Meaning of the column names: Plant_species: Cyanus segetum (C. segetum) or Centaurea jacea (C. jacea). Plot_ID: the plot identification number (see Appendix 1, Fig. S2). X_Coord and Y_Coord: geographic coordinate of each plot (X and Y axes; Appendix 1, Fig. S2). Plant_ID: Identification number of the plant. C/N: carbone (C) / nitrogen (N) ratio. PlantBiomass: The biomass of the whole plant. Nbr_Flower_heads: total number of flower heads per plant. Flower_Head_Biomass: Biomass of the total number of flower head per plant. Nbr_Seed: Number of seed counted per plant. Seed_Biomass: biomass of the total number of seed collected per plant. SNH_proportion: proportion of semi-natural habitat (SNH) area within a radius of 300m of each plot. Floral_Abundance: number of flowers in a 100m transects along field borders centred on each focal plant plot. Floral_Species_Richness: number of flower species in a 100m transects along field borders centred on each focal plant plot. Flowering_Crop_proportion: Proportion of flowering crop area within a radius of 300m of each plot. Flowering_Crop_Species_Richness: Number of flowering crop species counted within a radius of 300m of each plot. Abondance_pollinator: Number of pollinators observed as pollinating focal plant both in focal plant plots and transects. Pollinator_Species_Richness : Number of pollinator species observed as pollinating focal plant both in focal plant plots and transects. Tillage: Occurrence of tillage in the adjacent field. Herbivore_Abundance: Number of seed herbivores (Tephritidae; Diptera) emerged per plant. Herbivore_Species_Richness: Number of seed herbivore species (Tephritidae; Diptera) emerged per plant. Parasitoid_Abundance: Number of parasitoids of seed herbivore (Hymenoptera) emerged per plant. Parasitoid_Species Richness: Number of seed herbivore parasitoid species emerged per plant. Herbivory_Rate: Calculated as the number of seed herbivore divided by the total number of seeds (estimated as the sum of seeds and herbivores emerging per plant). Parasitism_Rate: Calculated as the number of parasitoids divided by the total number of potential hosts (estimated as the sum of herbivores and parasitoids emerging per plant).