Database of exploratory scenarios transferred from IPBES Europe and Central Asia Regional Assessment Chapter 5 (49 scenarios),,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Nr,Source document,Scenario/ vision/ pathway name,Type of futures work,Origin,Time horizon,Geographic scale,Location,Country,IPBES region,Reference 1,SSPs,SSP1,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"O’Neill, B.C., et al., 2017. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 169–180. Riahi, K., et al., 2017. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153-168." 2,SSPs,SSP2,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"O’Neill, B.C., et al., 2017. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 169–180. Riahi, K., et al., 2017. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153-168." 3,SSPs,SSP3,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"O’Neill, B.C., et al., 2017. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 169–180. Riahi, K., et al., 2017. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153-168." 4,SSPs,SSP4,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"O’Neill, B.C., et al., 2017. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 169–180. Riahi, K., et al., 2017. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153-168." 5,SSPs,SSP5,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"O’Neill, B.C., et al., 2017. The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century. Global Environmental Change 42, 169–180. Riahi, K., et al., 2017. The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and their energy, land use, and greenhouse gas emissions implications: An overview. Global Environmental Change 42, 153-168." 6,Kok et al. 2019,Eur-SSP1 We are the World,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Regional,Europe,Multiple,Europe and Central Asia,"Kok, K., Pedde, S., Gramberger, M., Harrison, P.A., Holman, I.P., 2019. New European socio-economic scenarios for climate change research: operationalising concepts to extend the shared socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change 19, 643–654." 7,Kok et al. 2019,Eur-SSP3 Icarus,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Regional,Europe,Multiple,Europe and Central Asia,"Kok, K., Pedde, S., Gramberger, M., Harrison, P.A., Holman, I.P., 2019. New European socio-economic scenarios for climate change research: operationalising concepts to extend the shared socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change 19, 643–654." 8,Kok et al. 2019,Eur-SSP4 Riders on the Storm,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Regional,Europe,Multiple,Europe and Central Asia,"Kok, K., Pedde, S., Gramberger, M., Harrison, P.A., Holman, I.P., 2019. New European socio-economic scenarios for climate change research: operationalising concepts to extend the shared socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change 19, 643–654." 9,Kok et al. 2019,Eur-SSP45 Fossil-fuelled Development,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Regional,Europe,Multiple,Europe and Central Asia,"Kok, K., Pedde, S., Gramberger, M., Harrison, P.A., Holman, I.P., 2019. New European socio-economic scenarios for climate change research: operationalising concepts to extend the shared socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change 19, 643–654." 10,Boschetti et al. 2016,Social crisis,Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Australia,Australia,Asia-Pacific,"Boschetti, F., Price, J., Walker, I., 2016. Myths of the future and scenario archetypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 111, 76–85." 11,Boschetti et al. 2016,Eco-crisis,Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Australia,Australia,Asia-Pacific,"Boschetti, F., Price, J., Walker, I., 2016. Myths of the future and scenario archetypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 111, 76–85." 12,Boschetti et al. 2016,Techno-optimism,Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Australia,Australia,Asia-Pacific,"Boschetti, F., Price, J., Walker, I., 2016. Myths of the future and scenario archetypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 111, 76–85." 13,Boschetti et al. 2016,Power and economic inequality,Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Australia,Australia,Asia-Pacific,"Boschetti, F., Price, J., Walker, I., 2016. Myths of the future and scenario archetypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 111, 76–85." 14,Boschetti et al. 2016,Social transformation,Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Australia,Australia,Asia-Pacific,"Boschetti, F., Price, J., Walker, I., 2016. Myths of the future and scenario archetypes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 111, 76–85." 15,DasGupta et al. 2019,Business as Usual (BAU),Exploratory,Academia,2030,Local,The lower Gangetic delta in India (aka the Indian Sundarban),India,Asia-Pacific,"DasGupta, R., Hashimoto, S., Okuro, T., Basu, M., 2019. Scenario-based land change modelling in the Indian Sundarban delta: an exploratory analysis of plausible alternative regional futures. Sustainability Science 14, 221–240." 16,DasGupta et al. 2019,Market forces,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Local,The lower Gangetic delta in India (aka the Indian Sundarban),India,Asia-Pacific,"DasGupta, R., Hashimoto, S., Okuro, T., Basu, M., 2019. Scenario-based land change modelling in the Indian Sundarban delta: an exploratory analysis of plausible alternative regional futures. Sustainability Science 14, 221–240." 17,DasGupta et al. 2019,Delta Republic,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Local,The lower Gangetic delta in India (aka the Indian Sundarban),India,Asia-Pacific,"DasGupta, R., Hashimoto, S., Okuro, T., Basu, M., 2019. Scenario-based land change modelling in the Indian Sundarban delta: an exploratory analysis of plausible alternative regional futures. Sustainability Science 14, 221–240." 18,DasGupta et al. 2019,Green Sundarban,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Local,The lower Gangetic delta in India (aka the Indian Sundarban),India,Asia-Pacific,"DasGupta, R., Hashimoto, S., Okuro, T., Basu, M., 2019. Scenario-based land change modelling in the Indian Sundarban delta: an exploratory analysis of plausible alternative regional futures. Sustainability Science 14, 221–240." 19,Saito et al. 2019,Natural capital-based dispersed society (ND),Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Saito, O., Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Shoyama, K., Kabaya, K., Uetake, T., Taki, H., Ishikawa, Y., Matsushita, K., Yamane, F., Hori, J., Ariga, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science 14, 5–21." 20,Saito et al. 2019,Natural capital-based compact society (NC),Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Saito, O., Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Shoyama, K., Kabaya, K., Uetake, T., Taki, H., Ishikawa, Y., Matsushita, K., Yamane, F., Hori, J., Ariga, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science 14, 5–21." 21,Saito et al. 2019,Produced capital-based dispersed society (PD),Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Saito, O., Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Shoyama, K., Kabaya, K., Uetake, T., Taki, H., Ishikawa, Y., Matsushita, K., Yamane, F., Hori, J., Ariga, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science 14, 5–21." 22,Saito et al. 2019,Produced capital-based compact society (PC),Exploratory,Academia,2050,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Saito, O., Kamiyama, C., Hashimoto, S., Matsui, T., Shoyama, K., Kabaya, K., Uetake, T., Taki, H., Ishikawa, Y., Matsushita, K., Yamane, F., Hori, J., Ariga, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Co-design of national-scale future scenarios in Japan to predict and assess natural capital and ecosystem services. Sustainability Science 14, 5–21." 23,Kabaya et al. 2019,Good Old Good New,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 24,Kabaya et al. 2019,Environmental Resort,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 25,Kabaya et al. 2019,One of A Kind,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 26,Kabaya et al. 2019,Subsistence and Sufficiency,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 27,Kabaya et al. 2019,Live with Android,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 28,Kabaya et al. 2019,Treasure Island,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,"Sado island, Japan",Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Kabaya, K., Hashimoto, S., Fukuyo, N., Uetake, T., Takeuchi, K., 2019. Investigating future ecosystem services through participatory scenario building and spatial ecological–economic modelling. Sustainability Science 14, 77–88." 29,Ikeda and Managi 2019,SSP1-SSP5,Exploratory,Academia,2100,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Ikeda, S., Managi, S., 2019. Future inclusive wealth and human well-being in regional Japan: projections of sustainability indices based on shared socioeconomic pathways. Sustainability Science 14, 147–158." 30,Hanspach et al. 2014,Prosperity through growth,Exploratory,Academia,2012-2042,Local,"Transylvania, Romania",Romania,Europe and Central Asia,"Hanspach, J., T. Hartel, A. I. Milcu, F. Mikulcak, I. Dorresteijn, J. Loos, H. von Wehrden, T. Kuemmerle, D. Abson, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. Báldi, and J. Fischer. 2014. A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania. Ecology and Society 19(4): 32." 31,Hanspach et al. 2014,"Our land, their wealth",Exploratory,Academia,2012-2042,Local,"Transylvania, Romania",Romania,Europe and Central Asia,"Hanspach, J., T. Hartel, A. I. Milcu, F. Mikulcak, I. Dorresteijn, J. Loos, H. von Wehrden, T. Kuemmerle, D. Abson, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. Báldi, and J. Fischer. 2014. A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania. Ecology and Society 19(4): 32." 32,Hanspach et al. 2014,Balance brings beauty,Exploratory,Academia,2012-2042,Local,"Transylvania, Romania",Romania,Europe and Central Asia,"Hanspach, J., T. Hartel, A. I. Milcu, F. Mikulcak, I. Dorresteijn, J. Loos, H. von Wehrden, T. Kuemmerle, D. Abson, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. Báldi, and J. Fischer. 2014. A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania. Ecology and Society 19(4): 32." 33,Hanspach et al. 2014,Missed opportunity,Exploratory,Academia,2012-2042,Local,"Transylvania, Romania",Romania,Europe and Central Asia,"Hanspach, J., T. Hartel, A. I. Milcu, F. Mikulcak, I. Dorresteijn, J. Loos, H. von Wehrden, T. Kuemmerle, D. Abson, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, A. Báldi, and J. Fischer. 2014. A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania. Ecology and Society 19(4): 32." 34,Tallis et al. 2018,Sustainability,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Global,World,Global,Global,"Tallis, H.M., Hawthorne, P.L., Polasky, S., Reid, J., Beck, M.W., Brauman, K., Bielicki, J.M., Binder, S., Burgess, M.G., Cassidy, E., Clark, A., Fargione, J., Game, E.T., Gerber, J., Isbell, F., Kiesecker, J., McDonald, R., Metian, M., Molnar, J.L., Mueller, N.D., O’Connell, C., Ovando, D., Troell, M., Boucher, T.M., McPeek, B., 2018. An attainable global vision for conservation and human well-being. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16, 563–570." 35,Tallis et al. 2018,Business-as-Usual,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Global,World,Global,Global,"Tallis, H.M., Hawthorne, P.L., Polasky, S., Reid, J., Beck, M.W., Brauman, K., Bielicki, J.M., Binder, S., Burgess, M.G., Cassidy, E., Clark, A., Fargione, J., Game, E.T., Gerber, J., Isbell, F., Kiesecker, J., McDonald, R., Metian, M., Molnar, J.L., Mueller, N.D., O’Connell, C., Ovando, D., Troell, M., Boucher, T.M., McPeek, B., 2018. An attainable global vision for conservation and human well-being. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16, 563–570." 36,Bazilian et al.,Big green deal,Exploratory,Academia,2100,Global,World,Global,Global,"Bazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., Goldthau, A., Westphal, K. 2019. Model and manage the changing geopolitics of energy. Nature 569, 29–31." 37,Bazilian et al.,Technology breakthrough,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Global,World,Global,Global,"Bazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., Goldthau, A., Westphal, K. 2019. Model and manage the changing geopolitics of energy. Nature 569, 29–31." 38,Bazilian et al.,Dirty nationalism,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Global,World,Global,Global,"Bazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., Goldthau, A., Westphal, K. 2019. Model and manage the changing geopolitics of energy. Nature 569, 29–31." 39,Bazilian et al.,Muddling on,Exploratory,Academia,2030,Global,World,Global,Global,"Bazilian, M., Bradshaw, M., Goldthau, A., Westphal, K. 2019. Model and manage the changing geopolitics of energy. Nature 569, 29–31." 40,Tasaki et al. 2016,The health-oriented society,Exploratory,Academia,2030,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Tasaki, T., Yoshida, A., Aoyagi, M., Kanamori, Y., Awata, K., Tominaga, N., Shimizu, A., Suwabe, H., Nemoto, K., 2016. Scenario Writing of Future Lifestyles in Japan for 2030. Sustainable Development 24, 406–415." 41,Tasaki et al. 2016,"The anti-aging town, restoring vitality",Exploratory,Academia,2030,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Tasaki, T., Yoshida, A., Aoyagi, M., Kanamori, Y., Awata, K., Tominaga, N., Shimizu, A., Suwabe, H., Nemoto, K., 2016. Scenario Writing of Future Lifestyles in Japan for 2030. Sustainable Development 24, 406–415." 42,Tasaki et al. 2016,Attaching oneself to more than one community,Exploratory,Academia,2030,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Tasaki, T., Yoshida, A., Aoyagi, M., Kanamori, Y., Awata, K., Tominaga, N., Shimizu, A., Suwabe, H., Nemoto, K., 2016. Scenario Writing of Future Lifestyles in Japan for 2030. Sustainable Development 24, 406–415." 43,Tasaki et al. 2016,Wide-ranging communication by Visor-com,Exploratory,Academia,2030,National,Japan,Japan,Asia-Pacific,"Tasaki, T., Yoshida, A., Aoyagi, M., Kanamori, Y., Awata, K., Tominaga, N., Shimizu, A., Suwabe, H., Nemoto, K., 2016. Scenario Writing of Future Lifestyles in Japan for 2030. Sustainable Development 24, 406–415." 44,Boyko et al. 2012,UK Urban Market Forces,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,UK cities,UK,Europe and Central Asia,"Boyko, C.T., Gaterell, M.R., Barber, A.R.G., Brown, J., Bryson, J.R., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Cooper, R., Davies, G., Farmani, R., Hale, J., Hales, A.C., Hewitt, C.N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Leach, J.M., Lombardi, D.R., MacKenzie, A.R., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T.A.M., Sadler, J.P., Weingaertner, C., Whyatt, J.D., Rogers, C.D.F., 2012. Benchmarking sustainability in cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios. Global Environmental Change 22, 245–254." 45,Boyko et al. 2012,UK Urban Policy Reform,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,UK cities,UK,Europe and Central Asia,"Boyko, C.T., Gaterell, M.R., Barber, A.R.G., Brown, J., Bryson, J.R., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Cooper, R., Davies, G., Farmani, R., Hale, J., Hales, A.C., Hewitt, C.N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Leach, J.M., Lombardi, D.R., MacKenzie, A.R., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T.A.M., Sadler, J.P., Weingaertner, C., Whyatt, J.D., Rogers, C.D.F., 2012. Benchmarking sustainability in cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios. Global Environmental Change 22, 245–254." 46,Boyko et al. 2012,UK Urban New Sustainability Paradigm,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,UK cities,UK,Europe and Central Asia,"Boyko, C.T., Gaterell, M.R., Barber, A.R.G., Brown, J., Bryson, J.R., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Cooper, R., Davies, G., Farmani, R., Hale, J., Hales, A.C., Hewitt, C.N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Leach, J.M., Lombardi, D.R., MacKenzie, A.R., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T.A.M., Sadler, J.P., Weingaertner, C., Whyatt, J.D., Rogers, C.D.F., 2012. Benchmarking sustainability in cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios. Global Environmental Change 22, 245–254." 47,Boyko et al. 2012,UK Urban Fortress World,Exploratory,Academia,2050,Local,UK cities,UK,Europe and Central Asia,"Boyko, C.T., Gaterell, M.R., Barber, A.R.G., Brown, J., Bryson, J.R., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R., Cooper, R., Davies, G., Farmani, R., Hale, J., Hales, A.C., Hewitt, C.N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Leach, J.M., Lombardi, D.R., MacKenzie, A.R., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T.A.M., Sadler, J.P., Weingaertner, C., Whyatt, J.D., Rogers, C.D.F., 2012. Benchmarking sustainability in cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios. Global Environmental Change 22, 245–254." 48,Aguiar et al. 2020,"Convergent themes between four visions: The Ubuntu pathway, Peaceful and Prosperous East Africa pathway, Urugendo pathway, Rainbow pathway",Target seeking; vision,Academia,2050,"Regional, National, Local",Africa,Multiple,Africa,"Aguiar, A. P., Collste, D., Harmáčková, Z. V., Pereira, L., Selomane, O., Galafassi, D., van Vuuren, D., van der Leeuw, S. Co-designing global target seeking scenarios: a cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability. Global Environmental Change" 49,Nobre et al. 2016,Third Way as Paradigm of Sustainable Development for the Amazon,Exploratory,Academia,Continuous,Regional,Brazilian Amazon region,Americas,Brazil,"Nobre, C. A., Sampaio, G., Borma, L. S., Castilla-Rubio, J. C., Silva, J. S., & Cardoso, M. (2016). Land-use and climate change risks in the Amazon and the need of a novel sustainable development paradigm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(39), 10759-10768."