No,Snowball,Title,URL/Reference,Source type,Scale,Selection,Origin
1,,IPBES RA,,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
2,,IPBES GA (scenarios chapters),,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
3,,IPBES Scenarios and Models assessment,,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
4,,Agenda 2030 (SDG futures),,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
5,,The Great Transition,,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
6,,GEO global assessments,,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
7,,GEO6 (2019),,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
8,,GEO6 Africa regional report,,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
9,,GEO4 (2007),,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
10,,GEO3,,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
11,,GEO-2000,,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
12,,GEO-1 (1997),,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
13,,GGEO: Gender and Environment (2016),,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
14,,GEO regional assessments,,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
15,,GEO: Small Island Developing States (2014),,grey literature,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
16,,GEO Africa (2017),,grey literature,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
17,,Geo Asia & Pacific (2018),,grey literature,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
18,,GEO Latin America and the Caribbean (2017),,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
19,,GEO North America ,,grey literature,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
20,,GEO Pan-European Region (2017),,grey literature,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
21,,GEO West Asia (2017),,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
22,,VALUES project,,project,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
23,,WCMC training visions for  National ecosystem assessments,,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
24,23-1,"USE OF BIODIVERSITY SCENARIOS AT LOCAL, NATIONAL AND REGIONAL SCALES",,policy-documents,global,0,Snowball (via No.23)
25,23-1-a,"CERES (2016). Exploratory socio-political scenarios for the fishery and aquaculture sectors in Europe. (Ed. Pinnegar, J. K. & Engelhard, G. H.). Deliverable D1.1 – Glossy ‘report card’ aimed at stakeholders. Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Lowestoft, 8pp.",,grey literature,regional,0,Snowball (via No. 24)
26,23-1-b,"Kok, M. et al. How Sectors Can Contribute To Sustainable Use And Conservation Of Biodiversity CBD Technical Report No. 79 (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2014).",,grey literature,global,1,Snowball (via No. 25)
27,23-1-c,"WWF, and AfDB. 2015. African Ecological Futures. Nairobi, Kenya",,grey literature,,1,Snowball (via No. 25)
28,,Besafe project,,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
29,,The Lele Mace book chapters,not found,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
30,,The world in 2050 project ,,project,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
31,30-1,Innovations for Sustainability. Pathways to an efficient and post-pandemic future. Report prepared by The World in 2050 initiative,,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via No. 30)
32,30-1-a,négaWatt (2017). Scénario negaWatt 2017-2050: hypothèses et résultats. negaWatt Association,,communication materials,national,0,Snowball (via No. 31)
33,30-1-b,,,communication materials,,0,Snowball (via No. 31)
34,30-2,Where are we heading: Visions and scenarios for the future of the SDGs following the COVID-19 crisis, ->,communication materials,global,0,Snowball (via No. 30)
35,30-2-a,Report of the Secretary-General on accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of the action and delivery for sustainable development," via,and%20delivery%20for%20sustainable%20development%22.&text=The%20segment%20will%20include%20the,for%20in%20resolution%2067%2F290.",policy-documents,global,1,Snowball (via No. 34)
36,30-2-b,"Report of the Secretary-General on long-term future trends and scenarios - impacts in the economic, social and environmental areas on the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals"," via,and%20delivery%20for%20sustainable%20development%22.&text=The%20segment%20will%20include%20the,for%20in%20resolution%2067%2F290.",policy-documents,global,1,Snowball (via No. 34)
37,30-3,The World in 2050 Report,,privat-sector/business sources,global,0,Snowball (via No. 30)
38,30-4,Earth 2050 by Kaspersky,,"fiction, utopias, distopias, blogs, predictions",global,0,Snowball (via No. 30)
39,peerRev.A-1,Energy [R]evolution 2012,,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
40,peerRev.A-2,"Energy Technology Perspectives (2015, 2020)",,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
41,peerRev.A-3,"World Energy Outlook (2015, 2020)",,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
42,peerRev.A-4,GEO3/4,Global sustainable development,grey literature,global,1,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
43,peerRev.A-5,World Energy Scenarios - World Energy council 2013,,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
44,peerRev.A-6,World Energy Scenarios 2019,,grey literature,global,1,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
45,peerRev.A-7,"CONSAVE 2050: R. Berghof, A. Schmitt, J. Middel, C. Eyers, R. Hancox, A. Grübler, M. Hepting.(2005) CONSAVE 2050 - Final Technical Report",,grey literature,,1,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
46,peerRev.A-8,"T.B. Johansson, A. Patwardhan, N. Nakicenovic, L. Gomez-Echeverri (Eds.), Global Energy Assessment (GEA), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York (2012)",,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
47,,Seeds of good anthropocene database,,database,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
48,,IPBES Nature Futures report,,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
49,,"Outputs from UNEP/WCMC has a list of documents, some on ""scenarios,"" others ""projections,"" and ""pathways.""",,grey literature,,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
50,peerRev.B-1,The Global Risks Report 2020,,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
51,peerRev.B-2,Getting physical: Scenario analysis for assessing climate-related risks,,privat-sector/business sources,global,0,Snowball (via peer reviewed lit)
52,peerRev.B-3,ECVC’s contribution for the EU Long Term Vision for Rural Areas,,communication materials,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
53,,newspaper databases - equivalents for government documents?,,media,,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
54,,2nd African Dialogue report,,grey literature,regional,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
55,,How on Earth: Flourishing in a Not-for-Profit World by 2050,,,,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
56,,"Geopolitical transformation scenarios towards a zero carbon future, or not (Nature)",,communication materials,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
57,,New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ Starting in 2050,,media,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
58,57-1,"Spratt & Dunlop 2019, Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach",,grey literature,global,0,Snowball (via No. 57)
59,,TEEB,;,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
60,,Towards a sustainable Europe by 2030 (EU Reflection paper) scenarios,,policy-documents,regional,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
61,,the CBD’s 2050 vision of “Living in harmony with Nature”,,policy-documents,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
62,,Global Survey on Sustainable Lifestyles,,grey literature,,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
63,,"Envisioning Lifestyles 
(outcome report seems irrelevant but more may be coming?)",,"fiction, utopias, distopias, blogs, predictions",,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
64,,"SSPs, SRES (Spangenberg 2012)",,,,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
65,,SusLife: Four Future Scenarios,,grey literature,national,1,Expert knowledge (Regional Balance)
66,,Agenda 21,,,,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
67,,Futures according to Aichi targets,-,grey literature,global,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
68,,the bible,,,,0,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
69,,IPBES Catalogue of Relevant Assessments,,grey literature,,1,FOD review (ID 2177)
70,,IPBES Land Degradation and Pollination Assessment,,grey literature,,1,FOD review (ID 2178)
71,,UN Harmony with Nature,,grey literature,,0,FOD review (ID 337)
72,,Earth Law Center Suggested Readings,,grey literature,,0,FOD review (ID 337)
73,,Global Alliance for Rights of Nature,;;;,grey literature,,0,FOD review (ID 337)
74,,"""Holistic Darwinism"" by Peter Corning",,,,0,FOD review (ID 1414)
75,,Roads from Rio+20,,grey literature,global,1,FOD review (ID 2178)
76,,Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 (GBO4),,grey literature,global,0,FOD review (ID 2178)
77,,Japan Satoyama Satoumi Assessment,,grey literature,national,1,FOD review (ID 2178)
78,,"visions of regional economic bodies like the EU, African Union (Agenda 2063)",,policy-documents,regional,1,FOD review (ID 2299)
79,,Vision 20:50. The new agenda for business.,World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). 2010. Vision 2050: The new agenda for business.,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
80,,A corporation's vision: Our vision is to create a better future in which people can improve their quality of life without increasing their environmental footprint. ,Unilever Sustainable Living Plan.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
81,,Regenerative capitalism: How universal principles and patterns will shape our new economy,"Fullerton, J. 2015. Regenerative Capitalism: How universal principles and patterns will shape our new economy. Capital Institute.",grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
82,,Procuring a regenerative economy,Volans. 2020. Procuring a Regenerative Economy: The Critical Role of Sourcing in Generating The Future We Want.,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
83,,Future-Fit Business Benchmark Methodology Guide ,Future-Fit Foundation. 2020. Future-Fit Business Benchmark Methodology Guide. Release 2.2.,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
84,,Our promise for a brighter world ,Dole. The Dole Promise.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
85,,People and Planet Positive: Ikea Group Sustainability Strategy ,IKEA Group 2014. People & Planet Positive: IKEA Group Sustainability Strategy for 2020.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
86,,New Nature Economy Report: Part II: The Future of Nature and Business,World Economic Forum. 2020. New Nature Economy Report: Part II: The Future of Nature and Business.,grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
87,,Plan A 2025 Commitments ,Marks and Spencer Group PLC. Plan A 2025 Commitments.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
88,,"Global Vision for a Social Solidarity Economy: Convergences and Differences in Concepts, Definitions and Frameworks  ","Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). 2015. Global Vision for a Social Solidarity Economy: Convergences and Differences in Concepts, Definitions and Frameworks.",grey literature,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
89,,Sustainability Vision 2030 Commitment to life ,Natura&Co. 2020. Sustainability Vision 2030: Commitment to Life.;;,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
90,,Statement of Ambition,OnePlanet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B): Statement of Ambition.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
91,,"2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report ","Walmart. 2020 Walmart Environmental, Social & Governance Report.",communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
92,,All in: Staying the course on our commitment to sustainability ,Amazon Sustainability. 2020. All In: Staying the Course on Our Commitment to Sustainability.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
93,,Environmental progress report 2020,Apple. 2020 Environmental Progress Report.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)
94,,Energy with Purpose: BP Sustainability Report 2019,BP p.l.c. 2020. Energy with Purpose: BP Sustainability Report 2019.,communication materials,global,1,Expert knowledge (VA authors)