Riecke TV, Sedinger BS, Arnold TW, Gibson D, Koons DN, Lohman MG, Schaub M, Williams PJ, and Sedinger JS (2022) A hierarchical model for jointly assessing ecological and anthropogenic impacts on animal demography. Journal of Animal Ecology. TV Riecke Swiss Ornithological Institute thomasvanceriecke@gmail.com Please see Riecke et al. (2022), Journal of Animal Ecology for an explanation of model parameterization. Please contact TV Riecke (thomasvanceriecke@gmail.com) for any questions. input.RData marr.af: n.years * n.years+1 multinomial capture-recovery matrix for adult females marr.jf: n.years * n.years+1 multinomial capture-recovery matrix for juvenile females area: vector of NA Level III ecoregions used to subset capture-recovery release and recovery data end: last year of study + 1 (2017) H: number of duck stamps sold (millions) during each year of the study (1974-2016) L: indicator variable for 'restrictive' harvest limits (1 = restrictive) (1974-2016) N: number of mallard breeding pairs estimated from USFWS Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (1974-2016) N.se: standard error of estimate of mallard breeding pairs from USFWS Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (1974-2016) n.years: number of years (43) P: number of ponds estimated from USFWS Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (1974-2016) P.se: standard error of estimate of ponds estimated from USFWS Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (1974-2016) recoveries: total number of recoveries rel.af: number of releases of adult female mallards in each year rel.jf: number of releases of juvenile female mallards in each year rho.alpha: alpha parameter for informative beta distribution prior for band reporting probability (from Arnold et al. 2020) rho.beta: beta parameter for informative beta distribution prior for band reporting probability (from Arnold et al. 2020) rho.mu: mean band reporting rate estimate (from Arnold et al. 2020) rho.sd: standard deviation for band reporting rate estimate (from Arnold et al. 2020) start: first year of study (1974; first year ponds were surveyed in Canada and the US) t: loop limit z.t: z-standardized trend of length 43 JAnE_analysis.R a JAGS model file and R script used to run the model described in Riecke et al. 2022 plots.R R script used to create the figures in Riecke et al. 2022