Eucosmocydia salticola (Meyrick, 1913), new combination

Eucosma salticola Meyrick 1913: 271; Razowski and Krüger 2007: 136.

Laspeyresia salticola: Razowski and Krüger 2007: 156.

Eucosmocydia prolixa Razowski and Wojtusiak 2012: 9, new synonym.

Eucosma salticola was described from 12 specimens, including both sexes, from Barberton, Three Sisters, and Waterval Onder, Transvaal, South Africa. According to Razowski and Krüger (2007), in addition to the male holotype, there are five paratypes in the DMP. The female holotype and its genitalia were figured by Razowski and Krüger (2007: fig. 147, 310, respectively).

Eucosmocydia prolixa was described from a holotype male from the Obudu Plateau, Nigeria; the description was accompanied by illustrations of the adult and genitalia (Razowski and Wojtusiak 2012: fig. 36, 131). Based on forewing maculation and morphology of the male genitalia, E. prolixa is almost certainly conspecific with E. salticola.

One of us (LA) has dissected specimens from South Africa, Malawi, Kenya, and Uganda that superficially resemble the type specimen of E. salticola figured by Razowski and Krüger (2007: fig. 147), and the genitalia of those specimens are nearly indistinguishable from those illustrated by Razowski and Krüger (2007, female) and Razowski and Wojtusiak (2012, male). Although the adult of E. prolixa has a slightly different forewing color, the pattern is essentially the same as that of E. salticola, and the female genitalia of E. salticola strongly resemble those of E. prolixa (see Agassiz and Aarvik 2014: fig. 33).