Variable,Description,Format,Unit species_latin,"Taxonomic latin name, as genus and species of planted tropical peat swamp forest tree species (includes some palm species e.g., Areca and Metroxylon species)",Text,NA family,Taxonomic family of name of tree and palm species,Text,NA country,Country of plant functional trait collection,Text,NA province,Province of plant functional trait collection tree planting,Text,NA site_name,Name of site of plant functional trait collection,Text,NA habitat,"Habitat type of plant functional trait collection, including peat swamp forests, heath/kerangas forest, and lowland dipterocarp forests",Text,NA soil_type,"Underlying soil type of site of plant functional traits, namely peat, mineral or unknown",Text,NA plant_part,Plant part of functional trait measurement either leaf or wood,Text,NA unit,Unit of plant functional trait measurement,Text,Leaf nutrients g kg-1 and mg g-1 (leaf nutrients) and g cm-3 (wood density) trait,"Name of trait measured, for leaves nutritional content and wood density",Text,NA trait_value,Quantitative trait measurement,Numeric,Various (see unit column) references,"Literature and databases sources of trait measurements. References can be found in supporting information, appendix 1, Table S8",Text,NA