Database of futures developed through arts-based approaches,, Nr,Source,Reference 1,"(Bendor et al. 2017),","Bendor, R., D. Maggs, R., Peake, J. Robinson, and S. Williams. 2017. The imaginary worlds of sustainability: observations from an interactive art installation. Ecology and Society 22(2):17." 2,(Galafassi et al. 2017),"Galafassi, D., T. Daw, L., Munyi, K. Brown, C. Barnaud, and I. Fazey. 2017. Learning about social-ecological trade-offs. Ecology and Society 22(1):2." 3,(Galafassi et al. 2018),"Galafassi, D, et al. 2018. Restoring our senses, restoring the Earth. Fostering imaginative capacities through the arts for envisioning climate transformations. Elem Sci Ant 6: 69." 4,(Heras et al. 2016),"Heras, M., J. D. Tabara, and A. Meza. 2016. Performing biospheric futures with younger generations: a case in the MAB Reserve of La Sepultura, Mexico. Ecology and Society 21(2):14." 5,(Jiménez-Aceituno et al. 2015),"Jiménez-Aceituno, A, Medland, L, Delgado, A, Maiques-Diaz, A, Díaz Muñoz, L, Marín-Rodríguez, M and Casado-Cid, B. 2015. Social theatre as a tool for environmental learning processes: a case study from Madrid, Spain. In: Monroe, M and Krasny, ME (eds.), Across the Spectrum: Resources for Environmental Educators 3rd ed. University of Florida, Cornell University,NAAEE. 281–296." 6,(Johansson and Isgren 2017),"Johansson, E. L., and E. Isgren. 2017. Local perceptions of land-use change: using participatory art to reveal direct and indirect socioenvironmental effects of land acquisitions in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Ecology and Society 22(1):3." 7,(Lederwasch 2012),"Lederwasch, A. 2012. Scenario art: A new futures method that uses art to support decision-making for sustainable development. Journal of Futures Studies, 17(1), 25-40." 8,(Merrie et al. 2017),"Merrie, A., Keys, P., Metian, M., & Österblom, H. (2018). Radical ocean futures-scenario development using science fiction prototyping. Futures, 95, 22-32." 9,(Pelzer & Veersteg 2019),"Pelzer, P., and Versteeg, W. 2019. Imagination for change: The Post-Fossil City Contest. Futures, 108, 12-26." 10,"(Pereira et al. 2019)","Pereira, L., Sitas, N., Ravera, F., Jimenez-Aceituno, A. and Merrie, A., 2019. Building capacities for transformative change towards sustainability: Imagination in Intergovernmental Science-Policy Scenario Processes. Elem Sci Anth, 7(1), p.35." 11,"(Pereira et al. 2018)","Pereira, L. M., T. Hichert, M. Hamann, R. Preiser, and R. Biggs. 2018. Using futures methods to create transformative spaces: visions of a good Anthropocene in southern Africa. Ecology and Society 23(1):19." 12,"(Pereira et al. 2020)","Pereira, L. M., Davies, K., Belder, E. d., Ferrier, S., Karlsson-Vinkhuysen, S., Kim, H., … Lundquist, C. J. (2020). Developing multi-scale and integrative nature-people scenarios using the IPBES Nature Futures Framework." 13,(Selin 2014),"Selin C., 2014. Merging art and design in foresight: making sense of emerge. Futures 70, 24–35."