;125;published papers;0.899;112;No 11;Insect ecology;Insect herbivory;publications comparing woody plant damage by defoliating insects in different environments;1;1;any;peer-reviewed;1977- 2018;Study planning;Design;Replication issues;% papers use of a single site in each of the compared environments;125;of papers published 1977-2008;0.409;51;Yes 12;Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour;not specified;papers from The American Naturalist, Animal Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B showed that use GLMs with two or more explanatory variables (28 out of 50 empirical studies);3;2;any;peer-reviewed;Sep-07;Study planning;Analysis;Suboptimal analytical choices;% of studies where the sample size was less than three times the number of explanatory variables (N/k?