Buccinum gulbini nom. nov.

Buccinum costatum Golikov, 1980: 338–340, figs. 90, 187, 397 pl. 32 (2a, 2b). — Kantor & Sysoev 2006:164, pl. 78f (holotype).


Named in honour of Dr Vladimir Gulbin, Soviet and Russian malacologist, who studied gastropods of the Far East seas and Kurile Islands.

Type material


BERING SEA • lv (SL 88.5 mm); Bristol Bay; 54°20′7′′ N, 166°58′8′′ W; depth 600–760 m; F/ T Adler, stn 90; 1 Oct. 1964; ZIN 15778 /1.


Bristol Bay of the Bering Sea and northern Kurile Islands; depth 250–820 m (Golikov 1980).


The name Buccinum costatum Golikov, 1980 is a junior primary homonym of Buccinum costatum Linnaeus, 1758 [= Harpa costata (Linnaeus, 1758)] and Buccinum costatum Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 [= Cominella eburnea (Reeve, 1846)]. Since there is no known available and potentially valid synonym, according to art. 60.3 of ICZN the name Buccinum costatum Golikov, 1980 must be replaced by a new substitute name proposed herein.