Experiment 1:
Obs = sample number
Potnum = pot number
Block = greenhouse block
Tubes = presence/absence of tubes
Inocmix = AM fungal spatial structure
Giginum = number of G. margarita
Gigisize = G. margarita spore diameter
Gigisizvar = variance of G. margarita spore diameter
Glomusnum = number of C. candidum spores
Glwhitesize = C. candidum spore diameter
Glwhitesizvar = variance of C. candidum spore diameter
Dateextracted = date spores collected
Name_extract = initials of lab tech who extracted spores
Datecounted = date spores were quantified
Datemeasured = date spores were measured
Inocmix3 = AM fungal spatial structure
Giginum2 = number of G. margarita (duplicate for ease of use)
Gigisiz2 = G. margarita spore diameter (duplicate for ease of use)
Gigivar2 = variance of G. margarita spore diameter (duplicate for ease of use)
Glomusnum2 = number of C. candidum spores (duplicate for ease of use)
Glomussize2 = C. candidum spore diameter (duplicate for ease of use)
Glwhitevariance = variance of C. candidum spore diameter (duplicate for ease of use)

"null" values represent missing data from pots where fungi did not sporulate or the host plant died
Experiment 2:
Obs = sample number
block = greenhouse block
Comp = plant community composition
SpatialSt = tubes type
Fungi = am fungal spatial structure
potnum = pot number
plantsp = individual plant species
_TYPE_ = coding (ignore)
_FREQ_ = coding (ignore)
shootwgt = plant above ground biomass
deadplnt = dead plant weight
TapRt = plantago tap root weight
Bulb = allium bulb weight
RtsA = allium root weights
RtsP = plantago root weights
FlowerWgt = flower weight
totalshoot = aboveground biomass of both plants per pot
totalplant = total above + below ground biomass of both plants
Height = plant height
Leave = plant leave number
Flower = plant flower number
GlomusW50 = C. candidum spores per 50 mL of soil
Gigaspora50 = G. margarita spores per 50 mL of soil
plantagotot = plantago total biomass
alliumtot = allium total biomass
alliumtot2 = allium combined biomass
Gigasporav100 = G. margarita per 100 mL of soil
glomussporediam = C. candidum spore diameter
lglomusw50 = log C. candidum per 50 mL of sol
glomusvol = C. candidum average spore volume
lglomusvol = log C. candidum average spore volume
glomustotvol = total C. candidum spore volume
lglomustotvol = log total C. candidum spore volume
llglomustotvol = unused
lGigasporav100 = log G. margarita volume per 100 mL of soil
ltotalshoot = log total aboveground plant biomass

"null" values correspond to plant species specific measurements (e.g., plantago don't form bulbs), lack of 
plant structure (e.g., not all plants flowered), or lack of fungal sporulation
Experiment 3
Obs = sample number
inocpot = pot that incolum came from in Exp. 2
Comp = prior plant community composition
tubes = prior physical spatial structure
Myc = prior AM fungal spatial structure
Plant = plant species growing in experiment 3
Block = greenhouse block
total_Root = total root biomass
total_shoot = total aboveground biomass - dry
bulb_Root = root + bulb/tap root biomass - dry
total_MASS = total above + belowground plant biomass - dry
Iheight = plant height
Ileaf = plant leaf number
WET MASS = plant mass prior to drying
WET MASS PARTIAL = ignore, unused
ctotal_MASS = wet total mass (unused)
ratio = plant root:shoot ratios (unused)

"null" values correspond to lack of plant structure (e.g., plantago does not form bulbs like Allium)