"List of wind power projects in Vietnam" "Last updated:" 2022-04-28 "Press F9 to update counts and subtotals" "How to contribute:" "Make changes, format them in red, do not use cell comments." "Minh Ha-Duong " 21490.614 "License: Creative Commons 4.0 attribution-sharealike international." "Subtotal" "Meaning depends on filters" "Date and sign any changed row in cols ‘Date’ and ‘By’" "Subtotal" "Subtotal" "With contributions from Nguyen Lan Anh, Minh-Quan Tong and Hoang Nguyen" 97,237.8 MW "As integer" "Send for merging to : minh.haduong@gmail.com" 8,171.48 3,980.57 "Most used filter" "As in source, no conversion" 548 397 548 334 416 487 548 548 513 541 89 95 96 25 125 197 29 56 17 23 113 148 68 26 10 483 482 227 101 74 99 51 90 94 23 28 99 81 106 147 147 62 85 85 15 "Updated at 2021/11/1" "Chủ đầu tư" "[Hamlet] Commune(s)" "District(s)" "Province" "Region" "Phương án đấu nối" "Stage A" "Stage B" "Stage C" "Stage D" "Record update" "Notes go here, not in cell comment." "Index in source tables (see Notes)" "6742/EVN-TTD #12 " "Status" "Project stage" "Project name" "Owner" "[ấp] Xã" "Huyện" "Tỉnh " "Vùng" "Latitude" "Longitude" "Location type" "Capacity (MWp)" "Connection plan source #3" "Connection plan source #5" "Connection plan source #9" "Connection plan other source to verify" "Turbines" "Investment (billion VND)" "Investment (million USD)" "Exclusivity MoU" "Site survey licence" "Master plan submission" "Decision on Investment" "Power Purchase Agreement" "Ground breaking event" "Actual COD" "Inauguration event" "Date" "By" "Note" "Wind Plan lot #1" "Online sheet #2" "Letter 1931 #3" "GIZ 2012 #4" "EVN #5" "Gia Lai decision 68 #6" "BT plan Decision 4751 #7" "BT plan 543 #8" "PM decision 975 #9 (cf #3)" "Letter 10052 #10" "EVN 3/8 notice #11" "Annex 1 has PPA" "PPA capacity" "Annex 2 no COD" "Annex 3 COD" "COD capacity" "Annex 5 part COD" "Source as text" "Source URL 1" "Source URL 2" "Source URL 3" "Source URL 4" "Source URL 5" "Source URL 6" "Source URL 7" "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 1" "Thanh Tung Group" "Mẫu Sơn" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" 200.0 MW "Avantis AV928" 300 M$ 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Investment quoted as 200 million Euros" 1 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 12" "Huong Dien HD Investment JSC" "An Hải, Phước Hải, Phước Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 97.5 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 12 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 16" "Aerogie plus Solutions AG" "Phước Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 28.5 MW 70 M$ 2020-04-23 "HDM" 16 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 22" "Mien Dong JSC" "Hoa Phu, Phan Ri Thanh" "Tuy Phong, Bac Binh" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 39.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 22 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 28" "Van Thanh Co Ltd" "Hong Phong" "Bac Binh" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 40.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 28 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 30" "EAB" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 50.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 30 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 31" "WPD Vietnenergy JSC" "Tiến Thành, Hàm Cường" "TP Phan Thiết, Ham Thuan Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 100.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 31 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 33" "Cavico Transport and Construction" "Ninh Loan" "Đức Trọng" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" 30.0 MW "20x" 57 M$ 2020-04-23 "HDM" 33 "https://daiduong.net.vn/vi/projects/Nha-may-thuy-dien/Du-an-Dien-gio-100-MW-Cau-Dat-Thanh-pho-Da-Lat-Tinh-Lam-Dong.html" "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 34" "Aerogie,plus Solutions AG" "Côn Đảo" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" 6.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 34 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 36" "EAB Corporation (DE)" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" 50.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 36 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 38" "Asia Clean Energy Development and Investment - Service - Trade Co. Ltd. (Tien Thanh Wind Power Plant)" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 30 MW" 38 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 39" "Lien Nghia Investment JSC" "Binh Dai" "Ba Tri" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 250 MW" 39 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 40" "Lien Nghia Investment JSC" "Hiep Thanh" "Duyen Hai" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 28.5 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 93 MW" 40 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 41" "EAB (Germany) and TRASESCO General Services and Trade JSC (Vietnam) (Duyen Hai Wind Power Plant)" "Duyen Hai" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 41 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 42" "Vietnam Green Power JSC" "Vinh Hai" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 27.0 MW 5000 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 100 MW" 42 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 43" "Lien Nghia Investment JSC" "Trung Binh" "Tran De" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 100 MW" 43 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 44" "EAB Corporation & TRASESCO General Services and Trade JSC " "Vinh Phuoc, Vinh Tan" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 50 MW" 44 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 47" "Lien Nghia Investment JSC" "Ngoc Hien, Dam Doi" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 250.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" "Registered for 250 MW, phase 1 not given" 47 "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 5" "Vietnam Renewable Energy JSC (REVN)" "Phước Minh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 30.0 MW "25/02/2008 updated 10/12/2010" 2020-04-23 "HDM" 5 "http://www.ninhthuan.gov.vn/chinhquyen/thuannam/Pages/UBND-tinh-hop-chi-dao-xu-ly-doi-voi-du-an-dau-tu-xay-dung-cong-trinh-dien-gio-cua-Cong-ty-co-phan-Nang-luong-tai-tao-Viet-N.aspx" "Ghosted" "#4 table A2 row 7" "Greta Inc. (CA)" "Lợi Hải" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 90.0 MW 2020-04-23 "HDM" 7 "Zoned" "11 zones" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 3,160.0 MW "Letter 5934/VPCP-CN dated 21/7/2020, Letter 118/TTr-UBND and 118/TTr-UBND dated 16/7/2020" 2021-05-21 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ninh-Thuan-se-tap-trung-phat-trien-dien-khi-LNG-dien-gio-bien-6-164-9997" "Normal" "D – Operation" "7A Ninh Thuận" "Ha Do Group JSC" "Phuoc Minh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.40786975 108.8647699 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đường dây 110kV mạch kép về TC 110kV TBA 200kV Ninh Phước, dây dẫn AC300, chiều dài 12km" "110kV dual circuit line to busbar 110kV Ninh Phuoc 220 kV substation, AC300 conductor, length 12 km" "12x Enercon E138-EP3-E2" 1710 2019 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "3 turbines (12.6MW) CODed first in August. SPV decided March 2020, PPA signed 20/11/2020. Capital 455 billion VND, dette ? Video of almost complete install on youtube accessed 3/7/2021" 1 "II.1" 1 69 50.00 MW 17 50.00 MW "https://www.ssi.com.vn/en/individual-customer/hose-news/news/523718" "https://baodautu.vn/ha-do-trien-khai-du-an-dien-gio-tai-ninh-thuan-d117074.html" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "https://hado.com.vn/tap-doan-ha-do-ky-ket-hop-dong-mua-ban-dien-voi-tap-doan-dien-luc-quoc-gia-viet-nam-tai-du-an-dien-gio-7a" "https://vietnambiz.vn/ha-do-muon-huy-dong-210-ty-dong-tu-trai-phieu-trong-thang-1-2021-20210104203646301.htm" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGUPiDGM8_E" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dao-lam-3b3115151_a-little-sunny-running-on-the-wind-activity-6802810597294641152-4I2y" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ái Quốc" "Công ty CP Công nghệ Tài nguyên Năng lượng (TRE)" "Lộc Bình, Đình Lập" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 180.0 MW 8000 "GE asked 12/2020" 2022-04-26 "HDM" "GE survey was 253MW / 13000bn VND" "https://vietnamnet-vn.translate.goog/dai-bang-my-muon-rot-20000-ty-lam-dien-gio-o-lang-son-700705.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "B – Development" "Alpha VNM" "ERDF (FR) via its SG subsidiary" "Ea Sol, Đliê Yang, Ea Hiao" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 20.0 MW 650 02/01/21 2021-02-04 "HDM" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/dai-gia-singapore-rot-hon-2200-ty-xay-2-nha-may-dien-gio-o-dak-lak-20180504224249129.htm?fbclid=IwAR2kTeFIh-03QTQFLXbNTZz3xmSRY8W33PuQx1iTOVKgGbbInmdexH0TKvU" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-wind-power-projects-with-a-total-capacity-of-70-mw-in-dak-lak-have-been-granted-investment-policy.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Amaccao Quảng Trị (Tân Liên) phase 1" "AMACCAO" "Tân Liên, Húc" "Hướng Hóa, Khe Sanh" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.6324322 106.7090856 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối vào TC 110kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "Connect to busbar 110 kV Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station" "12x 4.1 MW" 1950 04/12/2018 "11/2020" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Company source says 100MW 2900bil VND but in 1931 for 50MW only" 8 "I.8" 2 111 49.20 MW 43 49.20 MW "letter 1681/SCT-QLNL" "https://dpi.quangtri.gov.vn/vi/van-ban-tiep-nhan/Cong-van/V-v-bo-sung-quy-hoach-cac-Du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-AMACCAO-Quang-6029/" "https://frgc7xq3u25qjgw7yhaayl33ve--vietnamfinance-vn.translate.goog/mot-tuan-quang-tri-cap-chu-truong-8-du-an-ve-dien-gio-hon-12000-ty-dong-20180504224247069.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Amaccao Quảng Trị (Tân Liên) phase 2" "AMACCAO" "Tân Liên, Húc" "Hướng Hóa, Khe Sanh" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 49.2 MW 1950 04/12/2018 12/02/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "letter 1681/SCT-QLNL" "https://dpi.quangtri.gov.vn/vi/van-ban-tiep-nhan/Cong-van/V-v-bo-sung-quy-hoach-cac-Du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-AMACCAO-Quang-6029/" "https://thanhnien.vn/thoi-su/ca-mau-kien-nghi-lam-ro-nang-luc-tai-chinh-cong-ty-cong-ly-1202753.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "AMI AC Đắk Lắk 1" "Công ty TNHH MTV AMI AC Renewables Đắk Lắk" "Ea H’ding, Ea Kpam, Ea Tul, Ea Tar và Cư Dliê Mnông" "Cư M'gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 99.0 MW "đường dây 220 kV Krông Búk – Thủy điện Sêrêpốk 4." "22x" 3758 "Yes, 4/8/2020" 2021-01-21 "HDM" "Proposed for MOIT PDP8 in Aug 2020" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Dak-Lak-de-xuat-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-7700-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach-6-164-7511" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "AMI AC Đắk Lắk 2" "Công ty TNHH MTV AMI AC Renewables Đắk Lắk" "Ea H’ding, Ea Kpam, Ea Tul, Ea Tar và Cư Dliê Mnông" "Cư M'gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 103.5 MW "đường dây 220 kV Krông Búk – Thủy điện Sêrêpốk 4." "23x" 3985 "Yes, 4/8/2020" 2021-01-21 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Dak-Lak-de-xuat-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-7700-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach-6-164-7511" "Normal" "B – Development" "An Ngãi" "An Ngãi" "Long Điền" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 28-02-18 2020-04-14 "NLA" "MOIT's Decision No.634/QĐ-BCT dated 28/02/2018, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://amaccao.vn/vi/news/post/tap-doan-amaccao-day-manh-dau-tu-cac-du-an-moi-truong-va-nang-luong/" "http://soct.baria-vungtau.gov.vn/web/guest/danh-cho-nha-dau-tu/-/ctbrvt/extAssetPublisher/content/319162/cong-bo-cong-khai-%E2%80%9Cquy-hoach-phat-trien-dien-gio-tinh-ba-ria-%E2%80%93-vung-tau-giai-doan-den-2020.html" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "An Phong" "Phát Triển Năng Lượng Thuận Phong (Thuan Phong Energy Development JSC)" "An Hải, Phước Hải, Phước Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 180.0 MW 282 M$ "Company registered 2008-04-17" 10 56 11 "https://amaccao.vn/vi/news/post/tap-doan-amaccao-day-manh-dau-tu-cac-du-an-moi-truong-va-nang-luong/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "An Thuan" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 250.0 MW "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh - Duc Thang – phase 2" "Công ty CP Tập đoàn Đức Thắng" "Kỳ Ninh sea" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 200.0 MW "40x" 8687 2022-04-28 "HDM" "https://baodautu.vn/eco-land-khao-sat-du-an-trang-trai-dien-gio-vung-bien-ky-anh-d160815.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Asia Đăk Song 1" "Super Energy Corp" "Nam Bình" "Đăk Song" "Ninh Thuận" "Tây Nguyên" 12.26884561 107.6068703 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép đấu transit trên ĐZ 110 kV Đăk Mil - Đăk Song; dây AC240; chiều dài 0,5km" "The 110 kV line with double circuit relay connection on the 110 kV line Dak Mil - Dak Song; wire AC240; length 0.5km" 1700 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 15 "III.15" 139 50.00 MW 55 "https://amaccao.vn/vi/news/post/tap-doan-amaccao-day-manh-dau-tu-cac-du-an-moi-truong-va-nang-luong/" "Normal" "D – Operation" "B&T 1" "AMI AC Renewables JSC of AC Energy Company of Ayala Group, Philippines" "Gia Ninh, Hải Ninh" "Quảng Ninh" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 17.34165344 106.705444 "Onshore" 109.2 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp vào đường dây 220 kV Đồng Hới - Đông Hà thông qua 02 trạm nâng áp 220 kV" "Connecting to the 220 kV Dong Hoi - Dong Ha transmission line through 02 220 kV booster stations" "26x Vestas" 3645 "Yes" 09/20/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "VN EPC is FECON. Source 3 quotes 8000bnVND for bhole. Builder JCT" 16 "I.16" 8 92 109.20 MW 26 109.20 MW "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-trinh-bo-sung-quy-hoach-dien-voi-cum-Dien-gio-BT-cong-suat-252-MW-6-164-5792" "https://baodautu.vn/quang-binh-khoi-cong-cum-trang-trai-dien-gio-tren-bo-lon-nhat-viet-nam-d129878.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Du-an-dien-gio-BT-Quang-Binh-du-kien-van-hanh-vao-quy-III2021-6-164-10218" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dao-lam-3b3115151_welcome-to-our-team-activity-6817848193863299072-vgDL" "https://renewablesnow.com/news/acen-ami-renewables-cut-ribbon-at-252-mw-wind-farm-in-vietnam-761912/" "Normal" "D – Operation" "B&T 2 phase 1" "AMI AC Renewables JSC of AC Energy Company of Ayala Group, Philippines" "Ngư Thủy Bắc" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 17.24548811 106.8169998 "Onshore" 100.8 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp vào đường dây 220 kV Đồng Hới - Đông Hà thông qua 02 trạm nâng áp 220 kV" "Connecting to the 220 kV Dong Hoi - Dong Ha transmission line through 02 220 kV booster stations" "24x V150-4,2" 3200 "Yes" 09/20/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Authorized for 151,2 MW, total for 252MW ws 8904bn VND" 16 "I.16" 9 93 100.80 MW 59 100.80 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/hoa-luoi-dien-quoc-gia-16-mw-dien-gio-bac-lieu.html" "https://baodautu.vn/quang-binh-khoi-cong-cum-trang-trai-dien-gio-tren-bo-lon-nhat-viet-nam-d129878.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Vestas-cung-cap-tuabin-gio-cho-du-an-trang-trai-dien-gio-BT-6-164-7359" "https://renewablesnow.com/news/acen-ami-renewables-cut-ribbon-at-252-mw-wind-farm-in-vietnam-761912/" "Normal" "D – Operation" "B&T 2 phase 2" "AMI AC Renewables JSC of AC Energy Company of Ayala Group, Philippines" "Ngư Thủy Bắc" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 17.24548811 106.8169998 "Onshore" 42.0 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp vào đường dây 220 kV Đồng Hới - Đông Hà thông qua 02 trạm nâng áp 220 kV" "Connecting to the 220 kV Dong Hoi - Dong Ha transmission line through 02 220 kV booster stations" "24x V150-4,2" 1268 "Yes" 09/20/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Authorized for 151,2 MW, total for 252MW ws 8904bn VND" 16 "I.16" 10 144 42.00 MW 64 42.00 MW "https://renewablesnow.com/news/acen-ami-renewables-cut-ribbon-at-252-mw-wind-farm-in-vietnam-761912/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bac Giang DN" "Công ty CP Thủy điện Mai Châu" "Bắc Giang" "Đông Bắc Bộ" "Onshore" 300.0 MW "meeting 16/12/2020" 2021-01-20 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bac-Giang-Dong-y-cho-doanh-nghiep-khao-sat-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8885" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Bạc Liêu 1" "Cong Ly Construction-Trade-Tourism Ltd." "Vĩnh Trạch Đông" "TP Bạc Liêu" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.23702 105.804466 "Intertidal" 16.0 MW "Thanh cái 110kV, TBA 220kV Bạc Liêu " "10x GE Energy 1.6-82.5" 963 01/10/11 "Yes" 06/03/11 05/29/13 2022-04-21 "HDM" "COD is for first two turbines (G7 and G9). Costs pro-rated." "*" 6 46 2 2 16.00 MW 2 16.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://www.power-technology.com/projects/bac-lieu-offshore-wind-farm/" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/nang-luong-tai-tao/khanh-thanh-giai-doan-2-nha-may-dien-gio-bac-lieu.html" "https://www.thewindpower.net/windfarm_fr_16385_bac-lieu-province-wind-power-plant.php" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Bạc Liêu 2" "Cong Ly Construction-Trade-Tourism Ltd." "Vĩnh Trạch Đông" "TP Bạc Liêu" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.23702 105.804466 "Intertidal" 83.2 MW "Thanh cái 110kV, TBA 220kV Bạc Liêu " "52x GE Energy 1.6-82.5" 4254 01/10/11 "Yes" 06/03/11 09/30/16 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Investment cost is for phase 1+2. New 22 110kV-63 MVA transformer stations and ~30km of 110kV transmission lines were built. COD is for last turbine G62. . Costs pro-rated." "*" 6 46 2 2 83.20 MW 2 83.20 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/BVQI1347365592.64/view" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Bạc Liêu 3" "CP Super Wind Energy Công Lý 1" "Vĩnh Trạch Đông" "TP Bạc Liêu" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.261219685 105.7956543 "Intertidal" 142.0 MW "Thanh cái T220 Bạc Liêu, dây ACKP 400, mạch kép dài 18km" "71x" 8900 "Yes" "1/2018" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "CP Super Wind Energy Công Lý 1 = Cong Ly + Thai Investor." 1 15 1 3 15 140.60 MW 60 "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://www.vir.com.vn/110-million-wind-farm-kicked-off-in-bac-lieu-67119.html" "Zoned" "Bắc Phú Yên 1" "An Ninh Dong, Hoa Hai" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ? See also Tuy An 1-3" "III.48" "Zoned" "Bắc Phú Yên 2" "An Ninh Dong, Hoa Hai" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ?" "III.49" "Zoned" "Bắc Phú Yên 3" "An Ninh Dong, Hoa Hai" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ?" "III.50" "Zoned" "Bắc Phú Yên 4" "An Ninh Dong, Hoa Hai" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ?" "III.51" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Bach Long Vi" "Hai Phong Electricity" "Bạch Long Vĩ" "Hải Phòng" "Đồng Bằng Sông Hồng" 20.131791 107.730887 "Onshore" 1.0 MW "4x 250kW" 30 30/11/2015 2020-05-13 "HDM" "Hybrid wind solar diesel storage. Storage 500kW / 2MWh by Sungrow" "11816/QĐ-BCT dated 30/11/2015" "https://baodautu.vn/dien-luc-hai-phong-nhan-ban-giao-luoi-dien-bach-long-vi-d39690.html" "https://nangluongvietnam.vn/dich-vu-chuyen-dung-va-toan-dien-cua-sungrow-cho-cac-nha-may-dien-mat-troi-28649.html" "Normal" "E – Decommission" "Bach Long Vi" "National Youth Union" "Bạch Long Vĩ" "Hải Phòng" "Đồng Bằng Sông Hồng" "Onshore" 0.4 MW "Made Technolas Renovables S.A." 34 "6/2003" "Island 140km from coast. Failed 2x800kW hybrid project 2003-2006 : https://www.nhandan.com.vn/xahoi/item/11186202-.html, grid handover from Nothern EVN to Hai Phong power.iG 2015., plan to install 4 masts. Source windpower,net : 1 Made AE-52 turbine for 0.8 MW" 51 "http://wikimapia.org/29355447/vi/nh%C3%A0-m%C3%A1y-%C4%91i%E1%BB%87n-gi%C3%B3-%C4%91%E1%BA%A3o-B%E1%BA%A1ch-Long-V%C4%A9" "Normal" "B – Development" "Bảo Thạnh" "Ba Tri" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.01260115 106.644692 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TBA 22/110 kV - 63 MVA; ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn dài 10 km, AC240 về trạm 110 kV Ba Tri" "22/110 kV transformer station: 63 MVA; 110 kV single-circuit transmission line 10 km long, AC240 to Ba Tri 110kV station" 2200 "12/2017" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "2 ?" 12 "IV.12" "Normal" "B – Development" "BCG Sóc Trăng 1" "Bamboo Capital Group (BCG)" "Hòa Đông" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.422614946 106.0680127 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TBA 22/110 kV - 63 MVA; ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn về TBA 220 kV Vĩnh Châu dài 8 km, ACSR185" "22/110 kV - 63 MVA transformer station; the single-circuit 110 kV line to Vinh Chau 220 kV transformer station is 8 km long, ACSR185" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 27 "IV.27" "Decision no.2071/QĐ-UBND of Sóc Trăng province dated 26/07/20109" "https://soctrang.gov.vn/Default.aspx?sname=ubnd-stg&sid=4&pageid=469&catid=54288&id=301917&catname=Cac-du-an-chuan-bi-dau-tu&title=Quyet-dinh-so--2071-QD-UBND-cua-UBND-tinh-Soc-Trang-phe-duyet-ket-qua-lua-chon-nha-dau-tu-thuc-hien-Du-an-dau-tu-dien-gio--vi-tri-so-17-theo-Quy-hoach-phat-trien-dien-gio-" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bến Tre 500MW" "AIT + Mainstream" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW "Yes" 2021-12-03 "HDM" "FS done and submitted for PDP8" "https://www.mainstreamrp.com/insights/Agreement-with-AIT-to-co-develop-500-mw-offshore-wind-project/" "https://www.mainstreamrp.com/vietnam/" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 1" "Thạnh Phong, Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 125.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 10" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 190.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 11" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 120.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 2" "Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 80.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 3" "Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 140.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 4" "Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 120.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/vi/nha-may-dien-gio/dien-gio-ben-tre-dong-tua-bin-gio-sg-45-145-cua-siemens-co-mat-o-viet-nam-113.html" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 5" "Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 110.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 6" "Thạnh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 15.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 7" "Bảo Thuận, Tân Thủy, An Thủy" "Ba Tri" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 110.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 8" "Thới Thuận" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 80.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "http://sigma.net.vn/en/project-a/ben-tre-wind-farm-v13-project.html" "Zoned" "Bến Tre decision 2497 row 9" "Thới Thuận" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 140.0 MW 2020-04-15 "NLA" "MOIT Decision no.2497/QĐ-BCT dated 18/03/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Ben Tre province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://energycentral.com/news/vestas-secures-fourth-intertidal-wind-project-and-first-20-year-service-contract-vietnam-1" "http://sigma.net.vn/en/me-news/sigmas-pride-on-the-site-of-ben-tre-wind-farm-project.html" "," "Normal" "B – Development" "Bến Tre Green Energy" "Công ty TNHH đầu tư năng lượng xanh miền Tây" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 70.0 MW 2898 "20/07/2017" "8 ?" "https://acis.com.vn/ben-tre-thu-hut-7-du-dien-gio/" "Zoned" "Bến Tre zone 1-1" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA Thạnh Phú (2xACSR-185, 35km) " 2020-04-16 "HDM" 6 "Zoned" "Bến Tre zone 1-2" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA NMĐG Vùng 1-1 (2xACSR-185, 9km) " 2020-04-16 "HDM" 7 "Zoned" "Bến Tre zone 1-4" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA NMĐG Vùng 1-5 (2xACSR185, 8km)" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 9 "Zoned" "Bến Tre zone 1-5" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA 110kV Bình Đại (2xACSR185, 10km)" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 10 "https://www.cc1jsc.com.vn/du-an/nha-may-dien-gio-binh-thuan.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bến Tre zone 3 and 6" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 155.0 MW "Connecting to the 110kV Thạnh Phú substation; ACSR185, 14.4 km" "3 + 6" "Decision 800 PPC dated 4/4/2017 approved IC for wind location No. 6; onshore, Decision 2212 PPC dated 18/9/2017 approved IC for wind location No. 3; nearshore" "Zoned" "Bến Tre zone 9" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 140.0 MW 9 "Normal" "B – Development" "Beta VNM" "ERDF (FR) via its SG subsidiary" "Cư Bao, Ea Ngai, Ea Tul" "Krông Búk, Cu M’gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 1560 02/01/21 2021-02-04 "HDM" "Must find when added to Masterplan" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/dai-gia-singapore-rot-hon-2200-ty-xay-2-nha-may-dien-gio-o-dak-lak-20180504224249129.htm?fbclid=IwAR2kTeFIh-03QTQFLXbNTZz3xmSRY8W33PuQx1iTOVKgGbbInmdexH0TKvU" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-wind-power-projects-with-a-total-capacity-of-70-mw-in-dak-lak-have-been-granted-investment-policy.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Biển Cổ Thạch phase 1" "Công ty CP Đầu tư HLP" "10-40 km" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW "Nhà đầu tư đề xuất xây dựng mới trạm biến áp nâng áp 220/500 kV Cổ Thạch, công suất 2x900 + 450MVA (đặt trên bờ); xây dựng mới đường dây 500 kV 02 mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp 220/500kV Cổ Thạch đấu nối chuyển tiếp vào đường dây 500kV Vĩnh Tân-Sông Mây, dây dẫn phân pha 4xACSR795MCM, chiều dài 12 km./ Cùng với đó, xây dựng mới đường dây 500kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp 220/500kV Cổ Thạch đấu nối vào thanh cái trạm biến áp 500kV Châu Đức, dây dẫn phân pha 4xACSR795MCM, chiều dài 190km và mở rộng 2 ngăn lộ 500kV tại trạm biến áp 500kV Châu Đức." 30730 "Proposed" 2021-02-24 "HDM" "Total investment 102.432 bnVND. HLP unqualified ?" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-thong-tin-ve-cac-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-8381" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/nha-may-dien-gio-bien-co-thach-hon-44-ty-usd-binh-thuan-xin-dua-vao-quy-hoach-dien-viii-20180504224249916.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Biển Cổ Thạch phase 2" "Công ty CP Đầu tư HLP" "10-40 km" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 30730 "Proposed" 2021-02-24 "HDM" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Biển Cổ Thạch phase 3" "Công ty CP Đầu tư HLP" "10-40 km" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 800.0 MW 40973 "Proposed" 2021-02-24 "HDM" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "biển Kỳ Anh Eco Land" "CTCP Eco Land" "Kỳ Xuân, Kỳ Phú" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 498.0 MW 83 22161 2022-04-28 "HDM" "MoU 613/UBND-KT2 2022" "https://tapchicongthuong.vn/bai-viet/ha-tinh-khao-sat-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-bien-ky-anh-co-tong-von-dau-tu-gan-22000-ti-dong-87172.htm" "https://baodautu.vn/eco-land-khao-sat-du-an-trang-trai-dien-gio-vung-bien-ky-anh-d160815.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "BIM phase 2" "BIM Group" "Phuoc Minh, Phuoc Ninh, Phuoc diem" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.404055 108.861121 "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "II.1" "Normal" "D – Operation" "BIM/AC" "AC Energy (Ayala, PH) + BIM Energy" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 10.85287681 107.8772045 "Onshore" 88.0 MW "Đấu nối về TC 220kV TBA 500kV Vĩnh Tân bằng đường dây 220kV mạch đơn dây dẫn 2xACSR300, chiều dài 22km" "GE Cypress" 3110 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Turbines order press release 2021-05-27 way post-dated, the blades lifting video is from May 2021." 9 "II.9" 4 137 88.00 MW 20 88.00 MW "https://vietnamfinance.vn/ninh-thuan-tim-nha-dau-tu-cho-du-an-dien-gio-bim-3110-ty-dong-20180504224249733.htm" "https://www.ge.com/news/press-releases/ge-renewable-energy-wins-one-of-the-largest-onshore-wind-contracts-in-south-east-asia" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nguyenhauhuu_bimac-wind-project-88mw-activity-6803957935522369536-E-H-" "https://baodautu.vn/he-lo-nguyen-nhan-dien-gio-duoc-cod-it-du-gan-het-thoi-gian-uu-dai-d153838.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Bình Đại 1 phase 1 and 2" "Mekong Wind JSC, = Thanh Thanh Cong Group + Gulf (TH)" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.147902 106.775857 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "2x + 12x SG" 1500 "20/07/2017" "Yes" "28/11/2017" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Areas 10 and 11 of Province Wind Master Plan. Hiring on 10/10/2020. Ben Tre province in Decision No. 3052/QD-UBND dated November 20, 2020. In PDPVII" 10 25 5 19 30.00 MW 82 4.20 MW 13 "https://www.nhandan.com.vn/kinhte/item/34847702-khoi-xay-nha-may-dien-gio-gan-1-500-ty-dong-tai-ben-tre.html" "https://baodongkhoi.vn/du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-binh-dai-tuyen-dung-318-lao-dong-10102020-a78849.html" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arXGiw3Bpt8" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Bình Đại 2" "Mekong Wind JSC = Thanh Thanh Cong Group + Gulf (TH)" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.147802 106.775757 "Intertidal" 49.0 MW "Đấu gom các ĐG VPL Bến Tre-GDD1-2, ĐG Bình Đại, Bình Đại 2, Bình Đại 3 vào thanh cái 110 kV; sau đó đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Đại qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép dài 15km, ACSR-2x240" "Combine the Ben Tre VPL wind power plants - Phase 1-2, Wind Power Binh Dai, Binh Dai 2, Binh Dai 3 into the busbar 110 kV; then connect to Binh Dai 110 kV transformer station via 110 kV dual circuit line of 15 km long, ACSR-2x240" "12x" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Fined for building without MONRE sea surface use autorisation : 6106/BTNMT-TCBHDVN 7/10/21" 16 "IV.16" 6 131 49.00 MW 49 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Bình Đại 3" "Mekong Wind JSC = Thanh Thanh Cong Group + Gulf (TH)" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.147502 106.774757 "Intertidal" 49.0 MW "Đấu gom các ĐG VPL Bến Tre-GDD1-2, ĐG Bình Đại, Bình Đại 2, Bình Đại 3 vào thanh cái 110 kV; sau đó đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Đại qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép dài 15km, ACSR-2x240" "Combine the Ben Tre VPL wind power plants - Phase 1-2, Wind Power Binh Dai, Binh Dai 2, Binh Dai 3 into the busbar 110 kV; then connect to Binh Dai 110 kV transformer station via 110 kV dual circuit line of 15 km long, ACSR-2x240" "12x" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Fined for building without MONRE sea surface use autorisation : 6106/BTNMT-TCBHDVN 7/10/21" 17 "IV.17" 7 132 49.00 MW 50 "https://daiduong.net.vn/vi/projects/Nha-may-thuy-dien/Du-an-Dien-gio-100-MW-Cau-Dat-Thanh-pho-Da-Lat-Tinh-Lam-Dong.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bình Đại Ben Tre" "Mekong Wind JSC, = Thanh Thanh Cong Group + Gulf (TH)" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 400.0 MW 2021-06-19 "HDM" "Total 320MW according to Dutch report table 4.2, 400MW according to #10, and 1000MW source URL 1" 11 "I.12" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Zoned" "Binh Dinh 3" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 2,000.0 MW "? Duplicate PNE proposal ?" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Bình Thạnh 1 phase 1 (ex Tuy Phong)" "Vietnam Renewable Energy JSC (REVN)" "Bình Thạnh" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.217411 108.673494 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "theo QĐ 3566/QĐ-BCT ngày 22/6/2012 " "20x 1.5 MW Fuhrländer FL MD/77" 1458 "Yes" 04/18/12 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Project Phong điện 1-Bình Thuận, total capacity 120 MV in MOIT decision 4751. One turbine destroyed by fire on Jan 5, 2020 at 7am. Formerly called Tuy Phong plant, until Phu Lac was build the in same district." 1 2 18 16 1 1 30.00 MW 1 30.00 MW "https://en.nhandan.org.vn/business/item/1202702-.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Bình Thạnh 1 phase 2 (ex Tuy Phong)" "Vietnam Renewable Energy JSC (REVN)" "Bình Thạnh" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.21058 108.681203 "Onshore" 90.0 MW 3357 "Yes" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Project Phong điện 1-Bình Thuận, total capacity 120 MV in MOIT decision 4751. Province 2019 decision said phase 2 is 90MW 3357bn VND in two sub phases" 1 45 16 1 "I.B.30" 69 112 30.00 MW 37 "http://baodansinh.vn/binh-thuan-chay-tuabin-tru-dien-gio-20200105212151597.htm" "http://cpse.com.vn/khanh-thanh-nha-may-dien-gio-lon-nhat-dong-nam-a/ ." "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bình Thuận item 2 in 8214/BCT-DL" "Xuân Thiện Ninh Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 5,000.0 MW "Letter 2087/UBND-KT dated 3/6/2020" "Proposed" 2021-01-20 "HDM" "2087/UBND-KT ngày 3/6/2020 của UBND tỉnh Bình Thuận" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-thong-tin-ve-cac-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-8381" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Bò Ngoong" "Ia Bang, Ia Pet, Trang, Bờ Ngoong, Ia Tiêm, Chư Pong, Bar Maih" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.705715 108.060278 "Onshore" 350.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 60 "III.01" "Zoned" "Buôn Hồ 1" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "source is ???" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 51 "Zoned" "Buôn Hồ 2" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "source is ???" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 52 "Zoned" "Buôn Hồ 3" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 15.0 MW "source is ???" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 53 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Buôn Hồ 3 phase 2" "Cu Bao, Ea Sien, Binh Thuan, Phiong Tan Binh, Ea Drong" "Thi xa Buôn Hồ, Cu M’Gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.35" "https://haiquanonline.com.vn/bo-cong-thuong-muon-bo-sung-12-du-an-dien-gio-dien-mat-troi-vao-quy-hoach-117754.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cà Mau 1 phase 1A" "Tổng công ty Cổ phần Thương mại xây dựng (WTO)" "Tân Tiến, Nguyễn Huân, Tam Giang Đông" "Đầm Dơi, Năm Căn" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 88.0 MW "Thanh cái Trạm 220 Cà Mau 2, dây dẫn phân pha ACSR -3x400, chiều dài 50km" "21x 4.5" 2500 "Yes" 01/16/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Plan approved by the Prime Minister in Official Dispatch No. 1703/TTG-CN dated 30/11/2018" 41 29 88.00 MW 5 "https://www.tin247.com/khoi-cong-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-ca-mau-1-1-28195948.html" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/ca-mau-khoi-cong-nha-may-dien-gio-von-dau-tu-tren-10000-ty-dong-20180504224248434.htm" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cà Mau 1 phase 1B" "Tổng công ty Cổ phần Thương mại xây dựng (WTO)" "Tân Tiến, Nguyễn Huân, Tam Giang Đông" "Đầm Dơi, Năm Căn" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 88.0 MW "Thanh cái Trạm 220 Cà Mau 2, dây dẫn phân pha ACSR -3x400, chiều dài 50km" "21x 4.5" 2500 "Yes" 01/16/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" 41 30 88.00 MW 6 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cà Mau 1 phase 1C" "Tổng công ty Cổ phần Thương mại xây dựng (WTO)" "Tân Tiến, Nguyễn Huân, Tam Giang Đông" "Đầm Dơi, Năm Căn" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 88.0 MW "Thanh cái Trạm 220 Cà Mau 2, dây dẫn phân pha ACSR -3x400, chiều dài 50km" "21x 4.5" 2500 "Yes" 01/16/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" 41 31 88.00 MW 7 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cà Mau 1 phase 1D" "Tổng công ty Cổ phần Thương mại xây dựng (WTO)" "Tân Tiến, Nguyễn Huân, Tam Giang Đông" "Đầm Dơi, Năm Căn" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 86.0 MW "Thanh cái Trạm 220 Cà Mau 2, dây dẫn phân pha ACSR -3x400, chiều dài 50km" "20x 4.5" 2500 "Yes" 01/16/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" 41 32 86.00 MW 8 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Cà Mau 2" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 2,000.0 MW "Letter 9207/UBND-KT dated 12/12/2019" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Cam Tuyền 1" "Cam Tuyền" "Cam Lô" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "IV.4" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cầu Đất phase 1 and 2" "Đại Dương RE JSC (Ocean Renewable Energy JSC)" "Trạm Hành" "TP Đà Lạt" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 60.0 MW "Kết hợp Xuân Trường 1 và 2 - Transit 110kV Đa Nhim - Đơn Dương (5km, 2xACSR-185) " "15x GE 4MW-137" 1020 2009 08/20/12 "Yes" "21/03/2019" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Reactivated. #10 says already approved up to 68.9 MW." 21 55 "III.44" 11 63 68.00 MW 16 "http://cand.com.vn/Kinh-te/Xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-tren-do-cao-1-600m-537530/" "https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n_gi%C3%B3_C%C3%B4ng_L%C3%BD_S%C3%B3c_Tr%C4%83ng" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/gia-han-tien-do-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-cau-dat.html" "https://www.energyglobal.com/wind/23022021/ge-renewable-energy-awarded-vietnamese-wind-farm-contract/" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Chế Biến Tây Nguyên" "Công ty TNHH kinh doanh chế biến Tây Nguyên" "Bàu Cạn, Thăng Hưng" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.74281122 107.8941212 "Onshore" 49.6 MW "Đấu 22 kV về dự án Phát triển miền núi" "Connecting by 22 kV transmission line to wind power plant for mountainous development" 1700 "Yes" 09/24/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Seen in #3 but not in #6" 16 61 "III.16" 17 72 50.00 MW 21 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Gia-Lai-Khoi-cong-2-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-7981" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Chi Lăng" "Công ty CP Công nghệ Tài nguyên Năng lượng (TRE)" "Chi Lăng, Lộc Bình" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 120.0 MW 5500 2022-04-26 "HDM" "GE survey was 165MW / 6400bn VND" "https://vietnamnet-vn.translate.goog/dai-bang-my-muon-rot-20000-ty-lam-dien-gio-o-lang-son-700705.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Chơ Long" "CPCP Công ty Cổ phần Phong điện Chơ Long" "Chơ Long, Đak Pơ Pho" "Kông Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.74945883 108.4222427 "Onshore" 155.0 MW "Xây dựng trạm nâng áp 220kV đặt tại NMĐG Yang Trung, Đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên tuyến 220kV Pleiku 2 - TĐ An Khê (đầu tư chung với ĐG Yang Trung)" "Constructing a 220kV booster station located at Yang Trung wind power plant, connecting forward on the 220kV Pleiku line 2- An Khe hydropower plant (joint investment with Yang Trung wind power" "32x" 4619 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 6 69 "III.6" 12 94 155.00 MW 76 49.50 MW 9 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Chư Pưh" "Ia Phang, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW 2021-01-23 "HDM" "disregard tsvinvest.com web page" 45 "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Gia-Lai-keu-goi-dau-tu-91-du-an-nang-luong-6-164-5919" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Chư Sê" "Ia Glai" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2021-01-23 "HDM" "disregard tsvinvest.com web page" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Gia-Lai-keu-goi-dau-tu-91-du-an-nang-luong-6-164-5919" "Normal" "B – Development" "Côn Sơn (Tài Nguyên Xanh)" "EAB Corporation (DE)" "Côn Sơn Bay" "Côn Đảo" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 4.0 MW "Lưới điện 22kV Côn Đảo " 28-02-18 2020-04-14 "NLA" "Approved by MOIT. #4 row 34 mentions Aerogie.plus Solutions AG. Had delays." 35 39 "MOIT's Decision No.634/QĐ-BCT dated 28/02/2018, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "http://soct.baria-vungtau.gov.vn/web/guest/danh-cho-nha-dau-tu/-/ctbrvt/extAssetPublisher/content/319162/cong-bo-cong-khai-%E2%80%9Cquy-hoach-phat-trien-dien-gio-tinh-ba-ria-%E2%80%93-vung-tau-giai-doan-den-2020.html" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Công Hải (design phase)" "Greta Inc. (CA)" "Công Hải" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 66.0 MW "YnS-W Double rotor" 51 M$ "7/2013" 05/19/14 "Initially with Vietnam Electricity Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company (EVNIC), Saigon Industry Corporation, Power Generation Corporation 2 and HCMC Electric Power Trading Investment Corporation. Phase 1 was 3 test turbines. Total 1500 Md VND. Similar to Cốc Hải 1 project." 1 55 6 "https://www.evn.com.vn/d6/news/Cong-nghe-moi-cho-Nha-may-Dien-gio-Cong-Hai-1-141-17-11894.aspx" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Công Hải 1 phase 1" "Công ty Công nghiệp Sài Gòn" "Công Hải" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.78808986 109.118868 "Onshore" 3.0 MW "Connecting to busbar 220 kV Vinh Tan 500 kV transformer station by 220 kV single-conductor line 2xACSR300, length 22 km" "3 x 1 MV" 190 19/05/2014 "https://enternews.vn/1200-ty-dong-xay-nha-may-dien-gio-cong-hai-1-13512.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Công Hải 1 phase 2" "Công ty Công nghiệp Sài Gòn" "Công Hải" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.78808986 109.118868 "Onshore" 25.0 MW "Chuyển tiếp 110kV Ninh Hải - Nam Cam Ranh bằng đường dây mạch kép chiều dài 800m, dây phân pha 2xAC240" "Relay 110 kV Ninh Hai - South Cam Ranh by dual circuit line length 800 m, phase separation line 2xAC240" 1010 2021-01-13 "HDM" 6 "II.6" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/dai-phong-wind-power-project-has-been-licensed-for-investment.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Cong Ly Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Công ty TNHH Xây dựng Thương mại – Du lịch Công lý" "Xuyên Mộc" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" 10.5647104 107.5515955 "Onshore" 102.6 MW "Đường dây 110kV mạch kép đấu về trạm biến áp 110kV Xuyên Mộc, chiều dài 21,5 km" "The 110kV dual-circuit transmission line connects to the Xuyen Moc 110 kV transformer station, 21.5km in length" 4000 2021-01-13 "HDM" 1 "V.1" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Công Lý Sóc Trăng phase 1" "Super Wind Energy Công Lý Sóc Trăng" "Lai Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.26593816 105.8456889 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Thanh cái Trạm 220 Cà Mau 2, dây dẫn phân pha ACSR -3x400, chiều dài 50km" "15x 2MW" 1651 "Yes" "30/01/2018" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, total 5392bil VND" 45 86 13 13 30.00 MW 2 "https://www.vir.com.vn/cong-ly-kicks-off-two-more-wind-power-projects-56056.html," "https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n_gi%C3%B3_C%C3%B4ng_L%C3%BD_S%C3%B3c_Tr%C4%83ng" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNmJDaSXdG8" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Công Lý Sóc Trăng phase 2" "Super Wind Energy Công Lý Sóc Trăng" "Lai Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1651 "Pro rated costs" 45 "https://www.vir.com.vn/cong-ly-kicks-off-two-more-wind-power-projects-56056.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Công Lý Sóc Trăng phase 3" "Super Wind Energy Công Lý Sóc Trăng" "Lai Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 38.0 MW 2091 "Pro rated costs" 45 "https://www.vir.com.vn/cong-ly-kicks-off-two-more-wind-power-projects-56056.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Công ty CP Xây dựng Minh Thạch D&L" "Công ty CP Xây dựng Minh Thạch D&L" "Sông Cầu" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW 2022-04-26 "HDM" "Metmast authorize 4/22" "https://baodauthau.vn/minh-thach-d-l-duoc-phep-khao-sat-vi-tri-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-cong-suat-500-mw-tai-phu-yen-post122800.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Cu An" "Cu An" "Đắk Lắk" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW "6/2019" "disregard tsvinvest.com web page" "Zoned" "Cù Lao Dung" "Cù Lao Dung" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Calling for investor on 27/4/2022" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Soc-Trang-keu-goi-dau-tu-5-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-16234" "Zoned" "Cư M'gar 2" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 10.0 MW "source is ???" 2020-04-16 "HDM" 50 "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Gia-Lai-keu-goi-dau-tu-91-du-an-nang-luong-6-164-5919" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cư Né 1" "Cư Né" "Krông Búk" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.0757266 108.2314393 "Onshore" 49.8 MW "Gom công suất các NMDG Cư Né 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 về trạm nâng áp 22/220kV NMĐG Krong Buk 2x125MVA, đấu nối transit trên đường dây 220kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2" "Consolidate capacity of Cu Ne wind power plants 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 to 22 / 220kV booster station of Krong Buk wind power plant 2x125 MVA, connected forward on the 220 kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2 line" 2177 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 9 "III.9" 14 133 50.00 MW 51 "https://vietnamfinance.vn/dak-lak-tim-nha-dau-tu-cho-4-du-an-dien-gio-gan-7700-ty-dong-20180504224246467.htm" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Cư Né 2" "Cư Né" "Krông Búk" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.0757266 108.2314393 "Onshore" 49.9 MW "Gom công suất các NMDG Cư Né 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 về trạm nâng áp 22/220kV NMĐG Krong Buk 2x125MVA, đấu nối transit trên đường dây 220kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2" "Consolidate capacity of Cu Ne wind power plants 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 to 22 / 220kV booster station of Krong Buk wind power plant 2x125 MVA, connected forward on the 220 kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2 line" 1910 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 10 "III.10" 15 134 50.00 MW 52 "https://vietnamfinance.vn/dak-lak-tim-nha-dau-tu-cho-4-du-an-dien-gio-gan-7700-ty-dong-20180504224246467.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Cu Pong 1" "Cu Pong, Ea Ngai, Cu Dlie" "Krông Búk, Cu M’gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 48.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.37" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Cu Pong 2" "Cu Pong, Ea Ngai, Cu Dlie" "Krông Búk, Cu M’gar" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 48.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.38" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Cửu An" "CTCP Điện Gió Cửu An (5 investors)" "Cửu An, Song An" "An Khê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 14.02124368 108.7231936 "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Xây trạm nâng áp 110kV và tuyến đường dây 110kV dây dẫn AC185, đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên An Khê - Kbang, 0.5km" "Construction of 110 kV booster station and 110 kV transmission line AC185, relay connection on An Khe - Kbang, 0.5km" "14x EN-156/3.3" 2041 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "LinkedIn video of blade delivery on 3/7/2021. 669/QĐ-UBND 8/12/2020" 4 54 "III.4" 16 88 46.20 MW 46 46.20 MW "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-lee-2a713461_congratulations-for-the-first-blade-of-gai-ugcPost-6816740028660756481-t9Vi" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đại Phong (Thiện Nghiệp, Mui Ne phase 1)" "The Blue Circle + AC Energy (Alaya, SG)" "Thiện Nghiệp, phường Mũi Né" "TP. Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 10.989737 108.293267 "Onshore" 40.0 MW "10x V150-4.2" 1320 "06/2018" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Turbines in Cam Rang on 25/2/2020, picture complete by end of June 2021. AC Energy (Alaya group, PH) accounts for over 62% of the economic ownership including its 50% direct voting stake. Project completion of the first phase is expected in the First Half of 2020, in time for the new wind feed-in-tariff deadline of November 2021. Named project Thien Nghiep in 2012 plan. First in Asia for Cypress onshore wind platform GE 158-5MW" 14 14 14 "I.B.41" 58 40.00 MW 12 40.00 MW "https://www.thebluecircle.sg/dai-phong-project-1" "https://renewablesnow.com/news/aboitizpower-to-buy-394-mw-wind-farm-in-vietnam-666508/ " "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/herv%C3%A9-grillot-bb680a115_thebluecircle-acenergy-windharvester-activity-6813972094330642432-b1xA" "https://www.thebluecircle.sg/news-tbc/2021/11/22/acen-and-the-blue-circle-reach-commercial-operations-for-the-mui-ne-phase-2-project" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thebluecircle-sg_windfarm-thebluecircle-windenergy-activity-6793583755186573312-K67A" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/herv%C3%A9-grillot-bb680a115_windenergy-windharvester-acenergy-ugcPost-6806776817152753664-ouFQ" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đăk Hòa" "Công ty TNHH Điện gió Quang Minh Đắk Nông, Envision" "Đăk Song" "Ninh Thuận" "Tây Nguyên" 12.31038716 107.6720316 "Onshore" 49.5 MW "ĐZ 220 kV đấu transit trên ĐZ 220 kV Đăk Nông - Buôn Kuop, AC2x330, chiều dài 2km" "The 220 kV transmission line connects to the 220 kV line Dak Nong - Buon Kap, AC2x330, with a length of 2 km" "15x3.3MW" 1600 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 3 "III.3" 18 138 50.00 MW 77 49.50 MW "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Kôi 1" "Đăk Tò Long" "Kon Rẫy" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 29.7 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.32" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Kon Rẫy 1" "Đăk Tò Re" "Kon Rẫy" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 28.8 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.29" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Kon Rẫy 2" "Ngoc Réo, Đăk Tò Re" "Đăk Hà, Kon Rẫy" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 29.7 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.30" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Kon Rẫy 3" "Đăk Tò Long" "Kon Rẫy" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 28.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.31" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Đăk ND’ rung 1" "Công ty TNHH MTV Năng lượng Đắk N’Drung Đắk Nông" "Đăk Song" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" 12.34292173 107.6455958 "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Đấu nối về thanh cái 220kV TBA 220kV Đắk Nông" "Connection to the 220 kV busbar for the 220 kV Dak Nong transformer station" 3315 10/01/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 23 "III.23" 79 100.00 MW 23 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Dak-Nong-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-3-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8095" "https://www.vir.com.vn/110-million-wind-farm-kicked-off-in-bac-lieu-67119.html," "https://bnews.vn/khoi-cong-khu-dieu-hanh-nha-may-dien-gio-dong-hai-1/119621.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Đăk ND’ rung 2" "Công ty TNHH MTV Năng lượng Đắk N’Drung Đắk Nông-1" "Đăk Song" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" 12.34292163 107.6455948 "Onshore" 96.9 MW "Đấu nối về thanh cái 220kV TBA 220kV Đắk Nông" "Connection to the 220 kV busbar for the 220 kV Dak Nong transformer station" 3903 10/01/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 24 "III.24" 19 80 100.00 MW 24 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Dak-Nong-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-3-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8095" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Đăk ND’ rung 3" "Công ty TNHH MTV năng lượng Đắk N'Drung Đắk Nông-2" "Đăk Song" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" 12.342921 107.64559 "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Đấu nối về thanh cái 220kV TBA 220kV Đắk Nông" "Connection to the 220 kV busbar for the 220 kV Dak Nong transformer station" 3310 10/01/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 25 "III.25" 20 81 100.00 MW 25 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Dak-Nong-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-3-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8095" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Pơ" "Mirat Energy + HLP" "An Thành" "Đăk Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW "" "" "" 2021-02-24 "HDM" 69 "http://www.devi-renewable.com/2019/04/mirat-energy-ky-hop-tac-phat-trien-hai.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Psi 1" "Đăk Ui" "Đăk Hà" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.26" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Psi 2" "Đăk Ui" "Đăk Hà" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.27" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Psi 3" "Đăk Long" "Đăk Hà" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.28" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đăk Ta Ley" "Đăk Ta Ley" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 49.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 15 "III.21" "http://baodaklak.vn/channel/3483/201909/buoc-ngoat-cho-cong-nghiep-dien-gio-5649876/?fbclid=IwAR0sNQO00e3SOWQoRXdt3qlCGlkyuM8zjgKgp7KTEkbEGAIc7vAaqAHn6jw," "http://tietkiemnangluong.vn/d6/news/Day-nhanh-tien-do-thi-cong-trang-trai-dien-gio-dau-tien-o-Tay-Nguyen-111-136-11660.aspx" "Normal" "B – Development" "Đầm Nại 4 (Ba Thap)" "TSV + The Blue Circle" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.64047587 109.0333293 "Onshore" 27.6 MW "Đấu nối về TC 110kV TBA 220kV Tháp Chàm, dây Ac300 dài 2km" "Connecting to the 110 kV busbar Thap Cham 220 kV transformer station, AC300 line 2 km long" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 2 "II.2" "http://tsvinvest.com/du-an/du-an-dien-gio-dam-nai-4-ba-thap-167.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đầm Nại phases 1+2" "Scatec (NO) (built by Blue Circle +TSV Vietnam then sold)" "Bắc Sơn" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.640475 109.03332 "Onshore" 39.4 MW "Đấu nối về TC 110kV TBA Điện Gió Đầm Nại 4, dây dẫn AC240, chiều dài 1.8km" "gđ 1: TC 22kV trạm Ninh Hải, gđ 2: transit 110kV Tháp Chàm - Ninh Hải (AC300, 0,9km)" "Connecting to busbar 110 kV Dam Nai 4 wind power substation, AC240 conductor, length 1.8km" "(3+12)x 2,625 MW Gamesa SG 2.6-114 " 1523 "Yes" "01/04/2017" 01/20/18 2022-04-21 "HDM" "COD noted for phase 1 (7.9 MW). Grounbreaking phase 2 = 20/01/2018" 13 7.8 4 59 "II.4" 10 39.38 MW 8 39.38 MW "http://tsvinvest.com/du-an/du-an-dien-gio-dam-nai-1-164.html" "http:// tsvinvest.com/du-an/du-an-dien-gio-dam-nai-2-165.html" "Delayed" "C – Implementation" "Điện gió Khu du lịch Khai Long – Cà Mau phase 1" "Bamboo Capital Group (previously CP Super Wind Energy Công Lý 1)" "Đất Mũi" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 8.56688 104.828605 "Intertidal" 100.0 MW "Thanh cái 110kV, TBA 110kV Ngọc Hiển" "50x" 5519 "06/06/2018" "Yes" "26/09/2016" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Includes 22/110kV substation, fifty 0,69/22kV substations, a 2.6km-long 22kV line and an undersea cable system over 62km long to connect the turbines. Delayed in 2016-2017, then added Super Wind Energy (Thailand) as investor. PPA signed 31/10/2017" 1 24 48 42 11 100.00 MW 1 "MOIT's Decision No.1402/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ca Mau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "http://gizenergy.org.vn/vn/article/khoi-cong-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-khu-du-lich-khai-long" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/ca-mau-kien-nghi-cam-moc-thuc-dia-du-an-dien-gio-5500-ty-dong-20180504224248487.htm" "https://thanhnien.vn/thoi-su/ca-mau-thu-tien-thue-mat-bien-du-an-dien-gio-thu-dung-nhung-con-bat-cap-1394346.html" "Delayed" "B – Development" "Điện gió Khu du lịch Khai Long – Cà Mau phase 2" "Bamboo Capital Group (previously CP Super Wind Energy Công Lý 1)" "Đất Mũi" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 8.620436559 104.7239964 "Intertidal" 100.0 MW "Gom về TBA 110 kV ĐG Khai Long (vị trí đấu nối ĐG Khai Long gdd1)" "source empty" "Bring together the transformer station 110 kV of Khai Long wind power (connection position of Khai Long wind power Phase 1)" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Project delayed." 2 18 40 "IV.18" "MOIT's Decision No.1402/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ca Mau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://www.thewindpower.net/windfarm_fr_24013_khai-long-ca-mau.php" "https://www.k2management.com/news/trio-owners-engineer-vietnam" "Delayed" "B – Development" "Điện gió Khu du lịch Khai Long – Cà Mau phase 3" "Bamboo Capital Group (previously CP Super Wind Energy Công Lý 1)" "Đất Mũi" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 8.620436559 104.7239964 "Intertidal" 100.0 MW "Gom về TBA 110 kV ĐG Khai Long (vị trí đấu nối ĐG Khai Long gdd1)" "source empty" "Bring together the transformer station 110 kV of Khai Long wind power (connection position of Khai Long wind power Phase 1)" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 3 19 40 "IV.19" "MOIT's Decision No.1402/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ca Mau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Dohwa" "Dohwa – Korea Green Energy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 49.0 MW "Lehwa Dohwa complex with PV and Biomass" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-trinh-bo-sung-quy-hoach-dien-voi-cum-Dien-gio-BT-cong-suat-252-MW-6-164-5792" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đơn Dương 1, 2, 3, 3A" "Công ty CP đầu tư EMI thực hiện" "Lạc Xuân, Ka Đô, P'ró" "Đơn Dương" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW "48x 4-4.2" 7600 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Lam-Dong-muon-bo-sung-them-4-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-15502" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Dong Ea H’leo" "Ea Khal, Ea Ral" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.39" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đông Hải 1 – Trà Vinh" "Trung Nam Group" "Đông Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.0 MW "Collect to ECOTECH Dong Hai 220 kV transformer station, then connect to the 220 kV busbar - Duyen Hai 500 kV transformer station via 220 kV dual circuit 9 km line, ACSR-2x330" "25x4 SG 5.0-145" 5000 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Not same as V3-6. Homonym with project in bac lieu. material error in letter 1931." 34 "IV.34" 22 107 100.00 MW 67 100.00 MW "Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://renews.biz/66213/siemens-gamesa-secures-vietnamese-nearshore-project/" "https://portal.vietcombank.com.vn/News/newsevent/Pages/Vietcombank.aspx?ItemID=9731" "https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/business/20211018/vietnamese-company-installs-last-wind-turbine-at-219mn-project-in-mekong-delta/63643.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đông Hải 1 phase 1" "Công ty CP Năng lượng Bắc Phương. Bắc Phương Energy JSC / Unison" "Long Điền Đông" "Đông Hải" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.128078 105.573173 "Intertidal" 48.3 MW "TC 110kV Trạm cắt Hòa Bình 2 (Transit 2 mạch Hòa Bình - Đông Hải)" "12x V150-4.2 MW" 2497 "11/04/2018" "Yes" 04/15/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Trạm biến áp nâng áp 22/110kV - 1x63MVA; đường dây 110kV đấu nối nhà máy với đường 110kV Hòa Bình – Đông Hải" 3 74 4 20 50.00 MW 11 50.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-Dong-Hai-1tai-Bac-Lieu-6-164-3680" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA_jAoSjGOU" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n53dqS6TCKk" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-dong-hai-1" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Đông Hải 1 phase 2" "Công ty CP Điện gió Bắc Phương. Bắc Phương Energy JSC / Unison" "Long Điền Đông" "Đông Hải" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.137297661 105.5470529 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Đấu gom về TBA 220 kV ECOTECH Đông Hải đấu nối về TC 220 kV - TBA 500 kV Duyên Hải qua ĐZ 220 kV mạch kép" "TC 110kV Trạm cắt Hòa Bình 2 (Transit 2 mạch Hòa Bình - Đông Hải)" "Gathering to ECOTECH Dong Hai 220 kV transformer station connected to the busbar 220 kv - Duyen Hai 500kV transformer station via 220 kV dual circuit lines" "13 x V150-4.2 MW Vestas" 2500 07/15/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Total 2 phases is 100MW, 5500 bn VND" 4 1 5 "IV.1" 21 71 50.00 MW 18 50.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-giai-doan-2-du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-Dong-Hai-1-6-164-8244" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nm-dien-gio-dong-hai-1-gd2" "https://baodautu.vn/he-lo-nguyen-nhan-dien-gio-duoc-cod-it-du-gan-het-thoi-gian-uu-dai-d153838.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đông Hải 1 phase 3" "Đông Hải" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 550.0 MW "Letter 5656/UBND-TH dated 12/12/2019" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đông Hai 3" "Dong Hai" "Duyen Hai" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 120.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.03" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Đông Hải 5.1" "Đông Hải" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 1,500.0 MW "Letter 1818/UBND-TH dated 5/6/2020" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "B – Development" "Đông Thành 1" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.745554866 106.5589493 "Intertidal" 80.0 MW "Gom về TBA 220 kV Đông Thành và đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên 1 mạch 220 kV ECOTECH Đông Hải - 500 kV Duyên Hải" "Gathering the 220 kV Dong Thanh substation and relaying connection on a 220 kV ECOTECH Dong Hai - 500 kv Duyen Hai circuit" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "same as V3-7 ?" 32 "IV.32" "http://wikimapia.org/29355588/vi/d%E1%BB%B1-%C3%A1n-nh%C3%A0-m%C3%A1y-%C4%91i%E1%BB%87n-gi%C3%B3-Gia-Lai" "Normal" "B – Development" "Đông Thành 2" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.72609812 106.5627258 "Intertidal" 120.0 MW "Gom về TBA 220 kV Đông Thành và đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên 1 mạch 220 kV ECOTECH Đông Hải - 500 kV Duyên Hải" "Gathering the 220 kV Dong Thanh substation and relaying connection on a 220 kV ECOTECH Dong Hai - 500 kv Duyen Hai circuit" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "same as V3-5 ?" 33 "IV.33" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Dun 1" "Dun" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 73 "III.20" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Soc-Trang-Khoi-cong-xay-dung-Nha-may-dien-gio-Lac-Hoa-6-164-5601" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Duyên Hải (V1-4)" "CP Năng lượng châu Á và Tập đoàn Uniso (South Korea)" "Đông Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 48.3 MW "12x 2.4MW GE" 2000 "8/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "21 x 2.3MW, 125M$. . https://www.vir.com.vn/tra-vinh-gives-licence-for-wind-power-project-51270.html. Terminated for slow progress sep 2018 http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/thu-hoi-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-duyen-hai-tra-vinh.html" 2 23 45 48.00 MW 12 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/thu-hoi-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-duyen-hai-tra-vinh.html," "https://nongnghiep.vn/tra-vinh-dau-tu-hon-125-trieu-usd-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-duyen-hai-d200077.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Duyên Hải V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.8" "SG-CCG Group" "V2.2 V2.3 V2.4 V2.5 V2.8" "Duyên Hải, Cầu Ngang" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 220.0 MW 01/15/20 "9/2021" 2022 2020-05-13 "Decision 13309/2015/QD-BTC states Zone 2 is Cau Ngang onshore ; zone 1 is Duyen Hai near-shore. Investor says 4000bn VND unrealistic." "2.2, 2.3. 2.4. 2.5, 2.8" "http://tietkiemnangluong.com.vn/tin-tuc/du-an-trien-khai/t26348/ccg-group-dau-tu-dien-gio-tai-tra-vinh.html" "https://www.travinh.gov.vn/1438/38523/70709/607141/quy-hoach/quy-hoach-phat-trien-dien-gio-tinh-tra-vinh-giai-doan-den-2020-co-xet-den-2030" "Normal" "B – Development" "Ea H’Leo phase 1, 2" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.26660637 108.2065677 "Onshore" 57.0 MW "Đấu 110 kV mạch đơn về Trạm 110 kV Ea H'leo; AC240; dài 13 km" "source is ???" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "#5 lists Ea H’leo 1 2 3 4 total 45 MW" 1 "46 47 48 49" "III.1" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ea H’Leo phases 3+" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 93.0 MW 2021-05-27 "HDM" "Expected 150MW wind and 200MW solar. (sic URL)" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/Du-an-EaH-Leo.html" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/en/Du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-phu-lac-giai-doan-2.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ea Nam" "Trung Nam Group" "Ea Nam" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 400.0 MW "84x Enercon, mix 4 MW E138 E2 EP3 and 5.5MW E-160 E2 EP5. Turbine fire 19/4/22." 16500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Site pic show 8 cranes at work." 23 130 400.00 MW 19 399.60 MW "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6815960282838405121-tTNM" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ea Sin 1" "Ea Sin, Cu Ne" "Krông Búk" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.36" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Envision Hoang Hoa" "Envision Energy" "Hoằng Hóa" "Thanh Hóa" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "15x3 + 2x2.5" 2020-04-23 "HDM" "https://thanhhoa.gov.vn/portal/Pages/2019-11-28/Chu-tich-UBND-tinh-tiep-va-lam-viec-voi-doan-cong-8xa89t.aspx" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Envision Quang Binh" "Envision Energy" "Sen Thủy, Thái Thủy, Văn Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.63019612 106.5949772 "Onshore" 120.0 MW "http://socongthuong.hatinh.gov.vn/index.php/phat-trien-nang-luong-tai-tao-tai-quang-binh/n139.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Envision Thai Binh phase 2" "Envision Energy" "Nam Thịnh" "Tiền Hải" "Thái Bình" "Đồng bằng sông Hồng" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 12 56 M$ 2020-04-23 "HDM" "UBND meetup 23/4/2019" "https://thaibinh.gov.vn/tin-tuc/tin-kinh-te/cong-ty-envision-energy-de-xuat-nghien-cuu-thuc-hien-du-an-d.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "FECON Ba Ria – Vung Tau" "Công ty CP Năng lượng FECONCông ty CP Năng lượng FECON" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW "220kV Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu bằng đường dây mạch kép dài khoảng 50km (15km đường dây trên không 220kV đi trên đất liền và 35km cáp ngầm 220kV đi dưới biển)." "01/2021" 2021-01-20 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ba-Ria-Vung-Tau-cho-phep-nghien-cuu-du-an-dien-gio-tren-bien-cong-suat-500MW-6-164-9102" "Delayed" "A – Preliminary" "Fujiwara Binh Dinh" "Fujiwara" "núi Bà, thôn Tân Thanh xã Cát Hải" "Phù Cát" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" 9.879571916 106.6704748 "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-21 "HDM" "Mixed solar/wind plant, 50MW solar part opened 27/6/2019, total budget $63 mil. No visible start on sat view in Jan 2021." "https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n_m%E1%BA%B7t_tr%E1%BB%9Di_v%C3%A0_%C4%91i%E1%BB%87n_gi%C3%B3_Fujiwara_B%C3%ACnh_%C4%90%E1%BB%8Bnh" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "GEC Chư Prông" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện Gia Lai" "Ia Bang" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Wind mast up since 5/8/2019." "http://scigroup.vn/vi/du-an-dien-gio/cot-do-gio-gec-chu-prong.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Gelex 1" "Quảng Trị Gelex Energy company" "Hướng Linh, Hướng Hiệp" "Đakrông" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 29.4 MW "TC 110kV Trạm Gelex 3 (gom về TBA 220kV Hướng Linh)" 1219 "27/12/2018" "12/02/2019" "Yes" 10/01/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Equity Hướng Phùng wind power JSC 20%" 65 "73 74 75" 24 53 29.40 MW 50 29.40 MW "http://xml18.quangtri.gov.vn/xml_skhdt/VBDI/SKHDT-BC-657-2020.pdf" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Gelex 2" "Quảng Trị Gelex Energy company" "Hướng Linh, Hướng Hiệp" "Đakrông" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 29.4 MW "TC 110kV Trạm Gelex 3 (gom về TBA 220kV Hướng Linh)" 1219 "27/12/2018" "12/02/2019" "Yes" 10/01/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Equity Hướng Phùng wind power JSC 20%" 65 "73 74 75" 25 54 29.40 MW 29 29.40 MW "Normal" "D – Operation" "Gelex 3" "Quảng Trị Gelex Energy company" "Hướng Linh, Hướng Hiệp" "Đakrông" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 29.4 MW "TC 110kV Trạm Gelex 3 (gom về TBA 220kV Hướng Linh)" 1219 "27/12/2018" "12/02/2019" "Yes" 10/01/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Equity Hướng Phùng wind power JSC 20%" 65 "73 74 75" 26 55 29.40 MW 49 29.40 MW "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Gia Lai" "Ia Băng, Ia Tiêm" "Đak Đoa and Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 49.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 47 "III.03" "Ghosted" "B – Development" "Gia Lai" "Highland wind power JSC" "Pleiku" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 40.5 MW 1500 2020-04-20 "NLA" "Company website offline, CDM project submitted 31/1/2011" 50 32 "http://www.vtcomtech.com/hoi-dap/1759-hoidap-ds-cac-nha-may-dien-gio" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 1" "Kông Bờ La" "K'Bang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 1 "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 10" "Lơ Pang and Kon Thup" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 10 "https://baodautu.vn/dau-tu-1000-ty-dong-xay-dung-du-an-dien-gio-dau-tien-tai-gia-lai-d112031.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 11" "Chư Pong" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 11 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 12" "Ia Dêr" "Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 12 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 14" "Ia Bang and Ia Tôr" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 14 "http://www.devi-renewable.com/2019/03/super-energy-corp-mua-2-du-den-gio-hbre.html," "https://enternews.vn/bao-dong-do-cho-moi-truong-dau-tu-tai-phu-yen-nhung-rao-can-ngang-chan-doanh-nghiep-164990.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 17" "Ia Blư, Ia Phang, Nhơn Hòa and Chư Don" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 17 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 18" "Ia Bang" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 2020-04-13 "NLA" 18 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 19" "Tú An and Xuân An" "An Khê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 19 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 2" "Kông Lơng Khơng and Cư An" "K'Bang and Đak Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 173.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 2 "https://nld.com.vn/kinh-te/tra-vinh-khoi-cong-du-an-dien-gio-78-mw-20200229110118535.htm" "https://www.antconsult.vn/news/wind-power-in-vietnam-attracts-the-attention-of-foreign-investors.html#ixzz6Dqp0w2Rz," "https://www.lecourrier.vn/electricite-eolienne-en-voie-de-developpement/713525.html," "https://www.energycentral.com/news/hiep-thanh-wind-power-project-deadline-well-within-reach-0" "https://vietnamnews.vn/economy/652911/tra-vinh-to-get-145m-wind-power-plant.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 20" "Ia Pal, Ia Blang and Dun" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 20 "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-xay-dung-Nha-may-dien-gio-Hoa-Binh-1-tai-Bac-Lieu-6-164-3781," "https://thanhnien.vn/tai-chinh-kinh-doanh/khoi-cong-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-2800-ti-dong-1088085.html," "https://bnews.vn/khoi-cong-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-hoa-binh-1-tai-bac-lieu/124042.html" "https://ocean-energyresources.com/2020/01/03/vestas-wins-intertidal-project-in-vietnam/" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 21" "Ayun" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 21 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 22" "Ayun" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 22 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 23" "Đak Jo Ta" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 23 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 24" "H'ra, Đak Ta Ley, Lơ Pang, Kon Chiêng, Đê Ar, Đăk Trôi and Kon Thụp" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 595.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 24 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 25" "Kông Long Khong, Kông Bờ La, Nghĩa An, Đăk Hlo, Đông, Tơ Tung and Cư An" "K'Bang and Đak Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 600.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 25 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 26" "Ia Đreng, Ia Hru, Chư Don, Ia Hla and Nhơn Hòa" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 26 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 27" "Ia Dêr" "Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 27 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 28" "Ia Tôr, Ia Me, Ia Pia and Ia Bang" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 28 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 29" "Thăng Hưng, Bàu Cạn and Ia Phìn" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 29 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 3" "Kong Yang" "Kong Cho" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 104.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 3 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 30" "Ia Pia, Ia Ga" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 30 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 31" "Thăng Hưng and Bàu Cạn" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 31 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 33" "Ayun Hạ and Ia Ke" "Phú Thiện" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 33 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 34" "Ia Blu, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 34 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 35" "Ia Phang" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 35 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 36" "Ia Tôr, Ia Me, Ia Kly and Chư Prông" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 36 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 37" "An Thành and Tơ Tung" "Đăk Pơ and K'Bang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 37 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 38" "Đăk Djrang, Đăk Ya, Lơ Pang and Kon Dong" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 210.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 38 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 39" "Đông, Nghĩa Anh and K'Bang" "K'Bang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 110.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 39 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 4" "Ia Tiêm" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 4 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 40" "Bình Giáo, Đrăng, Ia Phìn and Thăng Hưng" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 40 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 41" "Ia Tô, Ia Grăng" "Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 41 "https://devi-renewable.com/news/dien-gio-huong-linh-1-di-vao-van-hanh/" "https://www.facebook.com/vestas/posts/the-30-mw-huong-linh-1-wind-farm-featuring-15-vestas-2-mw-platform-turbines-has-/2809538069081687/" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 42" "Ia Phang, Ia Hru" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 90.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 42 "https://baodautu.vn/quang-tri-con-hang-chuc-du-an-dien-gio-dien-mat-troi-cho-bo-sung-vao-quy-hoach-d116579.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 43" "H'Bông" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 48.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 43 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 44" "Ia Rong and H'Bông" "Chư Pưh and Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 48.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 44 "http://www.tietkiemnangluong.vn/d6/news/UBND-tinh-Quang-Tri-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-Nha-may-Dien-gio-Huong-Linh-4--115-109-12831.aspx" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 46" "Ia Glai" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 46 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 48" "An Thành" "Đak Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 48 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 5" "Glar" "Đak Đoa " "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 5 "https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n_gi%C3%B3_H%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Bng_Ph%C3%B9ng" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 50" "An Trung, Chư Krey" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 250.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 50 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 51" "Pờ Tó, Chư Răng, Kim Tân" "Ia Pa" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 500.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 51 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 52" "Pờ Tó, Chư Răng, Kim Tân" "Ia Pa" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 500.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 52 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 56" "Ia Hla" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 56 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 57" "Kong Yang, An Trung" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 57 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 58" "Kong Yang, An Trung" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 58 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 6" "Ia Hlop" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 6 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 63" "Kon Thup and Đê Ar" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 63 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 64" "Chư Pong" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 64 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 65" "Ia Phìn, Ia Băng, Bàu Cạn, Ia Kly and Chư Prông" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 231.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 65 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 67" "Đak Djrang" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 67 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 69" "Chơ Long, Đak Pơ Pho" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 155.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 69 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 7" "Bar Maih, Bờ Ngoong, Al Bá and Ayun" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 140.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 7 "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ky-ket-dau-tu-phat-trien-Nha-may-dien-gio-KOSY-Bac-Lieu-6-164-3787" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 72" "Ia Phang, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 228.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 72 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 74" "Dun" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 74 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 75" "Ia Phang" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 75 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 76" "Tơ Tung, Kon Long Kong" "K'Bang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 76 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 77" "Thăng Hưng, Ia Pech" "Chư Prông and Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 77 "https://ndh.vn/doanh-nghiep/pc1-mua-lai-cong-ty-dien-gio-lien-lap-1255863.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 8" "Đak Ya, Đak Drjang and Kon Dong" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 8 "http://www.tbw.com.vn/en/du-an-loi-hai.html," "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-dien-gio-loi-hai-truoc-nguy-co-bi-huy-dau-tu.html" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 80" "Ia Glai, Ia Băng" "Chư Sê and Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 80 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 82" "Yang Nam" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 120.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 82 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 83" "Ia Sol, Ia Yeng, Chư A Thai" "Phú Thiện" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 600.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 83 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/dai-phong-wind-power-project-has-been-licensed-for-investment.html" "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 86" "Ia Ko, Ia Blang, Ia H'lốp and Ia Dreng" "Chư Sê and Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 97.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 86 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 87" "HBông" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 87 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 88" "Ia Le, Ia Blu" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 1,400.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 88 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 89" "Ia Blu" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 500.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 89 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 9" "An Thành, Yang Bắc and Đak Pơ" "Đắk Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 9 "Zoned" "Gia Lai decision 68 row 90" "Ia Blu" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" 90 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Gulf Bến tre 3" "Gulf (TH)" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 2,300.0 MW "Letter 3678/TTr-UBND dated 22/7/2020" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Gulf Trà Vinh" "Gulf (TH)" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW "Letter 2679/UBND-CNXD dated 14/7/2020" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Ha Do Group JSC" "Ha Do Group JSC" "Ngư Thủy Trung, Sen Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 50.0 MW "http://socongthuong.hatinh.gov.vn/index.php/phat-trien-nang-luong-tai-tao-tai-quang-binh/n139.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hà Dô Quang Tri" "Hà Dô" "Huong Phùng, Tân Thành" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "IV.3" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hải Anh" "Lao Bao" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.63019612 106.5949772 "Onshore" 40.0 MW "ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn đấu về TC 110 kV Trạm 220 kV Lao Bảo, dây 240 mm2, dài 2km" "Single-circuit 110 kV line to busbar 110 kV station 220 kV Lao Bao, line 240 mm 2 , length 2 km" "10x4MW" 1565 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Restauration forestière" 12 "I.12" 105 145 40.00 MW 61 "Normal" "B – Development" "Hải Phong" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.879571916 106.6704748 "Intertidal" 200.0 MW "TBA 35/220 kV: 2x250 MVA; ĐZ 220 kV về TBA 220 kV mỏ Cày, dài 2x50km, ACSR-2x500" "35/220 kV transformer station: 2x250 MVA; the 220 kV line to the Mo Cay 220 kV transformer station, 2x50km long, ACSR-2x500" "7x SG 4.5 – 145" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "1 ?" 9 "IV.9" "Ghosted" "Hàm Cường 1" "JUWI Việt Nam" "Tiến Thành" "TP Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 15.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV ĐG Hàm Cường 2" "Not by 2020-03-10" 18 33 18 "I.B.44" "Ghosted" "Ham Kiem 1" "Liên doanh Công ty CP Za Hưng và Công ty CP Đầu tư An Lạc" "Hàm Kiệm, Hàm Cường, Hàm Mỹ" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 15.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV ĐG Hàm Kiệm 1" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-04-08 "HDM" 20 36 20 "I.B.48" "Normal" "B – Development" "Ham Kiem phase 1 (Ham Kiem 2)" "Tổng Cty Xây dựng số 1 – CTCP (Construction corporation No.1 – JSC)" "Hàm Kiệm, Hàm Mỹ" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 15.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV ĐG Hàm Cường 1" 698 09/01/17 2020-05-13 "HDM" 21 35 21 "I.B.37" "Decision 2024/BXD-KHTC" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ham Kiem phase 2" "Tổng Cty Xây dựng số 1 – CTCP (Construction corporation No.1 – JSC)" "Hàm Kiệm, Hàm Mỹ" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "?? relation with Zoned Ham Kiem 2" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hàm Thuận Nam (Bình Thuận item 3 in 8214/BCT-DL)" "Cường Thịnh Thi Group" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 900.0 MW "Proposed" 2021-01-20 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-thong-tin-ve-cac-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-8381" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hàn Quóc – Trà Vinh (Trà Vinh phase 1)" "Climate Investor One (NL) and ST International (Korea)" "Đông Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.68281518 106.5768343 "Intertidal" 48.0 MW "Thanh cái 110kV Duyên Trà " "12xV150-4.2MW" 2400 "5/2016" 03/12/15 "Yes" 01/20/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Project V1-4 in decision 13309. Old plan 24 x 2MW. Re-launched 24/4/2019. Approved grid-connection: the busbar 110kV, Duyên Trà 110kV substation; 16km; ACSR240. New 22/110kV substation, 25+40MVA. CI1 commited 71 millions, ST International the rest. Builder TNHH Khang Đức." 1 41 87 27 28 48.00 MW 38 48.00 MW "MOIT Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://nhandan.org.vn/kinhte/item/39967502-tai-khoi-cong-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-o-tra-vinh.html," "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trMDmCK4Ct4" "https://khangducconst.com/project/dien-gio-tra-vinh/" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXRayQhyHyw" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hanbaram" "Equis (SG), Landville Energy Co Ltd (S Korea)" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 117.0 MW "29x" 150 M$ 02/07/18 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Impayés en 2022/01. As seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Divided on 3 lots. Paradis fiscal. Route sur terres agricoles sans autorisation." 2 28 97 117.00 MW 61 24.00 MW 2 "http://www.mpi.gov.vn/en/Pages/tinbai.aspx?idTin=39146&idcm=122" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/Phu-Lac-Project.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "HBRE An Thọ phase 1" "HBRE Phú Yên" "An Thọ" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 200.0 MW "48x" 4956 2022-04-26 "HDM" "Are Super and Sembcorp still in?" "https://vietnambiz.vn/hbre-lam-du-an-dien-gio-gan-5000-ty-dong-tai-phu-yen-20211120071150165.htm" "https://www.vir.com.vn/phu-yen-province-receives-wind-power-mega-project-55915.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "HBRE Chư Prông phase 1" "HBRE + Super Energy Corporation (TH)" "Ia Băng, Ia Phìn" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.81626521 107.9924121 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Transit 110kV Diên Hồng - Chư Sê" 1810 "23/11/2018" "Yes" "29/11/2019" "" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Quoted at ‘Over 1000bn VND’. SUPER entered in March 2019." 27 54 29 38 50.00 MW 54 50.00 MW "http://www.devi-renewable.com/2019/03/super-energy-corp-mua-2-du-den-gio-hbre.html" "https://congthuong.vn/gia-lai-se-co-them-du-an-phong-die-n-1810-ty-dong-129154.html" "https://devi-renewable.com/news/super-energy-corp-mua-2-du-den-gio-hbre/" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cong-nguyen-van-4b7138157_grow-up-ugcPost-6818469345233039361-goSW" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "HBRE Chư Prông phase 2" "HBRE + Super Energy Corporation" "Ia Băng, Ia Phìn" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 18.12887018 106.2474806 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "http://quynhonport.vn/tin-tuc/cac-du-an-dien-gio-nam-2020-tai-khu-vuc-tay-nguyen-va-co-hoi-cho-cang-bien-nam-trung-bo-271.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "HBRE Hà Tĩnh" "HBRE Wind Power Solution" "núi Hoành Sơn" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 18.12887018 106.2474806 "Onshore" 125.0 MW "Chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 110 kV Kỳ Anh - Hà Tĩnh" "Relay connection on the 110 kV Ky Anh - Ha Tinh transmission line" "25x 5MW" 4687 09/25/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 15 "I.15" 116 120.00 MW 40 "http://vree.vn/tin-tuc-cong-ty/ha-tinh-cho-phep-hbre-khao-sat-do-gio-tai-ky-anh" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/ninh-thuan-moi-goi-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-phuoc-dan.html" "http://icon.com.vn/vn-s83-162602-620/Tap-doan-HBRE-dau-tu-tren-4200-ty-dong-xay-dung-du-an-dien-gio-dau-tien-tai-Ha-Tinh.aspx" "https://nhadautu.vn/huy-dong-70-von-vay-tin-dung-hbre-muon-danh-thuc-tiem-nang-dien-gio-o-ha-tinh-d36276.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/approving-the-policy-on-investment-in-hbre-ha-tinh-wind-farm.html" "Ghosted" "B – Development" "HBRE Phú Yên phase 1" "HBRE + Super Energy Corporation (TH) + Sembcorp (SG)" "An Thọ, An Hiệp, An Lĩnh" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 300.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "100x" 9000 "23/11/2018" 01/19/18 "Delayed" "" 2020-04-08 "HDM" "Appraisal meeting with MoIT for inclusion into master plan; Phase 1: 100MW by 2019; Phase 2: 100 MW by 2020; Phase 3: 100 MW by 2021." 26 61 "`" "https://www.vir.com.vn/phu-yen-province-receives-wind-power-mega-project-55915.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/ninh-thuan-moi-goi-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-phuoc-dan.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "HBRE Tây Nguyên phase 1" "HBRE Wind Power Solution" "Đliê Yang" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.165395 108.265725 "Onshore" 28.8 MW "12x 2.4MW GE" 1400 12/29/20 03/06/15 "Yes" "10/2017" 12/31/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" "EPC: IBS, Très touristique." 19 "III.42" 5 28.80 MW 4 28.80 MW "http://www.htl.vn/vn/Tin-Tuc/tin-cong-ty/le-khoi-cong-du-an-trang-trai-phong-dien-tay-nguyen-giai-doan-i/," "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/qu%C3%BD-phan-62613818a_through-back-2-years-ago-missingtny-ugcPost-6814392375373385728-pk7l" "Normal" "B – Development" "HBRE Tây Nguyên phase 2 (Ea Nam)" "HBRE Wind Power Solution" "Đliê Yang" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.14242251 108.1930369 "Onshore" 110.0 MW "New construction of the 500 kV - 450 MVA transformer station, connecting to the relay connection on the 500 kV Pleiku - Di Linh transmission line" "44x" 4253 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Turbines pro-rated to 132, costs pro-rated to 13000 bil VND, 2017 – 2022. Assume this is « Ea Nam » project in Letter 1931. Planned at 400MW" 2 "III.2" "http://tietkiemnangluong.vn/d6/news/Day-nhanh-tien-do-thi-cong-trang-trai-dien-gio-dau-tien-o-Tay-Nguyen-111-136-11660.aspx" "Normal" "B – Development" "HBRE Tây Nguyên phase 3 (Ea Nam)" "HBRE Wind Power Solution" "Đliê Yang" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 300.0 MW "New construction of the 500 kV - 450 MVA transformer station, connecting to the relay connection on the 500 kV Pleiku - Di Linh transmission line" "76x" 7347 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Turbines pro-rated to 132, costs pro-rated to 13000 bil VND, 2017 – 2022. Assume this is « Ea Nam » project in Letter 1931. Planned at 400MW" 2 "III.2" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Normal" "B – Development" "HBRE Vung Tau" "HBRE Wind Power Solution" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW 35000 "12/2019" "Yes" 2020-04-14 "NLA" "Typo missing in letter 1931's Appendix 6, but database showed in other part of the letter. PDP registration decision 10823 / VPCP-CN" "Letter 1931, Article V.5 and Appendix 1" "https://baodautu.vn/de-xuat-bo-sung-dai-du-an-dien-gio-500mw-hbre-vung-tau-vao-quy-hoach-dien-luc-quoc-gia-d112423.html" "https://www.pvpower.vn/ninh-thuan-de-xuat-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-vao-quy-hoach/" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Letter 4715-CV/BKTTW dated 15/6/2020. Letter 5931/VPCP-CN dated 21/7/2020." "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "HCG Hoài Nhơn" "HCG" "Hoài Nhơn " "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 150.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 220kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp tại Nhà máy đến đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên một mạch đường dây 220kV Quảng Ngãi - Phù Mỹ hiện có" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "HE Gia Lai" "HE" "Ia Vê and Ia Ko" "Chư Prông and Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 53 "III.10" "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/vi/nha-may-dien-gio/tham-canh-tren-canh-dong-dien-gio-103.html" "http://www.baoquangtri.vn/Ph%C3%B3ng-s%E1%BB%B1-Ghi-ch%C3%A9p/modid/412/ItemID/145515" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hiệp Thạnh (Tra Vinh 3)" "Ecotech + Janakuasa (SG) + Mr. Lam Minh" "Hiệp Thạnh" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.719330291 106.5678757 "Intertidal" 77.3 MW "source empty" "18x 4.2 MW SG" 3370 "01/08/2018" "Yes" 02/28/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Project V1-5 and V1-6 in decision 13309. 48MW on lot 1.5 and 30MW on lot 1.6. Financed 80% by CIO (Climate Investment One - Pays-Bas) & Samtan International (KR). Approved in 2015" "1.5, 1.6" 40.42 88 30 27 77.30 MW 74 12.80 MW 7 "MOIT Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://vnexpress.net/kinh-doanh/tra-vinh-sap-co-them-du-an-dien-gio-gan-3-400-ty-dong-3796552.html," "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/ground-breaking-of-hiep-thanh-wind-power-project.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hòa Bình 1" "Công ty Phương Anh" "Vĩnh Hậu" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.19153 105.696278 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA 110kV Hòa Bình" "13 x V150-4.2 MW Vestas" 2850 "Yes" 01/06/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" "10 turbines delivered in 3.8MW and three in 4.0 MW operating modes." 2 75 3 18 50.00 MW 14 50.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1403/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Bac Lieu province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030""" "https://forbesvietnam.com.vn/tin-cap-nhat/vestas-gia-tang-cong-suat-khai-thac-dien-gio-tai-viet-nam-8790.html," "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hòa Bình 1 phase 2" "Công ty Phương Anh" "Vĩnh Hậu" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.179287276 105.6746177 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối về tại vị trí ĐG Hòa Bình 1 giai đoạn 1 (đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Hòa Bình qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép)" "Back to Hoa Binh 1 substation 1 phase (connecting to Hoa Binh 110 kV transformer station via 110 kV dual circuit lines)" 2500 "Yes" 07/26/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "4 turbines (15,2MW) CODed first in August" 2 2 "IV.2" 31 75 50.00 MW 16 50.00 MW "https://forbesvietnam.com.vn/tin-cap-nhat/vestas-gia-tang-cong-suat-khai-thac-dien-gio-tai-viet-nam-8790.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-wpps-with-a-total-capacity-of-100-mw-have-been-started-up-in-bac-lieu-province.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bac-Lieu-Chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-Dong-Hai-1-giai-doan-2-6-164-7377" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hòa Bình 2" "Công ty Phương Anh" "Vĩnh Hậu" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.175559069 105.6704978 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối về Trạm cắt 110 kV Hòa Bình (tại vị trí TBA 220 kV Hòa Bình) qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép" "Connecting to Hoa Binh 110 kV switching station (at Hoa Binh 220 kV transformer station) via dual-circuit 110 kV line" 2823 "Yes" 07/26/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" 2 3 "IV.3" 32 123 50.00 MW 62 50.00 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-wpps-with-a-total-capacity-of-100-mw-have-been-started-up-in-bac-lieu-province.html" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-hoa-binh-2" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hòa Bình 5 phase 1" "Bac Lieu Hancom Energy JSC (Công ty Phương Anh)" "Vĩnh Hậu, Vinh Thinh" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.18403221 105.6883506 "Onshore" 79.8 MW "ĐZ 220kV mạch kép sử dụng chung với Cụm NMĐG HCG Bạc Liêu - Rê ĐZ 220 kV Giá Rai - Bạc Liêu 2" "The 220 kV dual-circuit line used in common with the HCG Bac Lieu wind power plant cluster - Turn the 220 kV transmission line Gia Rai - Bac Lieu 2" "26x 3.0 – 3.3 – 4.2 MW" 3700 "Yes" 09/17/20 04/29/22 2022-05-22 "HDM" "Adjustment down from 120MW approved 8/9/2020" 2 4 "IV.4" 33 96 80.00 MW 70 80.00 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/starting-up-the-largest-on-shore-wind-power-project-in-the-mekong-delta.html" "https://vietnambiz.vn/hon-3200-ti-dong-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-hoa-binh-5-tai-bac-lieu-20201011214940378.htm" "http://www.hacomholdings.vn/vi/du-an/nha-may-dien-gio-hoa-binh-5-giai-doan-1" "https://nangluongsachvietnam-vn.translate.goog/d6/vi-VN/news/Khanh-thanh-du-an-dien-gio-tren-dat-lien-lon-nhat-tai-dong-bang-song-Cuu-Long-6-164-16284?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hòa Đông" "Công ty TNHH Phong Điện Hòa Đông" "Hòa Đông" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.409062962 106.0918851 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Transit 110kV trên ĐZ TBA 220kV Sóc Trăng - Vĩnh Châu (3,5km) -> QĐ ghi 11,8km ? Điều chỉnh: TC 110kV NMĐG số 18 (7km, ACSR-2x240)" "8x" 1700 "05/10/2018" "Yes" 09/27/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Zone 19" "outside" 18 78 35 99 30.00 MW 32 "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-hoa-dong" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hòa Đông 2" "Hoàng Sơn Energy" "Hòa Đông" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.409232314 106.0869069 "Onshore" 72.0 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên 1 mạch ĐZ 220 kV Vĩnh Châu - Sóc Trăng qua ĐZ mạch kẹp dài khoảng 1 k" "connecting relays on a 220 kV Vinh Chau - Soc Trang transmission line through a double circuit line about 1 km long" 3168 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 26 "IV.26" 35 101 72.00 MW 78 26.40 MW 10 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoa Kỳ Bac Liêu" "Long Đien, Long Đien Đong & Điên Hai" "Đông Hai" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.114637 105.472097 "Intertidal" 150.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.13" "Zoned" "Hoa Minh" "Hòa Minh, Chí Công, Phong Phú" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 14.5 MW "40MVA transit 110kV Phan Rí - Đại Ninh" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "See Hòa Minh project" 4 19 4 "http://www.baobinhdinh.com.vn/viewer.aspx?macm=21&macmp=21&mabb=137861" "http://www.baobinhdinh.vn/viewer.aspx?macm=5&macmp=5&mabb=132786" "Ghosted" "Hòa Thắng 1.1" "Viet Ren (Tổng công ty Điện lực Dầu khí)" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 86.0 MW "63MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hòa Thắng 1 (250MVA, transit 220kV Vĩnh Tân - Phan Thiết)" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" 6 21 6 "I.B.43" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hòa Thắng 1.2" "Vietracimex" "Hòa Thắng, thị trấn Chợ Lầu" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Transit 110kV Lương Sơn-Hòa Thắng-Mũi Né, dây ACSR240, dài 11km" "25 SG4.5-145" 4736 "16/08/2012" "Yes" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Déforestation ?? Only 72MW PPA in #11" 7 39 13 7 "I.B.34" 36 16 100.00 MW 3 "https://www.rechargenews.com/wind/siemens-gamesa-seals-largest-order-in-vietnam-for-giant-hoa-thang-project/2-1-782172?fbclid=IwAR3Gd0MfjLrmgCIo9Jceca74JP_f470D9mbY55mlkiCYFf5bW1Sh4ISvYuE" "Zoned" "Hòa Thắng 1.2 (old plan)" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "45MVA, TC 110kV Hòa Thắng 1.1" 22 "Ghosted" "B – Development" "Hòa Thắng 1.3" "None by 2020-03-10" "Hòa Thắng, Hồng Thái, thị trấn Chợ Lầu" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "40MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hòa Thắng 1 (250MVA, transit 220kV Vĩnh Tân - Phan Thiết)" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" "Noted for 49,5 MW with Hao Phong Clean Energy JSC in Dutch report, but Not have NDT in #8" 8 23 8 "I.B.50" "Zoned" "Hòa Thắng 2" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 40.0 MW "45MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hòa Thắng 1 (250MVA, transit 220kV Vĩnh Tân - Phan Thiết)" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Follow up unknown." 9 24 9 "Ghosted" "Hòa Thắng 2.1" "None by 2020-03-10" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" "I.B.49" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hòa Thắng 2.2" "Win Energy" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 1900 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Authorised for 20MW" 37 82 19.80 MW 26 "Zoned" "Hòa Thắng 4" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "45MVA, transit 110kV Lương Sơn - Mũi Né" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "See Thái Hòa project.." 11 26 11 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hỏa Tiến" "Hậu Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Hậu Giang vừa có công văn số 533/UBND-NCTH ngày 25/4/2022" 2022-04-28 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam-vn.translate.goog/d6/vi-VN/news/Hau-Giang-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-12-du-an-dien-mat-troi-va-dien-gio-6-164-16215?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoàng Ân" "Bàu Cạn, Ia Phìn, Ia Băng" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 70.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 78 "III.06" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hoàng Hải" "TNHH MTV Đầu tư Năng lượng Hoàng Hải Quảng Trị" "Húc" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.75826379 106.6976316 "Onshore" 49.6 MW "Xây dựng TBA 22/220kV đấu nối vào TC 220kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "To build the 22 / 220kV transformer station connected to the 220 kV busbar of the Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station" "Envision EN141/3.2" 1700 11/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 14 "I.14" 38 104 50.00 MW 31 49.60 MW "https://nhadautu.vn/vi-sao-5-du-an-dien-gio-do-bo-vao-huong-hoa--quang-tri-d45709.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-lee-2a713461_congratulations-to-quang-tri-tai-tam-hoang-activity-6817005677727371264-53pg" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoàng Sơn 1 ?" "Công ty Cổ phần đầu tư năng lượng, xây dựng, thương mại Hoàng Sơn" "Ea Hiao, Cư Klông" "Ea H’leo, Krông Năng" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 180.0 MW 12/29/20 2021-02-24 "HDM" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/hoang-son-sap-lam-4-du-an-dien-gio-tong-cong-suat-930mw-tai-dak-lak-20180504224247733.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoàng Sơn 2 ?" "Công ty Cổ phần đầu tư năng lượng, xây dựng, thương mại Hoàng Sơn" "Ea Sol" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 500.0 MW 12/29/20 2021-02-24 "HDM" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/hoang-son-sap-lam-4-du-an-dien-gio-tong-cong-suat-930mw-tai-dak-lak-20180504224247733.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoàng Sơn 3 ?" "Công ty Cổ phần đầu tư năng lượng, xây dựng, thương mại Hoàng Sơn" "Cư A Mung" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 150.0 MW 12/29/20 2021-02-24 "HDM" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/hoang-son-sap-lam-4-du-an-dien-gio-tong-cong-suat-930mw-tai-dak-lak-20180504224247733.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hoàng Sơn 4 ?" "Công ty Cổ phần đầu tư năng lượng, xây dựng, thương mại Hoàng Sơn" "Cư Kbô, Ea Hồ" "Krông Búk, Krông Năng" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-02-24 "HDM" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/hoang-son-sap-lam-4-du-an-dien-gio-tong-cong-suat-930mw-tai-dak-lak-20180504224247733.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hòn Đôi" "Phường Bùi Thị Xuân" " thành phố Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 49.5 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 110kV mạch kép từ trạm nâng áp tại Nhà máy đến đấu vào thanh cái 110kV của trạm biến áp 110kV Long Mỹ hiện hữu" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hon Trau 1 (PNE)" "PNE (DE)" "Phù Cát" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 700.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 220kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp của Nhà máy đến đấu nối vào thanh cái 220kV của trạm biến áp 220kV Nhơn Hội" "154-166 overall" 4,200 M$ 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Upsized in Dec 29 letter to PM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/binh-dinh-proposes-to-add-offshore-wind-power-project-to-pdp-viii.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/allowing-pne-ag-to-survey-wind-potential-in-binh-dinh-sea.html" "https://vietnambiz.vn/binh-dinh-kien-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-vao-quy-hoach-dien-viii-20201231143504907.htm" "https://nangluongvietnam-vn.translate.goog/tap-doan-pne-trao-ho-so-de-xuat-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-hon-trau-cho-binh-dinh-28577.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hon Trau 2 (PNE)" "PNE (DE)" "Phù Cát" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 220kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp của Nhà máy đến đấu nối vào thanh cái 220kV của trạm biến áp 220kV Nhơn Hội" 2,233 M$ 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hon Trau 3 (PNE)" "PNE (DE)" "Phù Cát" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 220kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp của Nhà máy đến đấu nối vào thanh cái 220kV của trạm biến áp 220kV Nhơn Hội" 2,233 M$ 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hồng Phong 1" "The Blue Circle" "Hồng Phong" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 13.77855324 108.6376992 "Onshore" 40.0 MW "45MVA, transit 110kV Lương Sơn - Mũi Né" 1720 "Yes" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. EPC Hawee." 12 27 12 "I.B.38" 39 98 40.00 MW 41 40.00 MW "Linkedin post" "Ghosted" "Hồng Phong 2" "Tái tạo Năng lượng Đông Nam Á" "Hồng Phong" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV ĐG Hồng Phong 1" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Follow up unknown." 13 28 13 "I.B.46" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hồng Phong 3.1" "Hồng Phong" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hồng Phong 3.2" "Hồng Phong" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Normal" "Hưng Bắc" "CTCP Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển nhà Sài Gòn – Hà Nội và CTCP Đầu tư năng lượng Hưng Bắc" "Thanh, A Xing, A Túc, Xy" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.709524 106.774217 "Onshore" 89.6 MW 3566 "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hưng Hải Gia Lai" "CTCP Đầu tư và phát triển phong điện Gia Lai" "An Trung, Chư Krêy, Yang Trung" "Kông Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.77855324 108.6376992 "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 220kV Pleiku 2 - TĐ An Khê (chuyển đấu nối về Phước An)" "Relay connection on the 220 kV line Pleiku 2 - An Khe hydropower plant (transfer connection to Phuoc An)" 3706 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "464/QD-UBND Gia Lai" 8 "III.8" 40 127 100.00 MW 83 4.00 MW 14 "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Hiệp 1" "Tân Hoàn Cầu JSC" "Hướng Hiệp" "Đakrông" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.78302573 106.8260925 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "DZ110kV mạch kép AC-300, dài 4,3km về T110 Hướng Linh 2" "12x 2.5 MW" 1555 06/10/18 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 64 68 41 50 30.00 MW 84 4.50 MW 15 "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/en/nha-may-dien-gio/them-du-an-dien-gio-thu-5-tai-quang-tri-112.html" "https://nld.com.vn/kinh-te/tra-vinh-khoi-cong-du-an-dien-gio-78-mw-20200229110118535.htm" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-dien-gio-huong-hiep-1-duoc-cap-phep-dau-tu.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Hướng Hiệp 2" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73064748 106.7388304 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Đấu nối vào TC 22kV TBA 110/220kV Hướng Linh (trạm gom CS khu vực Hướng Linh và lân cận), sau đó truyền tải thông qua ĐZ 220kV đến TC 220kV TBA 220k Lao Bảo" "Connect to busbar 110 kV to Huong Linh 110/220 kV transformer station (the power gathering station in Huong Linh and neighboring areas), then transmit through the 220 kV line to the 220 kV busbar 220 kV transformer station Lao Bao" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 2 "I.2" "Normal" "B – Development" "Hướng Hiệp 3" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.70565785 106.7882689 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Đấu nối vào TC 22kV TBA 22/110kV NMĐG Hướng Hiệp 2, sau đó truyền tải CS trên đường dây 110kV đến TC110kV TBA 110/220kV Hướng Linh (trạm gom CS khu vực Hướng Linh)" "Connect to busbar 22 kV 22/110 kV transformer station of Huong Hiep 2 wind power plant, then transmit the capacity on the 110 kV line to the 110 kV busbar 110/220 kV Huong Linh substation (gathering station capacity in Huong Linh area)" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 3 "I.3" "Normal" "B – Development" "Hướng Hóa 1" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 64.0 MW 2020-04-08 "HDM" "Proposed for MOIT plan 13/4/2019." "http://icon.com.vn/vn-s83-150362-651/Quang-Tri-de-nghi-bo-sung-2-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-vao-quy-hoach.aspx" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Linh 1" "Tân Hoàn Cầu JSC" "Hướng Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.709524 106.774217 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "ở cấp điện áp 110kV (chưa làm rõ điểm đấu nối)" "15x 2 MW Vestas" 1700 "Yes" "Yes" 03/14/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" 3 12 66 12 30.00 MW 9 30.00 MW "MOIT Decision no.6185/QĐ-BCT dated 19/06/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Quang Tri province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n_gi%C3%B3_H%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Bng_Linh" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Linh 2" "Tân Hoàn Cầu JSC" "Hướng Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.714776 106.777714 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "ở cấp điện áp 110kV (chưa làm rõ điểm đấu nối)" "15x 2 MW Vestas" 1450 "Yes" "Yes" 01/09/17 2022-04-21 "HDM" 4 9 67 9 30.00 MW 7 30.00 MW "MOIT Decision no.6185/QĐ-BCT dated 19/06/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Quang Tri province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/en/nha-may-dien-gio/nha-may-dien-gio-huong-linh-2-dat-doanh-thu-gan-1-ty-dongngay-103.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hướng Linh 3" "Tân Hoàn Cầu JSC / Eastern Power Group (Thái Lan) ?" "Hướng Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73985336 106.7305906 "Onshore" 28.8 MW "DZ110 mạch kép, dây dẫn ACSR300, dài khoảng 10,2km vào thanh cái 110kV trạm 220kV Lao Bảo" "9x 3.3-3.4MW" 1530 "26/11/2018" "09/04/2019" "Yes" "6/2019" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "DZ110 mạch kép, dây dẫn ACSR300, dài khoảng 10,2km vào thanh cái 110kV trạm 220kV Lao Bảo" 13 63 42 65 30.00 MW 18 "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/en/nha-may-dien-gio/nha-may-dien-gio-huong-linh-3-quang-tri-114.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/chap-thuan-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-huong-linh-3.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-Dieu-chinh-chu-truong-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-Huong-Linh-3-6-164-15612" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hướng Linh 4" "Eastern Power Group (Thái Lan)" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73985336 106.7305906 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV trạm 220kV gom Hướng Linh" "9x 3.3 MW" 1537 10/12/19 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 72 43 91 30.00 MW 30 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/supplementing-30mw-wpp-in-the-west-mountainous-region-of-quang-tri-province.html," "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-dong-y-chu-truong-thuc-hien-du-an-Nha-may-Dien-gio-Huong-Linh-4-6-164-5462" "Normal" "B – Development" "Hướng Linh 5" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73985336 106.7305906 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Đấu nối vào TC 22kV TBA 22/110kV NMĐG Hướng Linh 4" "Connecting to busbar 22 kV 22/110 kV transformer station of Huong Linh 4 wind power plant" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 1 "I.1" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Linh 7" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện gió Hướng Linh 7" "Hướng Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73985336 106.7305906 "Onshore" 29.4 MW "Đấu vào TC 22/110kV Nhà máy điện gió Gelex 3" "Connecting to busbar 22/110 kV Gelex wind power plant 3" 1183 11/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 6 "I.6" 44 108 30.00 MW 75 12.60 MW 8 "https://nhadautu.vn/vi-sao-5-du-an-dien-gio-do-bo-vao-huong-hoa--quang-tri-d45709.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Linh 8" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện gió Hướng Linh 8, Công ty Cổ phần SCI" "Hướng Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.73985336 106.7305906 "Onshore" 25.2 MW "Đấu vào TC 22/110kV Nhà máy điện gió Gelex 3" "Connecting to busbar 22/110 kV Gelex wind power plant 3" "6x 4,2" 975 11/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 7 "I.7" 45 109 25.20 MW 66 25.20 MW "https://nhadautu.vn/vi-sao-5-du-an-dien-gio-do-bo-vao-huong-hoa--quang-tri-d45709.html" "https://thanhnien.vn/thoi-su/ca-mau-kien-nghi-lam-ro-nang-luc-tai-chinh-cong-ty-cong-ly-1202753.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Hướng Phùng 1" "EVN Genco 2" "Hướng Phùng" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.720616 106.570194 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "ở cấp điện áp 110kV (chưa làm rõ điểm đấu nối)" "8x 3,63MW" 1257 "01/06/2017" 06/29/19 2022-04-26 "HDM" "Dự án được xây dựng các hạng mục chính, với 10 tháp đỡ tua bin cao 110m, mỗi tháp cho 1 tua bin 3,63MW; trạm biến áp nâng 0,69/22kV-4.300kVA và mạng điện 22kV nội bộ; trạm biến áp Hướng Phùng 1 22/110kV-1x40MVA; đường dây 110kV dài khoảng 21,5km từ TBA Hướng Phùng 1 về TBA 220kV Lao Bảo; hệ thống đường thi công quản lý vận hành, khu phụ trợ phục vụ thi công; nhà quản lý vận hành." 1 61 64 "MOIT Decision no.6185/QĐ-BCT dated 19/06/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Quang Tri province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-khoi-cong-nha-may-dien-gio-voi-tong-muc-dau-tu-hon-1200-ty-dong-6-164-3964" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Phùng 2" "Gelex (before: Việt Ren JSC)" "thôn Doa Cũ, xã Hướng Phùng, huyện Hướng Hóa" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.720616 106.570194 "Onshore" 20.0 MW "ở cấp điện áp 110kV (chưa làm rõ điểm đấu nối)" "6x 3.3" 932 "11/06/2018" "Yes" 06/27/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" 2 63 65 46 56 20.00 MW 53 20.00 MW "MOIT Decision no.6185/QĐ-BCT dated 19/06/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Quang Tri province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-Nha-may-dien-gio-Huong-Phung-2-va-Huong-Phung-3-tai-Quang-Tri-6-164-3952" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Phùng 3" "Gelex (Hướng Phùng wind power Ltd. Co.)" "Hướng Phùng" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.720616 106.570194 "Onshore" 29.4 MW "TC 22kV NMĐG Hướng Phùng 2" "9x 3.3 MW" 1580 "4/2019" "Yes" 06/27/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" 62 76 47 57 29.40 MW 52 29.40 MW "http://tanhoancaugroup.com/en/nha-may-dien-gio/nha-may-dien-gio-huong-linh-3-quang-tri-114.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/chap-thuan-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-huong-linh-3.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Hướng Sơn 2" "EVNGENCO2 (BQL Thủy Điện Sông Bung 2)" "Hướng Sơn" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Proposed for MOIT plan 13/4/2019. Nhà máy điện gió Hướng Sơn 2 dự kiến đấu nối vào hệ thống điện quốc gia với phương án xây dựng 1 trạm biến áp 22/110kV tại Nhà máy điện gió Hướng Sơn 2; xây dựng đường dây mạch đơn, dây ACSR-185 chiều dài khoảng 6km; xây dựng mới 01 ngăn lộ 110kV tại trạm 110kV Hướng Phùng 1." 67 "IV.2" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-de-nghi-bo-sung-2-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-vao-quy-hoach-6-164-3681" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Hướng Tân" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện gió Hướng Tân" "Hướng Tân" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.66808696 106.696294 "Onshore" 46.2 MW "TC 110kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "11xVestas 4.2-D150" 1998 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "PPA 10/9/2019, Owner’s engineer is K2 Management. Builder Khoang Duc construction. Approved 1335/QD-UBND Quang Tri, returned some land by 340/QĐ-UBND Quang Tri" 69 48 23 46.20 MW 22 46.20 MW "https://www.k2management.com/news/trio-owners-engineer-vietnam" "http://vietnamprp.com.vn/prp/vi/tin-tuc/tin-tuc/202-ppa-huongtan-muabandien-gio.html" "https://khangducconst.com/project/du-an-dien-gio-huong-tan-huong-linh/" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anh-nguy%E1%BB%85n-6ab27b196_huong-tan-wind-farm-in-viet-nam-activity-6821574898947907584-37fU" "https://baodautu.vn/he-lo-nguyen-nhan-dien-gio-duoc-cod-it-du-gan-het-thoi-gian-uu-dai-d153838.html" "Normal" "Hữu Lũng" "Công ty CP Công nghệ Tài nguyên Năng lượng (TRE)" "Hữu Lũng" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 80.0 MW 3500 "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ia Bang 1" "Ia Bang Wind Power JSC, Gia Lai Electricity JSC (GEC)" "Ia Bang" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.84610164 107.9893222 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 110kV Diên Hồng bằng đường dây mạch đơn 110kV dài khoảng 30km" "Connect to Dien Hong 110 kV transformer station by a single circuit line of 110 kV about 30 km long" "12x V150-4.2 MW" 1560 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "2021-06-28 1st WTG pic on LinkedIn by Tuan Nguyen Van" 27 16 "III.27" 49 78 50.00 MW 36 50.00 MW "https://renews.biz/64051/vestas-nets-50mw-vietnamese-order/" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tuan-nguyen-van-6104a2104_1st-wtg-installation-of-ia-bang-01-project-activity-6815256028796583937-eHWf" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Blu 1" "Ia Blu" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Shown at 80MW in decision 68" 91 "III.18" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Boòng - Chư Prông" "Ia Me, Ia Boong, Ia Drang, t t Chư Prông" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.68540516 107.8032369 "Onshore" 150.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.14" "Normal" "B – Development" "Ia Boòng - Chư Prông" "Công ty Cổ phần Năng lượng Tái tạo Chư Prông" "Ia Boong, Ia Me, Ia Drang, Ia O" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối bằng đường dây 220kV về TBA 500kV Pleiku2" "Connecting by 220kV transmission line to Pleiku 2 500 kV transformer station" 10 1664 11/20/20 2021-01-21 "HDM" 28 32 "III.28" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-ia-boong-chu-prong-wind-power-project-has-been-agreed-to-investment-policy.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-dien-gio-ia-boong-chu-prong-duoc-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Glai 1" "Ia Glai" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.737691 108.020194 "Onshore" 49.5 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.05" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Ha" "Ia Hla" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.13" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ia Le 1" "Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư phát triển Điện gió Cao Nguyên 1" "Ia Phang, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.42915808 108.1615927 "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Xây dựng trạm nâng áp 220kV công suất 2x125MVA và đường dây mạch kép AC500 6km về TBA 220kV Chư Sê" "Construction of 220 kV booster station with a capacity of 2x125 MVA and a 6km AC500 dual circuit line to Chu Se 220 kV transformer station" 4021 08/07/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 13 "III.13" 50 74 100.00 MW 72 47.20 MW 5 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/gia-lai-ppc-has-approved-the-investment-policy-for-the-additional-150-mw-wpps.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Le 2 (formerly Ia Le)" "Ia Phang, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.16" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ia Le 4" "Ia Phang, Ia Le" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.501001 108.149828 "Onshore" 49.5 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.04" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ia Pếch 1" "Gulf (TH)" "Ia Pếch" "Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.9191793 107.8611934 "Onshore" 49.5 MW "Chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 110kV Ia Giai - Pleiku, chiều dài 4km" "Forwarding on the 110kV la Grai - Pleiku line, 4km in length" "20x2.5" 1500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "?Sold by Gia Lai GreenEnergy Investment JSC to Gulf on 7/2020. Decision 419/QD-UBND Gia Lai" 18 71 "III.18" 51 86 50.00 MW 79 16.50 MW 11 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Ia Pếch 2" "Gulf (TH)" "Ia Pếch" "Ia Grai" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.9191793 107.8611934 "Onshore" 49.5 MW "Chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 110kV Ia Giai - Pleiku, chiều dài 4km" "Forwarding on the 110kV la Grai - Pleiku line, 4km in length" "20x2.5" 1547 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "?Sold by Gia Lai GreenEnergy Investment JSC to Gulf on 7/2020. Decision 420/QD-UBND Gia Lai" 19 "III.19" 52 87 50.00 MW 28 "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ia Pết – Đak Đoa 1" "SCECC (TW) ? TRE" "Trang, Ia Pết, Glar" "Đắk Đoa" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.89627913 108.1108759 "Onshore" 99.0 MW "MBA 500kV riêng, đấu về TBA 500kV Pleiku2" "Separate 500 kV transformer, connected to Pleiku 2 500 kV substation" "22x EN156/4.5" 3695 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Foundations casting done end 2021-06 (LinkedIn pic)" 20 84 "III.20" 53 83 100.00 MW 37 99.00 MW "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bryan-lee-5b219391_ia-pet-dak-doa-wind-farm-project-gia-lai-vietnam-activity-6814781362164371456-I4QM" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-lee-2a713461_congratulations-to-tre-ia-pet-dak-ppa-project-activity-6816990576114831360-K440" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Ia Pết – Đak Đoa 2" "SCECC (TW) ? TRE" "Trang, Ia Pết, Glar" "Đắk Đoa" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.89627913 108.1108759 "Onshore" 99.0 MW "MBA 500kV riêng, đấu về TBA 500kV Pleiku2" "Separate 500 kV transformer, connected to Pleiku 2 500 kV substation" "22x EN156/4.5" 3636 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Foundations casting done end 2021-06 (LinkedIn pic)" 20 84 "III.20" 54 84 100.00 MW 44 99.00 MW "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bryan-lee-5b219391_ia-pet-dak-doa-wind-farm-project-gia-lai-vietnam-activity-6814781362164371456-I4QM" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-lee-2a713461_congratulations-to-tre-ia-pet-dak-ppa-project-activity-6816990576114831360-K440" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Intracom – Quảng" "Intracom" "Mỹ Thủy" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW "Option 1, Intracom - Quang Tri offshore wind power is forward connected on the 500kV Vung Ang transmission line. Danang; Option 2 will connect forward on the 500kV Quang Trach to Doc Soi transmission line" "6.25 MW" 72000 2022-03-21 "HDM" "8km from port" "https://cafef.vn/de-xuat-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-hon-3-ty-usd-tai-quang-tri-20220319225824774.chn" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Lap-ho-so-xin-bo-sung-quy-hoach-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-Intracom-Quang-Tri-6-164-15704" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kim Ngân" "Vinaconex3" "Kim Thủy, Ngân Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 120.0 MW "12/2019" 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Vinaconex 3 overplayed land bubble ?" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Binh-dong-y-chu-truong-nghien-cuu-khao-sat-du-an-dien-gio-cua-Vinaconex3-6-164-5426" "https://fr.nhandan.com.vn/societe/energie/item/5680171-le-producteur-d%E2%80%99electricite-fran%C3%A7ais-quadran-international-veut-investir-dans-l%E2%80%99energie-eolienne-a-quang-binh.html" "https://dautuvietnam.com.vn/doanh-nghiep/kinh-te-dia-phuong/vinaconex-3-sap-lam-nha-may-dien-gio-hon-1300ha-tai-quang-binh-a3185.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Kon Plong" "wpd (DE) + Levanta (SG)" "Kon Plong" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" 14.79673215 108.3087274 "Onshore" 103.5 MW "Trạm nâng 220kV DG Kon Plong công suất 150MVA-35/220KV, đấu nối bằng đường dây 220kV mạch kép dây dẫn ACSR 330, dài 19km chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 220kV TĐ Thượng Kon Tum - Quảng Ngãi" "Kon Plong 220 kV substation with capacity of 150 MVA- 35/220 kV, connected by 220 kV line ACSR 330, length 19 km forwarding on 220 kV transmission line of Thuong Kon Tum hydropower plant - Quang Ngai" 2021-07-27 "HDM" 21 "III.21" "https://vir.com.vn/german-wpd-enters-vietnam-with-kon-plong-onshore-wind-energy-project-86064.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kông Chro" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Chơ Long và Yang Trung" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.07643753 108.2065481 "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2020-04-13 "NLA" "250 MW according to source citing UNDB Gia Lai decision 68" 49 "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/Kong-Chro-Project.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kong Yang" "TSV + The Blue Circle" "Kong Yang" "Kong Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 103.0 MW "6/2019" "http://tsvinvest.com/du-an/du-an-dien-gio-kong-yang-178.html (low reliability source)" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Kosy Bạc Liêu phase 1" "Kosy Group" "Vĩnh Minh A" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.199646 105.672833 "Onshore" 40.0 MW "9x Goldwind 4,5MW" 1600 09/08/20 "Yes" 10/03/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Cooperation agreement signed 1/6/2019, PPA signed in Hanoi 19 Jan 2020" "I.14" 55 90 40.00 MW 60 40.00 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/approving-the-wind-power-planning-in-hoa-binh-district-bac-lieu-province.html" "https://fr.nhandan.com.vn/politique/editorial/item/6028271-mise-en-chantier-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-kosy-bac-lieu.html" "https://kosy.vn/du-an-dien-gio-kosy-bac-lieu-ky-ket-hop-dong-cung-cap-turbine-va-mot-so-hop-dong-quan-trong-khac-8982.html" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxmKrm16R9c" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGc4GcSeGEw" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nm-dien-gio-kosy-bac-lieu-gd1" "https://nangluongvietnam-vn.translate.goog/chinh-thuc-van-hanh-thuong-mai-nha-may-dien-gio-kosy-bac-lieu-27729.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=nui" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kosy Bạc Liêu phase 2" "Kosy Group" "Vĩnh Minh A" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2022-04-26 "HDM" "https://kosy.vn/recycled_energy/nha-may-dien-gio-bac-lieu-giai-doan-2-50mw/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kosy Bạc Liêu phase 3" "Kosy Group" "Vĩnh Minh A" "Hoà Bình" "Bạc Liêu" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Total project over 200 MW, 8 bn VND, 45 turbines Goldwind" "https://www.vir.com.vn/kosy-to-invest-4347-trillion-in-bac-lieu-wind-farm-68278.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Krông Ana 1" "Hoa Son, Khue Ngoc Dien, Ea Trul, Hoa Thanh, Hoa Tan, Hoa Hiep, Ea Hu" "Krông Bong, Cu Kuin" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 160.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.41" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Krông Búk 1" "Cư Pơng, Chư Kpô" "Krông Búk" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.07643753 108.2065481 "Onshore" 49.8 MW "Gom công suất các NMDG Cư Né 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 về trạm nâng áp 22/220kV NMĐG Krong Buk 2x125MVA, đấu nối transit trên đường dây 220kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2" "Consolidate capacity of Cu Ne wind power plants 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 to 22 / 220kV booster station of Krong Buk wind power plant 2x125 MVA, connected forward on the 220 kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2 line" 1784 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 11 "III.11" 56 135 50.00 MW 53 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Krông Búk 2" "Cư Pơng, Chư Kpô" "Krông Búk" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" 13.06908018 108.187322 "Onshore" 49.8 MW "Gom công suất các NMDG Cư Né 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 về trạm nâng áp 22/220kV NMĐG Krong Buk 2x125MVA, đấu nối transit trên đường dây 220kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2" "Consolidate capacity of Cu Ne wind power plants 1,2+ Krong Buk 1,2 to 22 / 220kV booster station of Krong Buk wind power plant 2x125 MVA, connected forward on the 220 kV Krong Buk - Pleiku 2 line" 1802 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 12 "III.12" 57 136 50.00 MW 54 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh - Duc Thang – phase 1" "Công ty CP Tập đoàn Đức Thắng" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 145.8 MW 33 5206 2022-04-28 "HDM" "https://baodautu.vn/eco-land-khao-sat-du-an-trang-trai-dien-gio-vung-bien-ky-anh-d160815.html" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh MK1" "Công ty CP Điện mặt trời miền Trung MK thực" "Kỳ Khang, Kỳ Phú" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.8 MW 4052 "Yes, < 8-6-2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Eco Land" "IV.7" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-kien-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-16200-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach--6-164-6925" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh MK2" "Công ty CP Điện mặt trời miền Trung MK thực" "Kỳ Khang, Kỳ Phú" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.8 MW 4052 "Yes, < 8-6-2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Eco Land" "IV.7" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-kien-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-16200-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach--6-164-6925" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh MK3" "Công ty CP Điện mặt trời miền Trung MK thực" "Kỳ Khang, Kỳ Phú" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.8 MW 4052 "Yes, < 8-6-2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Eco Land" "IV.7" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-kien-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-16200-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach--6-164-6925" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh MK4" "Công ty CP Điện mặt trời miền Trung MK thực" "Kỳ Khang, Kỳ Phú" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.8 MW 4052 "Yes, < 8-6-2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Eco Land" "IV.7" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-kien-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-hon-16200-ty-dong-vao-quy-hoach--6-164-6925" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh PT 1" "Công ty CP Năng lượng Phước Trung" "Kỳ Tân, Kỳ Tâym Lâm Hop, Kỳ Van" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 1638 "Yes, < 20/4/2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Duc Thang" "IV.1" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-du-an-dien-gio-hon-4900-ty-dong-6-164-6389" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh PT 2" "Công ty CP Năng lượng Phước Trung" "Kỳ Tân, Kỳ Tâym Lâm Hop, Kỳ Van" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 1638 "Yes, < 20/4/2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Duc Thang" "IV.1" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-du-an-dien-gio-hon-4900-ty-dong-6-164-6389" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Kỳ Anh PT 3" "Công ty CP Năng lượng Phước Trung" "Kỳ Tân, Kỳ Tâym Lâm Hop, Kỳ Van" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 1638 "Yes, < 20/4/2020" 2022-05-04 "HDM" "Pro rated costs, probably given to Duc Thang" "IV.1" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ha-Tinh-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-du-an-dien-gio-hon-4900-ty-dong-6-164-6389" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "La Gàn" "Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Asian Petroleum Energy Joint Stock Company (Asiapetrol), Novasia Energy Company Limited (Novasia Energy)." "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 3,500.0 MW 07/22/20 "Proposed" 2020-01-18 "HDM" "EISA by NIRAS (DK), Geological survey by (CPIM and GEUS)" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/vietnams-offshore-wind-farm-appoints-world-class-consultant-to-conduct-environmental-and-social-impact-assessment.html" "http://cop.dk/la-gan-offshore-wind-project-signs-collaboration-agreement-with-local-province-to-develop-3-5gw-in-vietnam/" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ky-ket-Bien-ban-ghi-nho-phat-trien-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-tai-Binh-Thuan-6-164-7393" "https://www.thesaigontimes.vn/314017/chu-du-an-dien-gio-35-gw-o-binh-thuan-ky-hop-tac-voi-4-nha-cung-ung.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/signing-contract-for-geological-survey-of-la-gan-offshore-wind-power-project.html" "Transfer slip 900/PC-VPCP dated 8/6/2020 by Office of Gov" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Lạc Hòa (Soc Trang 5) phase 1" "Công ty cổ phần Năng lượng tái tạo Vĩnh Châu" "Lạc Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "8x" 1450 "Yes" 12/31/19 "3/2022" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 58 37 30.00 MW 71 25.00 MW 4 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/starting-construction-of-lac-hoa-wind-power-project-phase-1.ht" "lhttp://baosoctrang.org.vn/cong-nghiep/khoi-cong-du-an-dau-tu-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-lac-hoa-33923.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/GE-Renewable-Energy-cung-cap-thiet-bi-va-dich-vu-cho-hai-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Viet-Nam-6-164-7779" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Soc-Trang-Khoi-cong-xay-dung-Nha-may-dien-gio-Lac-Hoa-6-164-5601" "https://cafef.vn/hai-nha-may-dien-gio-ngan-ti-o-mien-tay-hoa-luoi-dien-quoc-gia-20220409065124329.chn" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khanh-thanh-2-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-tai-Soc-Trang-6-164-15971" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Lạc Hòa 2" "Hoàng Sơn Energy" "Lạc Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 129.9 MW "XDM ĐZ 220 kV đấu nối vào TBA 220 kV của dự án ĐG Hòa Đông 2 qua ĐZ 220 kV mạch đơn dài 6 km, ACSR240. (ĐG Hòa Đông 2 đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên ĐZ 220 kV Vĩnh Châu - Long Phú.)" "Construction of the 220 kV transmission line connected to the 220 kV transformer station of Hoa Dong 2 wind power project via a single-circuit 220 kV line of 6 km long, ACSR240 (Hoa Dong wind power 2 relaying on the 220 kV Vinh Chau transmission line - Long Phu.)" "40x" 5657 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "?? 12x GE Cypress 5MW-158. Barge transport by VTT" 31 "IV.31" 60 102 130.00 MW 334 "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/david-lien-73677590_welcome-to-lac-hoa-2-project-130-mw-40-activity-6816701014553563136-1yI5" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Le Thuy - Hai Anh JSC" "Công ty Cổ phần Thương mại Kỹ thuật Hải Anh" "various communes" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 50.0 MW "https://congthuong.vn/quang-binh-2-du-an-dien-gio-moi-duoc-dua-vao-khao-sat-nghien-cuu-129105.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Le Thuy 3" "Công ty Cổ phần Dịch vụ và Đầu tư xanh" "Sen Thủy, Thái Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "IV.6" "https://congthuong.vn/quang-binh-2-du-an-dien-gio-moi-duoc-dua-vao-khao-sat-nghien-cuu-129105.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Liên Lập" "PCC1, RENOVA" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.63041698 106.7017876 "Onshore" 48.0 MW "Kết hợp đấu nối với NMĐG Hướng Tân vào TC 110kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo (lắp thêm MBA nâng áp trong NMĐG Hướng Tân)" "12x V150-4,2 Vestas" 1973 02/03/21 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "PPA 10/9/2019. ADB loan." 70 61 25 48.00 MW 28 48.00 MW "http://www.baoquangtri.vn/Ph%C3%B3ng-s%E1%BB%B1-Ghi-ch%C3%A9p/modid/412/ItemID/145515" "http://vietnamprp.com.vn/prp/vi/tin-tuc/tin-tuc/202-ppa-huongtan-muabandien-gio.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/PCC1-va-RENOVA-hop-tac-dau-tu-cac-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Viet-Nam-6-164-6719" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Vestas-ky-don-dat-hang-tai-Viet-Nam-voi-tong-cong-suat-144MW-dien-gio-6-164-6872" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/them-3-du-an-dien-gio-5800-ty-dong-duoc-quang-tri-chap-thuan-dau-tu-20180504224249215.htm" "https://vietnamnews.vn/economy/958798/adb-signs-first-financing-to-wind-farms-in-viet-nam.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "LIG Hướng Hóa 1" "Licogi 16" "Hướng Lộc, A Túc, A Dơi" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.56022199 106.7163843 "Onshore" 48.0 MW "Đấu nối Nhà máy điện gió LIG Hướng Hóa 1 bằng cấp điện áp 220kV vào thanh cái 220 kV trạm biến áp 200kV Lao Bảo, dây dẫn ACSR300, dài khoảng 3,5 km. Mở rộng và đầu tư xây dựng 01 ngăn xuất tuyến 220kV tại TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "Connect LIG Huong Hoa 1 wind power plant with a voltage of 220 kV to the busbar of 220 kV Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station, ACSR300 conductor, about 3.5 km long. To expand and invest in building 01 output compartment of 220kV line at Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station" "12x 4MW" 2100 11/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 10 "I.10" 124 48.00 MW 45 "https://nhadautu.vn/vi-sao-5-du-an-dien-gio-do-bo-vao-huong-hoa--quang-tri-d45709.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-dien-hai-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Quang-Tri-6-164-10130" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "LIG Hướng Hóa 2" "Licogi 16" "Hướng Lộc, A Túc, A Dơi" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 48.0 MW "Đấu nối Nhà máy điện gió LIG Hướng Hóa 1 bằng cấp điện áp 220kV vào thanh cái 220 kV trạm biến áp 200kV Lao Bảo, dây dẫn ACSR300, dài khoảng 3,5 km. Mở rộng và đầu tư xây dựng 01 ngăn xuất tuyến 220kV tại TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "Connect LIG Huong Hoa 1 wind power plant with a voltage of 220 kV to the busbar of 220 kV Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station, ACSR300 conductor, about 3.5 km long. To expand and invest in building 01 output compartment of 220kV line at Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station" "12x 4MW" 2060 11/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "xây dựng dường dây 220kV mạch kép dài khoảng 20km từ nhà máy đấu nối vào thanh cái 220kV Trạm biến áp 220kV Lao Bảo; xây dựng sân phân phối 220kV nhà máy điện gió 2x80MVA; mở rộng 2 ngăn lộ tại thanh cái 220kV Trạm biến áp 220kV Lao Bảo để đấu nối các mạch đường dây từ nhà máy" 66 11 "I.11" 125 48.00 MW 46 "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-de-nghi-bo-sung-2-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-vao-quy-hoach-6-164-3681" "https://cafef.vn/bung-no-du-an-dien-gio-tai-tra-vinh-tong-dau-tu-len-den-2-ty-usd-tu-hang-loat-ten-tuoi-lon-ree-trung-nam-20200116144131915.chn" "https://nhadautu.vn/vi-sao-5-du-an-dien-gio-do-bo-vao-huong-hoa--quang-tri-d45709.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-dien-hai-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Quang-Tri-6-164-10130" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Lợi Hải 2" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN) – Danida" "Lợi Hải" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.7313796 109.0936315 "Onshore" 28.8 MW "Đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên đường Tháp Chàm - Cam Thịnh Đông, mạch kép chiều dài 25m, tiết diện AC240" "Relay connection on Thap Cham - Cam Thinh Dong street, 25 m double circuit, cross section AC240" "Vestas" 863 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Was late in 2017, 1350 bn VND. Cofinanced IFC. Expecting at 50MW wind and 70 MW solar." 4 3 17 "II.3" 62 118 28.80 MW 63 28.80 MW "www.vietnamwind.com," "http://evni.vn/du-an/tong-quan-ve-du" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/nang-luong-tai-tao/ifc-tai-tro-57-trieu-usd-cho-2-du-an-dien-gio-tai-binh-thuan-va-ninh-thuan.html" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/en/du-an-loi-hai-moi.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bac-nguyen-0406b3189_the-first-tower-wind-turbine-installation-activity-6823890372566089728-wzAX" "Normal" "B – Development" "Long Mỹ 1" "TNHH Điện gió Việt Năng Hậu Giang (Envision Energy Company, HK)" "Long Mỹ" "Hậu Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.660254 105.507385 "Onshore" 100.0 MW "TBA 22/220 kV:250 MVA; ĐZ 220 kV đấu nối chuyển tiếp trên 1 mạch ĐZ 220 kV NĐ Cà Mau - Ô Môn dài 2x1 km, ACSR400" "22/220 kV transformer station: 250 MVA; 220 kV transmission line connected forward on 1 circuit of 220 kV power line Ca Mau - O Mon thermal power plant 2x1 km long, ACSR400" 3220 "Hậu Giang vừa có công văn số 533/UBND-NCTH ngày 25/4/2022" "2020/11/27" 2022-04-28 "HDM" 20 "IV.20" "UBND tỉnh Hậu Giang vừa có công văn số 642/UBND-NCTH ngày 14/5/2021 về việc cung cấp thông tin liên quan đến dự án Nhà máy điện gió Long Mỹ 1" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Hau-Giang-thong-tin-ve-du-an-dien-gio-100MW-6-164-10193" "https://nangluongsachvietnam-vn.translate.goog/d6/vi-VN/news/Hau-Giang-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-12-du-an-dien-mat-troi-va-dien-gio-6-164-16215?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Mang Yang" "Mirat Energy + HLP" "Mang Yang" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 12.260998 107.592023 "Onshore" 200.0 MW "" "" "" "" 2021-02-24 "HDM" 70 "https://devi-renewable.com/news/mirat-energy-ky-hop-tac-phat-trien-hai/ (accessed 2020-04-15)" "http://www.nexifenergy.com/project/ben-tre" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ky-hop-dong-mua-ban-dien-giai-doan-1-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Ben-Tre-6-164-5323/" "Normal" "B – Development" "Monsoon" "Impact Energy Asia Development (Mitsibushi JP, IES TH, BPCG TH)" "Sekong, Attapeu" "Lao PDR" "Onshore" 600.0 MW "500kV line to Central Vietnam" "07/2021" 2021-07-14 "HDM" "https://www.energy-box.com/detail/872.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Mũi Dinh " "Banpu" "Phước Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.432804 108.999707 "Onshore" 37.6 MW "16x Enercon E-103 EP02 2.35MW" 1272 "Yes" "8/2016" 04/10/19 2022-04-21 "HDM" "First turbine erected in August 2018. Banpu buy from EAB New Energy Group – Germany for 66 MUSD on August 2020." 12 4 6 37.60 MW 5 37.60 MW "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tap-doan-Banpu-ky-thoa-thuan-mua-ban-cho-du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-Mui-Dinh-6-164-7518" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Mỹ An" "Mỹ An" "Phù Mỹ" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 110kV mạch kép từ trạm nâng áp tại Nhà máy đến đấu vào sân phân phối 110kV của trạm biến áp 220kV Phù Mỹ" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Zoned" "My Cat" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Mỹ Chánh" "Mỹ Chánh, Mỹ Chánh Tay, Mỹ Thọ, Mỹ Thành" "Phù Mỹ" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 110kV mạch kép từ trạm nâng áp tại Nhà máy đến đấu vào thanh cái 110kV của trạm biến áp 110kV Mỹ Thành hiện hữu" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Mỹ Đức" "Mỹ Đức, Mỹ Thắng" "Phù Mỹ" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 220kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp của Nhà máy đến đấu nối vào thanh cái 220kV của trạm biến áp nâng áp 22/220kV Nhà máy điện mặt trời Phù Mỹ" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Nam Bình 1" "Nam Binh" "Đăk Song" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" 12.260998 107.592023 "Onshore" 29.7 MW "Đấu nối 110kV về trạm gom 220kV ĐG Đak Hòa, chuyển tiếp trên đường dây 220kV Buôn Kuop - Điện phân Nhôm" "Connecting 110 kV to 220 kV gathering station Dak Hoa wind power, relay on 220kV Buon Kap transmission line - Aluminum electrolysis" 1024 10/20/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 26 "III.26" 63 126 30.00 MW 47 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/approving-the-policy-of-investment-in-nam-binh-1-wind-power-project-dak-nong.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Nexif Bến Tre phase 1" "Nexif Energy" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1380 "12/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Pro rated costs. PPA 18/11/2019" 35 30.00 MW 9 "https://vietnamnews.vn/economy/419622/ben-tre-approves-nexif-energys-wind-power-project.html" "https://www.vir.com.vn/ben-tre-approves-nexif-energys-wind-power-project-54818.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Nexif Bến Tre phases 2 and 3" "Nexif Energy" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "New installation of 22/110 kV transformer station: 63 MVA to the approved Nexif Ben Tre 110 kV transformer station Phase 1 (V1-1-30MW); connected with V1-1 to Binh Thanh 110 kV transformer station" 2300 "12/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "2 ?" 11 "IV.11" 106 50.00 MW 35 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "ngoài khơi Quảng Bình" "Halcom" "Ngư Thủy Trung" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 200.0 MW "50x" 7000 "UBND tỉnh Quảng Bình 3525/VPUBND-KT 9/2019" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ngoc Réo 1" "Đăk Ui" "Đăk Hà" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 29.7 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.33" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ngoc Réo 2" "Ngoc Réo" "Đăk Hà" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 28.8 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.34" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Nhơn Hòa 1" "Công ty Cổ phần Năng lượng Nhơn Hòa 2 / Phu Dien JSC" "Ia Phang, Nhơn Hòa, Ia Hru " "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.506027 108.159743 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Trạm 35/220kV DG Nhơn Hòa 1 đấu nối transit vào 1 mạch ĐZ 220kV Krông Buk - 500kV Pleiku 2" "The station 35/220 kV Nhon Hoa 1 wind power is connected to one circuit of 220 kV Krong Buk - 500kV Pleiku 2 transmission line" "10x Vestas V150-4.2 + 2x4" 1462 "8/2020" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 14 16 "III.14" 64 76 50.00 MW 24 50.00 MW "https://baodautu.vn/gia-lai-phe-duyet-chu-truong-dau-tu-2-du-an-dien-gio-hon-5000-ty-dong-d127741.html" "https://renews.biz/65270/vestas-scoops-latest-vietnam-deal-for-100mw/" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Nhơn Hòa 2" "Công ty Cổ phần Năng lượng Nhơn Hòa 2 / Phu Dien JSC" "Chư Don, Ia Phang" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.506027 108.159743 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Trạm 35/220kV DG Nhơn Hòa 1 đấu nối transit vào 1 mạch ĐZ 220kV Krông Buk - 500kV Pleiku 2" "The station 35/220 kV Nhon Hoa 1 wind power is connected to one circuit of 220 kV Krong Buk - 500kV Pleiku 2 transmission line" "10x Vestas V150-4.2 + 2x4" 1400 08/07/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 14 16 "III.14" 65 77 50.00 MW 25 50.00 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/gia-lai-ppc-has-approved-the-investment-policy-for-the-additional-150-mw-wpps.html" "https://renews.biz/65270/vestas-scoops-latest-vietnam-deal-for-100mw/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Nhon Hòa 3" "Chu Don, Ia Phang" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.11" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Nhon Hòa 4" "Chu Don, Ia Phang" "Chư Pưh" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.12" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Nhơn Hội" "Saigon Binh Dinh Energy JSC." "Phú Hậu village, Cát Chánh" "Phù Cát" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 27.0 MW 23 M$ "Connecting into the existing Nhon Hoi 110kV substation, 500m from the project site" 54 "http://www.525.vn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=573:2018-11-08-01-49-16&catid=34:tin-tuc-cong-ty-525&Itemid=70" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Nhơn Hội phase 1" "Fico Investment JSC" "núi Phương Mai trong khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" 13.561422 107.808543 "Onshore" 30.0 MW 1321 02/18/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Foundation #6 concrete done by May." 66 66 30.00 MW 48 30.00 MW "https://congthuong.vn/binh-dinh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-nhon-hoi-1-va-2-132815.html" "https://nhipcaudautu.vn/doanh-nghiep/ha-do-dat-muc-tieu-850-ty-dong-loi-nhuan-3323681/" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Binh-Dinh-sap-co-them-2-du-an-dien-gio-tai-khu-kinh-te-Nhon-Hoi-6-164-5829" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cuong-tran-12879230_renewableenergy-windfarm-windturbines-activity-6798523664301207552-ptXo" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Nhơn Hội phase 2" "Fico Investment JSC" "núi Phương Mai trong khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Gồm ĐG số 5 - Thạch Hải 1,2,3,4: 3x30+20 MW; GDD1 - ĐG số 5 Thạch Hải 1 (V1-2: 30 MW) đấu nối cùng với V1-1 về TBA 110 kV Thạnh Phú (Bình Thạnh) qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép AC240" 1249 02/18/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 67 67 30.00 MW 19 "https://congthuong.vn/binh-dinh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-nhon-hoi-1-va-2-132815.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Binh-Dinh-sap-co-them-2-du-an-dien-gio-tai-khu-kinh-te-Nhon-Hoi-6-164-5829" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Nhơn Lý" "Nhơn Lý" " thành phố Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 500kV mạch kép từ trạm biến áp nâng áp của Nhà máy đến đấu nối vào thanh cái 500kV của trạm biến áp 500kV Bình Định" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ninh Gia" "Công ty CP Tập đoàn Trường Thành" "Ninh Gia" "Đức Trọng" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 3090 "Wind mast proposed in 9/19" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/De-xuat-khao-sat-du-an-dien-gio-Ninh-Gia-Lam-Dong-6-164-4765" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Ørsted Hải Phòng proposal" "Ørsted (DK)" "Hải Phòng" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 3,900.0 MW "20MW" "11900 – 13600" 2021-11-08 "HDM" "14km southeast of Bach Long Vỹ island and 36 km northwest of Long Châu archipelago. 3 phases. Partner T&T Group." "https://vietnamnews.vn/economy/1071999/%C3%B8rsted-to-invest-11-billion-in-offshore-wind-farm-near-hai-phong.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Phan Rang" "BIM Group" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 150.0 MW "Owner’s engineer is K2 Management" "https://www.k2management.com/news/trio-owners-engineer-vietnam" "Delayed" "Phan Rí Thành" "Tổng Cty Xây dựng số 1 – CTCP (Construction corporation No.1 – JSC)" "Phan Rí Thành" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 13.561422 107.808543 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "40MVA TC 110kV NMĐG Hòa Thắng 1-2" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Follow up unknown." 5 20 5 "I.B.42" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Phát triển miền núi" "CP Điện gió Chư Prông Gia Lai và Công" "Bàu Cạn" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 49.5 MW "Đấu transit trên ĐZ 110 kV Diên Hồng - Chư Sê; dây phân pha 2xAC185; chiều dài 5,2km" "Transit on the Dien Hong - Chu Se 110 kV line; division line 2xAC185; length of 5.2 km" 1916 "Yes" 09/24/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" 17 62 "III.17" 68 73 50.00 MW 22 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Gia-Lai-Khoi-cong-2-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-7981" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phong Huy" "PCC1, RENOVA" "Tan Thanh, Huong Tan" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.677438 106.657444 "Onshore" 48.0 MW "12x V150-4,2 Vestas" 1913 02/03/21 "Yes" 01/02/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Carried by LOVICO group then quickly sold to PCC1. ADB loan." 70 48 48.00 MW 34 48.00 MW "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-dong-tho-3-nha-may-dien-gio-gan-5000-ty-dong-6-164-5600" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Vestas-ky-don-dat-hang-tai-Viet-Nam-voi-tong-cong-suat-144MW-dien-gio-6-164-6872" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/them-3-du-an-dien-gio-5800-ty-dong-duoc-quang-tri-chap-thuan-dau-tu-20180504224249215.htm" "https://vietnamnews.vn/economy/958798/adb-signs-first-financing-to-wind-farms-in-viet-nam.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/huunguyenpmp_first-baby-is-ready-for-flying-activity-6818344583290855424-i5Nx" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phong Liệu" "sold to ?" "Tan Thanh, Huong Linh, Huong Tan" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.688409 106.657316 "Onshore" 48.0 MW 1600 "Yes" 01/02/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Carried by LOVICO group Mai Phong Investment JSC (+0.5 % Dakrong Hydropower JSC)" 71 48 48.00 MW 40 48.00 MW "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-dong-tho-3-nha-may-dien-gio-gan-5000-ty-dong-6-164-5600" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phong Nguyên" "PCC1, RENOVA" "Tan Thanh, Huong Phung" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.683032 106.59557 "Onshore" 48.0 MW "12x V150-4,2 Vestas" 1912 02/03/21 "Yes" 01/02/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Carried by LOVICO group Mai Lieu Investment JSC (+0.5 % Dakrong Hydropower JSC) then quickly sold to PCC1. ADB loan." 72 47 48.00 MW 42 48.00 MW "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-dong-tho-3-nha-may-dien-gio-gan-5000-ty-dong-6-164-5600" "https://climatefundmanagers.com/2020/01/21/climate-fund-managers-announce-construction-of-48mw-near-shore-wind-farm-in-vietnam/," "https://www.rechargenews.com/wind/vestas-wins-second-contract-for-intertidal-wind-in-vietnam/2-1-729051" "https://www.offshorewind.biz/2019/12/23/vestas-nets-epc-contract-for-intertidal-wind-farm-in-vietnam/," "https://www.offshorewind.biz/2019/05/03/vietnamese-offshore-wind-farm-breaks-ground/," "https://baotintuc.vn/kinh-te/khoi-cong-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-han-quoc-tra-vinh-20190424160433775.htm" "https://www.powerengineeringint.com/emissions-environment/construction-begins-on-flagship-48-mw-wind-farm-in-vietnam/, https://vietnamfinance.vn/lovico-group-va-thuong-vu-luot-song-du-an-dien-gio-tai-quang-tri-20180504224249381.htm https://vietnamfinance.vn/them-3-du-an-dien-gio-5800-ty-dong-duoc-quang-tri-chap-thuan-dau-tu-20180504224249215.htm" "Normal" "B – Development" "Phu Cuong phase 1A, 1B" "Phu Cuong Group (30%) + Mainstream renewable power, Aker (70%)" "up to 15 km away from block 4" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 200.0 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 220 kV Vĩnh Châu qua ĐZ 220 kV mạch kép" "Connect to Vinh Chau 220 kV transformer station via 220 kV dual circuit lines" 400 M$ 11/12/21 "10/2020" 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Initially announced at 174MW. Joint Development Agreement in june 2017 includes GE Renewable Energy. Geotechnical survey started by June 2019. 4-15km offshore beyond V1-2 (so 2). PDP approval 2020-06-25" 4 22 "IV.22" "https://gwec.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/4.-Bernard-Casey-MRP-The-First-Vietnam-Offshore-Wind-Project.pdf" "http://tietkiemnangluong.vn/d6/news/Tra-Vinh-trao-chung-nhan-dau-tu-cho-2-du-an-dien-gio-115-109-12971.aspx" "https://cafef.vn/du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-14-gw-cua-lien-doanh-nuoc-ngoai-duoc-tinh-soc-trang-chap-thuan-dau-tu-20211113090211872.chn?_x_tr_sl=vi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=nui" "https://phucuongsoctrangoffshorewind.vn/en" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phu Cuong phase 2" "Phu Cuong Group (30%) + Mainstream renewable power, Aker (70%)" "up to 15 km away from block 4" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW "72x" "?" 2020-10-26 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Total project 1400MW, aiming for 2MUSD/MW aspirational. 20-45km offshore." 4 "Presentation at VOOWS 2019" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phu Cuong rest of phase 1" "Phu Cuong Group (30%) + Mainstream renewable power, Aker (70%)" "up to 15 km away from block 4" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 200.0 MW 400 M$ 2021-01-19 "HDM" "Total phase 1 is 400 MW, #10 repeats #9. Typo ?" "I.08" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phú Lạc" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Phú Lạc" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.223572 108.69599 "Onshore" 24.0 MW "2x40MVA, transit Phan Rí - Ninh Phước, thêm 1 mạch về TC 110kV TBA110kV Phan Rí" "12x Vestas V100/2000." 1089 "Yes" "27/07/2015" 09/19/16 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Funded by KfW. Co-located PV farm. Phase 2: 26MW planned. Also planning 150 MW solar in 3 phases." 2 3 26 17 2 4 24.00 MW 3 24.00 MW "https://gwec.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/3.-Bui-van-Thinh-Phu-Lac-Wind-Farm-Successes-and-challenges.pdf," "http://www.tbw.com.vn/en/Du-an-nha-may-DG-Phu-Lac.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phú Lạc phase 2" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Phú Lạc" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 25.2 MW "2x40MVA, transit Phan Rí - Ninh Phước, thêm 1 mạch về TC 110kV TBA110kV Phan Rí" "Yes" "Yes" "27/07/2015" Sep 19, 16 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Cofinanced by IFC. Photo pouring foundations in May 2021." 2 3 26 17 2 "I.B.31" 73 129 25.20 MW 55 25.20 MW "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/nang-luong-tai-tao/ifc-tai-tro-57-trieu-usd-cho-2-du-an-dien-gio-tai-binh-thuan-va-ninh-thuan.html" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/ngay-08-05-2021-nmdg-phu-lac-giai-doan-2-da-hoan-thanh-do-be-tong-6-6-mong-tuabin-gio.html" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/Du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-phu-lac-giai-doan-2.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phú Mỹ" "Ia Glai, Ia Bang" "Chư Sê and Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.07" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phù Mỹ" "Mỹ Thành" "Phù Mỹ" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Xây dựng đường dây 110kV mạch kép từ trạm nâng áp tại Nhà máy đến đấu vào sân phân phối 110kV của trạm biến áp 110kV Mỹ Thành hiện hữu" 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.52" "Letter 6826/UBND-KT from PPC Binh Dinh to MOIT, 2020-10-09" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phú Quý" "PV Power" "Long Hải, Ngũ Phụng" "Phú Quý" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 10.550781 108.93234 "Onshore" 6.0 MW "source empty" "3x Vestas V80/2000, hybride diesel, 1 turbine is offline" 335 "05/2009" 01/24/13 "Hybrid diesel, 1 turbine is offline" 5 25 37 "Wikipedia" "https://www.evn.com.vn/d6/news/Khanh-thanh-Nha-may-Dien-gio-tai-huyen-dao-Phu-Quy-141-17-6584.aspx," "https://cafef.vn/bung-no-du-an-dien-gio-tai-tra-vinh-tong-dau-tu-len-den-2-ty-usd-tu-hang-loat-ten-tuoi-lon-ree-trung-nam-20200116144131915.chn" "Zoned" "Phu Yen 2" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 4,500.0 MW "Cancelled" "A – Preliminary" "Phước Dân" "Thương Tín Power company (Sacomreal)" "Phước Hậu, Phước Thái, Phước Hữu, TP Phước Dân" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 56 M$ 08/16/16 2020-04-08 "HDM" "Thương Tín Power company (Sacomreal) investment certificate granted 16/8/16, must have been cancelled since on 29/3/2019 a new call for investors was launched." 10 53 8 "https://www.ninhthuan.gov.vn/Pages/NHA-MAY-DIEN-GIO-PHUOC-DAN.aspx," "https://cafef.vn/bung-no-du-an-dien-gio-tai-tra-vinh-tong-dau-tu-len-den-2-ty-usd-tu-hang-loat-ten-tuoi-lon-ree-trung-nam-20200116144131915.chn" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phước Dân" "Phước Hậu, Phước Thái, Phước Hữu, TP Phước Dân" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 45.0 MW "Call for proposals issued 29/3/2019 to replace previous investor." "https://www.ninhthuan.gov.vn/Pages/NHA-MAY-DIEN-GIO-PHUOC-DAN.aspx," "https://cafef.vn/bung-no-du-an-dien-gio-tai-tra-vinh-tong-dau-tu-len-den-2-ty-usd-tu-hang-loat-ten-tuoi-lon-ree-trung-nam-20200116144131915.chn" "Zoned" "Phước Hải – location 9" "Phuoc Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 98.0 MW "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Never invested ? 296 bn Vnd. Overlapping Titan Mining." 11 "Delayed" "B – Development" "Phước Hữu" "EAB + Viet Wind power" "Phước Hữu" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 65 M$ "10/2010" "near 5" 46 9 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/ninh-thuan-kien-quyet-thu-hoi-cac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phước Hữu - Duyên Hải 1" "Hưng Tín Ltd. Co." "Phước Hữu" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.50395792 108.8506853 "Onshore" 29.7 MW "Chuyển tiếp trên mạch 2 Tháp Chàm - Ninh Phước" "Relay on circuit 2 Thap Cham - Ninh Phuoc" "15xEnvision 2MW" 1260 06/13/16 "Yes" "10/2010" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Build complete by 7/9/21 (FB pics). In land clearance, unplanned zoning, transit to the existing 110kV Tháp Chàm - Ninh Phước; 1260 bn VND. Fined 30 million VND." "outside" 47 7 "II.7" 74 103 30.00 MW 57 29.70 MW "https://baophapluat.vn/dieu-tra-bd/banh-ve-du-an-dien-gio-ngan-ty-cua-cong-ty-hung-tin-476839.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phước Minh" "Adani Phuoc Minh Wind Power Ltd. (Adani+TSV)" "Phước Minh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 9.367006648 106.1628302 "Onshore" 27.2 MW "Transit 110kV Ninh Phước - Phan Rí (AC300, 1km)" "8x GE3MW-137" 1660 2011 "Yes" "Q1-2019" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "(Adani 80%, TVS 20%). Cost pro-rated from total capacity registered 48,3MW for $74.7 million in 2017. 23xSuzlon S111.1st WTG by June 28 2021 (pic LinkedIn). Colocated PV." "near 7" 52 58 75 68 27.20 MW 35 27.50 MW "http://tsvinvest.com/du-an/du-an-dien-gio-phuoc-minh-132.html," "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/the-onshore-wind-turbine-with-a-largest-capacity-in-vietnam-has-been-put-into-operation.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/ge-renewable-energy-strengthens-its-position-in-south-central-vietnam-with-another-272mw-project.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/david-lien-73677590_congratulation-first-wtg-adani-project-activity-6815106948581724160-hm7G" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/david-lien-73677590_congratulation-adani-phuoc-minh-ninh-thuan-activity-6844275892726894593-C_cL" "Delayed" "B – Development" "Phước Nam Enfinity" "Enfinity Ninh Thuận Ltd., Co. (Belgium)" "Phước Nam, Phước Minh, Phước Ninh, Thuận Nam province and Phước Hải, Ninh Phước province" "Phước Nam, Phước Minh, Phước Ninh, Thuận Nam province and Phước Hải, Ninh Phước province" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 125.0 MW 250 M$ 2016 "Province PC gave ultimatum on March 20th, 2017, then canceled in part the investment certificate." 6 57 "13 14 15" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phước Son" "Ia Vê" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 79 "III.08" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Phước Thành" "TP Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 60.0 MW "http://wikimapia.org/19606557/vi/%C4%90i%E1%BB%87n-gi%C3%B3-Ph%C6%B0%E1%BB%9Bc-Th%C3%A0nh" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Phước Thành" "Global Energy Investment and Consultantcy (EAB + Viet Wind power)" "Phước Thành" "Bác Ái" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 18.0 MW "4/2011" "Company website offline." 58 10 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Phước Thể" "Asia Clean Energy Development and Investment – Service – Trade Co. Ltd." "Phước Thể" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "40MVA transit 110kV Phan Rí - Ninh Phước" 1232 "Yes" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Call for EPC in 2020/04" 3 20 18 3 "I.B.33" 21 26.25 MW 4 "https://baodauthau.vn/moi-thau-goi-epc-nghin-ty-tai-du-an-nha-may-phong-dien-phuoc-the-post87668.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phương Mai 1" "Phuong Mai wind power JSC (DECONNIN + HANOINCO)" "trong khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 26.4 MW "Đang xin điều chỉnh PA đấu nối lên 110kV, chuyển tiếp Phước Sơn - Nhơn Hội (AC240-5km)" "11x 2.4MW GE116 (#4 said Vestas but old)" 880 "26/10/2009" "3/2011" "Yes" "reporté 7 fois" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Đang xin điều chỉnh PA đấu nối lên 110kV, chuyển tiếp Phước Sơn - Nhơn Hội (AC240-5km). First call for tender in 2004" 48 2 11 76 3 26.40 MW 21 26.40 MW "https://baomoi.com/binh-dinh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-nhon-hoi-1-va-2/c/34020911.epi" "https://congthuong.vn/ge-cung-cap-tuabin-cho-du-an-dien-gio-phuong-mai-1-135995.html " "https://www.genewsroom.com/press-releases/phuong-mai-wind-power-jsc-selects-ge-renewable-energy-its-first-wind-project-vietnam" "Normal" "B – Development" "Phương Mai 2" "Seoul Energy Co, previously GGP (DE)" "trong khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 60.0 MW 75 M$ "Yes." "Taking over from the GGP corp 200MW project." "https://baomoi.com/binh-dinh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-nhon-hoi-1-va-2/c/34020911.epi" "https://congthuong.vn/binh-dinh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-nhon-hoi-1-va-2-132815.html" "Ghosted" "Phương Mai 2 wind power plant" "GGP Corp. (Germany)" "Nhơn Hội economic zone" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 200.0 MW 2006 "No news, presumably investor replaced by Seoul Energy" 49 3 "https://nhandan.com.vn/khoahoc/item/2362502-.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Phương Mai 3" "Halcom, previously Central wind power JSC (belongs to PC3)" "trong khu kinh tế Nhơn Hội" "Quy Nhơn" "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" 13.924858 109.24564 "Onshore" 21.0 MW "Thanh cái T110 Nhơn Hội bằng đường dây mạch đơn (mạch kép treo trước 1 mạch). Sau khi có DZ Nhơn Hội - Mỹ Thành, chuyển đấu nối transit trên 1 mạch đường dây này theo QHĐ tỉnh" "6x 3.5MW Gamesa" 920 "Yes" 01/10/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "20km from Quy Nhon. COD for first turbine." 20 4 12 14 21.00 MW 10 20.79 MW "www.vietnamwind.com" "http://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Nha-may-phong-dien-Phuong-Mai-3-chuan-bi-phat-dien-6-164-5628 " "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Plei Boong" "Chư Pong" "Chư Sê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 5.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 81 "III.09" "Ghosted" "PV Power - IMPSA wind power plant" "PV Power - IMPSA" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 2011 "4/2016" "Development agreement signed in 4/2010 in Argentina, to invest $2.35 billion over 5 years." 5 43 24 "https://www.vir.com.vn/impsas-project-gone-with-the-wind-41452.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Quốc Vinh Sóc Trăng (Soc Trang 6) phase 1" "Công ty TNHH Điện gió Quốc Vinh" "Huỳnh Kỳ, xã Vĩnh Hải" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.367006648 106.1628302 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "12x GE Cypress 5MW-158" 1420 "27/08/2018" "Yes" 03/05/20 04/08/22 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Blades arrived (LinkedIn pic). Lease 19980m2 till 24-1-2069" 6 32 77 44 30.00 MW 56 30.00 MW "https://bnews.vn/soc-trang-khoi-cong-du-an-dien-gio-129-mw/149525.html" "https://www.thesaigontimes.vn/317668/soc-trang-cho-thue-dat-thuc-hien-hai-du-an-dien-gio-quy-mo-lon.html?fbclid=IwAR3zBSylr3v6nvg-eKLMGoBWNWzSL1GfCm9YbKipPXXc2roKZZMwu4MlJnE" "https://cafef.vn/hai-nha-may-dien-gio-ngan-ti-o-mien-tay-hoa-luoi-dien-quoc-gia-20220409065124329.chn" "https://cafef.vn/khoi-cong-du-an-dien-gio-hon-5300-ty-dong-o-soc-trang-20200305143548738.chn" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/GE-Renewable-Energy-cung-cap-thiet-bi-va-dich-vu-cho-hai-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Viet-Nam-6-164-7779" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thaibinh1628_arrival-activity-6814396378488414208-q1ir" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcUgE6deyN8" "Normal" "B – Development" "Quốc Vinh Sóc Trăng (Soc Trang 6) phase 2" "Công ty TNHH Điện gió Quốc Vinh" "Huỳnh Kỳ, xã Vĩnh Hải" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 99.0 MW 3900 2021-05-22 "HDM" 6 "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Saigon - Binh Thuan" "Saigon-Binh Thuan power investment JSC" "Hoa Thang" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 200.0 MW "before 2012" "outside" 44 21 "http://bizhub.vn/news/work-starts-on-vnd17-trillion-wind-farm-in-ninh-thuan_305121.html" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sao Mai 1" "Hậu Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Hậu Giang vừa có công văn số 533/UBND-NCTH ngày 25/4/2022" 2022-04-28 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam-vn.translate.goog/d6/vi-VN/news/Hau-Giang-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-12-du-an-dien-mat-troi-va-dien-gio-6-164-16215?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sao Mai 2" "Hậu Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Hậu Giang vừa có công văn số 533/UBND-NCTH ngày 25/4/2022" 2022-04-28 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam-vn.translate.goog/d6/vi-VN/news/Hau-Giang-de-xuat-bo-sung-quy-hoach-12-du-an-dien-mat-troi-va-dien-gio-6-164-16215?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=vi" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "SD Chu Prông" "Ia Băng, Ia Phìn, Ia Tôr, Ia Kly and Bàu Can" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 70 "III.19" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 18 - Sóc Trăng" "Công ty TNHH Đầu tư phát triển Trung Thịnh" "Vĩnh Châu" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 22.4 MW 995 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 60 22.40 MW 14 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 19 Bến Tre" "Công ty TNHH điện gió Đức Thuận" "Thừa Đức" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.15932177 106.7585625 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Truyền tải qua ĐZ 35 kV mạch đơn về TC 35 kV của TBA 35/220 kV ĐG số 20 Bến Tre" "Transmission via 35 kV single-circuit lines to 35 kV busbar of 35/220 kV transformer station Wind power No. 20 Ben Tre" "12/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "MQ’s version says investment 100M$ but no source" "2 ?" 13 "IV.13" 142 50.00 MW 58 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 2 - Sóc Trăng" "Công ty Cổ phần Tập đoàn đầu tư xây dựng Cường Thịnh Thi liên doanh + Super Energy Group Limited" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "7x 4.2-4.5 MW" "27/08/2018" "Yes" "05/2021" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 2 28 59 30.00 MW 13 "https://www.pecc3.com.vn/van-hanh-nha-may-dien-gio-so-2-soc-trang-trong-nam-2021/" "Quyết định số 3909/QĐ-BCT ngày 06/5/2014 về việc phê duyệt “Quy hoạch phát triển điện gió tỉnh Sóc Trăng giai đoạn đến 2020, tầm nhìn đến 2030”." "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 20 Bến Tre" "Công ty TNHH điện gió Phước Thuận" "Thừa Đức" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.1574631 106.7657723 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TBA 35/220 kV: 2x63 MVA; ĐZ 220 kV mạch đơn về TBA 220 kV Bến Tre truyền tải CS ĐG 19, 20" "35/220 kV transformer station: 2x63 MVA; single-circuit 220 kV transmission line to Ben Tre 220 kV transformer station transmitting wind power capacity of 19, 20" "12/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "MQ’s version says investment 100M$ but no source" "2 ?" 14 "IV.14" 143 50.00 MW 59 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 3 Sóc Trăng (V2-1)" "BPP Vinh Chau (BanPu Power Public group, (TH)" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.308093865 105.9912204 "Onshore" 29.4 MW "7x SG 4.2" 1365 11/01/19 "Yes" 02/22/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Lease 5674 m² till 2068-05-03" 3 79 43 29.40 MW 11 "https://www.lecourrier.vn/mise-en-chantier-dune-centrale-eolienne-a-soc-trang/682783.html," "https://fr.nhandan.com.vn/societe/energie/item/5655471-mise-en-chantier-d-une-centrale-eolienne-a-soc-trang.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Số 3 tại vị trí V1-3 tỉnh Trà Vinh" "Công ty CP Cơ Điện lạnh là chủ đầu tư – Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation (REE)" "Trường Long Hòa" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.982528 106.675944 "Intertidal" 48.0 MW "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu)" "VESTAS" 2120 01/15/20 "Yes" 08/07/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "One source says 1220 billions VND, another 2120 billions VND. One is typo. Vietcombank loaned 1360 bn VND. Builder FECON." "I.05" 100 46 48.00 MW 47 48.00 MW "MOIT Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://www.fecon.com.vn/nha-may-dien-gio-tra-vinh-v13-dp235" "https://bnews.vn/tra-vinh-khoi-cong-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-hon-2-200-ty-dong/166187.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Vietcombank-tai-tro-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-so-3-48MW-tai-tinh-Tra-Vinh--6-164-7938" "http://www.tbw.com.vn/vi/le-dong-tho-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-so-3-tai-vi-tri-v1-3-tinh-tra-vinh.html" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43-oCb-EEcQ" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Số 5 - Thạnh Hải 1" "Tân Hoàn Cầu Ben Tre JSC" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.887505023 106.6752992 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "7x SG 4.5 – 145" 1500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Signed Turbines deal 7/2019. Investment cost prorated. Resettlement issues for 110kV line pillars T49 and T50. Early plan cited 110MW 5500bn VND but 4 phases of 30 is 120MW." "1 ?" 8 "IV.8" 80 33 30.00 MW 51 30.00 MW "https://www.energycentral.com/news/no-5-thanh-hai-1-wind-farm-project" "https://bnews.vn/cac-du-an-dien-gio-tai-ben-tre-khong-dam-bao-dung-tien-do-dong-dien/165902.html" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIvnr1hyGDI" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Số 5 - Thạnh Hải 2" "Tân Hoàn Cầu Ben Tre JSC" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 8 "IV.8" 81 61 30.00 MW 73 4.25 MW 6 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 5 - Thạnh Hải 3" "Tân Hoàn Cầu Ben Tre JSC" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 8 "IV.8" 82 62 30.00 MW 15 "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nm-dien-gio-so-5-thanh-hai-3" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 5 - Thạnh Hải 4" "Tân Hoàn Cầu Ben Tre JSC" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.887505023 106.6752992 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Including Wind Power No. 5 - Thanh Hai 1,2,3,4: 3x30 + 20 MW; Phase 1 - Thanh Hai 1 wind power 5 (V1-2: 30 MW) connects with V1-1 to Thanh Phu 110 kV transformer station (Binh Thanh) via AC240 dual circuit 110 kV line" "7x SG 4.5 – 145" 1500 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Obligations emitted in Feb 2020 mention 120 MW total." "1 ?" 8 "IV.8" 83 70 30.00 MW 20 "Normal" "D – Operation" "Số 5 Ninh Thuan" "Trung Nam Group" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.50338003 108.9847978 "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Đường dây 220kV mạch đơn đấu nối về TC 220kV TBA 220 kV Ninh Phước, dây dẫn AC330, chiều dài 2km" "Single-circuit 220 kV line connected to busbar 220kV Ninh Phuoc 220 kV transformer station, AC330 lead, 2 km in length" "11x Enercon" 1633 "Yes" 10/30/21 11/14/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" "5 turbines (21MW) CODed first in August. As seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Talks with IMPSA dropped in 4/2016" 5 5 "II.5" 84 113 46.20 MW 15 46.20 MW "https://www.vir.com.vn/impsas-project-gone-with-the-wind-41452.html" "https://nangluongvietnam.vn/khanh-thanh-nha-may-dien-gio-so-5-ninh-thuan-27815.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Số 7 Sóc Trăng, phase 1" "Công ty TNHH Xuân Cầu, Công ty CP Năng lượng Sóc Trăng" "Vĩnh Hải" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 29.4 MW "7x Vestas V150 4.0/4.2MW" 1500 "27/08/2018" "Yes" 09/27/20 2021-10-24 2022-02-15 2022-04-21 "HDM" "EPC by Sigma Engineering JSC. LinkedIn pic." 7 33 85 52 29.40 MW 33 29.40 MW "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-3-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Soc-Trang-6-164-8004" "http://sigma.net.vn/nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-soc-trang-7.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/thang-tran-van-18781020b_vestas-windenergy-st7-activity-6814476011061829632-tHO7" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bach-nguyen-2a97151b8_vestas-windenergy-activity-6813433534095745024-zPWX" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-so-7-soc-trang" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Soc-Trang-Khanh-thanh-du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-so-7-6-164-15293" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Số 7 Soc Trang, phase 2" "Công ty TNHH Xuân Cầu, Công ty CP Năng lượng Sóc Trăng" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.308093865 105.9912204 "Intertidal" 90.0 MW "Tận dụng hạ tầng đấu nối cho ĐG số 7 - gdd1 - 30 MW (V1-3); lắp BS 2 MVA 22/110 kV: 2x63 MVA" "Utilizing the connection infrastructure for wind power No. 7 - Phase 1 - 30 MW (V1-3); additional installation of 2 transformers 22/110 kV: 2x63 MVA" 4200 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 24 "IV.24" 64 88.20 MW 17 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-3-du-an-dien-gio-tai-Soc-Trang-6-164-8004" "Zoned" "Soc Trang 10" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 150.0 MW 10 "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 11" "Công ty TNHH Xuân Thiện Yên Bái" "Bắc Sơn" "Thuận Bắc" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.308093865 105.9912204 "Intertidal" 100.8 MW "Đấu nối về trạm 110 kV Trần Đề" "Connect to Tran De 110 kV station" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 11 35 25 "IV.25" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sóc Trăng 12" "Vĩnh Hiêp" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.381018 105.944892 "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.09" "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 13 (Nexif Energy)" "Nexif Energy" "Vinh Hiep, Vinh Phúc" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 40.0 MW "ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép về TBA 110 kV Trần Đề dài 2x18 km, ACSR240" "110 kV dual-circuit transmission line to Tran De 110 kV transformer station 2x18 km long, ACSR240" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 36 30 "IV.30" "I.15" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sóc Trăng 14" "Khánh Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.412889 106.007665 "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.10" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sóc Trăng 15" "Khánh Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.412889 106.007665 "Onshore" 40.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.11" "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 16" "Envision Energy (HK)" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.308093865 105.9912204 "Intertidal" 40.0 MW "Đấu nối về TC 110 kV - TBA 220 kV Sóc Trăng" "Connecting to the 110 kV busbar - Soc Trang 220 kV transformer station" "15x3 + 2x2.5" 80 M$ 2018 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Wind mast up since 2019-1, Upsized from initial 40MW but back to 40MW in #9." 37 23 "IV.23" "http://baosoctrang.org.vn/kinh-te/soc-trang-se-tao-moi-dieu-kien-thuan-loi-de-cong-ty-som-trien-khai-du-an-dien-gio-29539.html" "https://vietnamfinance.vn/dai-gia-hong-kong-muon-rot-80-trieu-usd-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-tai-thanh-hoa-20180504224232036.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sóc Trăng 18 (Goldwind)" "Công ty TNHH Năng lượng Trung Thịnh Sóc Trăng" "Vĩnh Hiệp, Phường 2, phường Khánh Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 22.4 MW "Transit 110kV Vĩnh Châu - Sóc Trăng 2 (5km, phân pha ACSR-2x240) " 2021-01-20 "HDM" "EIA presented 9/6/2020" 85 "http://baosoctrang.org.vn/kinh-te/danh-gia-tac-dong-moi-truong-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-so-18-37531.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 21" "Nexif Energy Hydro B.V" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 40.0 MW "27/08/2018" 12 38 "Zoned" "Soc Trang 22" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 13 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sóc Trăng 3 phase 2" "BPP Vinh Chau (BanPu Power Public group, (TH)" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 35.6 MW 1400 2021-06-29 "HDM" 3 29 "https://www.thesaigontimes.vn/317668/soc-trang-cho-thue-dat-thuc-hien-hai-du-an-dien-gio-quy-mo-lon.html?fbclid=IwAR3zBSylr3v6nvg-eKLMGoBWNWzSL1GfCm9YbKipPXXc2roKZZMwu4MlJnE" "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 4" "Tổng Công ty Cổ phần Thương mại Xây dựng (Vietracimex)" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 350.0 MW "Connect to Vinh Chau 220 kV transformer station via 220 kV dual circuit lines" "27/08/2018" 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Starting with 130MW" 4 30 21 "IV.21" "Zoned" "Sóc Trăng 5 " "Lạc Hòa" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 25.0 MW 5 31 "Normal" "B – Development" "Sóc Trăng 8" "Công ty TNHH năng lượng tái sinh Trác Việt" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 100.0 MW "27/08/2018" 2020-04-08 "HDM" 8 34 "Zoned" "Soc Trang 9" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 150.0 MW 2020-04-08 "HDM" 9 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 1-1" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "TC 110kV Vĩnh Trạch Đông, mạch kép 10km, ACSR240" 79 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 1-2" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu) " 80 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 1-3" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu) " 81 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 2-1" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV Vĩnh Châu, mạch kép 14km, ACSR240 " 82 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 2-2" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu, mạch kép 20km, dây phân pha 2xACSR240 (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu) " 83 "Zoned" "Soc Trang zone 2-3" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu) " 84 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Sơn Hội" "Tasco JSC" "Sơn Hội" "Sơn Hòa" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 100.0 MW "Yes" 2020-04-08 "HDM" "Wind mast is up." "http://tasco.com.vn/dau-tu-nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-son-hoi-phu-yen-nd499639.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Song An" "CTCP Điện Gió Song An (5 investors)" "Cửu An, Song An" "An Khê" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.96342851 108.7448194 "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Trạm 110kV DG Song An 2x52MVA transit 1 mạch 110kV An Khê - K'Bang" "110kV station Song An wind power 2x52 MVA, relayed on 01 110kV An Khe - K'Bang circuit" 2091 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "670/QĐ-UBND 8/12/2020" 5 55 "III.5" 78 89 46.20 MW 29 "Normal" "B – Development" "Sông Hậu" "Long Phu, Trần Đề" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.594592966 106.1549092 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn về Trạm cắt 110 kV Trần Đề dài 4 km, ACSR185" "the single-circuit 110 kV line to the Tran De 110 kV cut-off station is 4km long, ACSR185" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 29 "IV.29" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Sunpro 30WM - Bến Tre Số 8" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện Sài Gòn Gia Định + consortium" "Thới Thuận" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.09491379 106.7665249 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Đại qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép" "Connect to Binh Dai 110 kV transformer station via the 110 kV dual circuit line" 1500 "09/2019" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Blades at Long An port LinkedIn pic on 1.7.2021. Investment Certificate 1918/QĐ-UBND Ben Tre 9/2019" 5 "IV.5" 106 146 29.40 MW 62 "https://baodautu.vn/chu-dau-tu-phai-hua-khong-phat-dien-de-duoc-dau-noi-d145662.html" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/david-lien-73677590_sunpro8-wind-farms-discharge-at-long-an-port-activity-6816366961782607872-i7Pr" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tài Tâm" "Công ty TNHH Tài Tâm" "Hướng Phùng" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.83057321 106.6948851 "Onshore" 48.0 MW "Đấu nối bằng đường dây 220kV về TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "Connect by transmission line 220 kV to the substation 220 kV Lao Bao" "Envision EN141/3.2" 1800 28-02-18 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 13 "I.13" 86 105 50.00 MW 39 48.00 MW "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/john-lee-2a713461_congratulations-to-quang-tri-tai-tam-hoang-activity-6817005677727371264-53pg" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tân Ân 1 phase 1" "Công ty CP Đầu tư thủy điện Sông Lam" "ấp Xẻo Mắm, xã Tân Ân" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 25.0 MW 1254 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 45 87 51 25.00 MW 80 25.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1402/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ca Mau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Khoi-cong-Nha-may-dien-gio-Tan-An-Ca-Mau-6-164-8841" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Tân Ân 1 phase 2021-2025 – 30MW" "Công ty CP Đầu tư thủy điện Sông Lam" "ấp Xẻo Mắm, xã Tân Ân" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 29.4 MW 1254 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 88 141 30.00 MW 57 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Tân Ân 1 phase 2021-2025 – 45MW" "Công ty CP Đầu tư thủy điện Sông Lam" "ấp Xẻo Mắm, xã Tân Ân" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 45.0 MW 1254 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 89 110 45.00 MW 36 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Diền" "Tân Diền" "Gò Công Đông" "Tiền Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.350602 106.768107 "Intertidal" 99.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.07" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Hoàn Cầu " "Tân Hoàn Cầu Ben Tre JSC" "Dân Hóa" "Minh Hóa" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 180.0 MW 2017 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Total 300MW. Wind mast in Bai Dinh, Dan Hoa since Dec. 2017." "http://socongthuong.hatinh.gov.vn/index.php/phat-trien-nang-luong-tai-tao-tai-quang-binh/n139.html." "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Tân Hop" "Thanh An Wind Power Joint Stock Company" "Tân Hợp, Húc" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 38.0 MW "Đấu nối vào TC 110kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo" "Connect to busbar 110 kV Lao Bao 220 kV transformer station" 1696 12/15/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 9 "I.9" 128 38.00 MW 48 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Hop 1" "Húc" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "IV.5" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Lâp – Ea Hồ" "Tân Lâp, Ea Hồ" "Krông Búk, Krông Nang" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.43" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tân Linh" "Công ty Cổ phần Điện gió Tân Linh" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.6324323 106.7090856 "Onshore" 46.2 MW "Kết hợp đấu nối với NMĐG Hướng Tân vào TC 110kV TBA 220kV Lao Bảo (lắp thêm MBA nâng áp trong NMĐG Hướng Tân)" "11xVestas 4.2-D150" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Deforestation issues. PPA 10/9/2019. Owner’s engineer is K2 Management. IC 2382/QD-UBND 10/9/2019 EIA 1814/QD-UBND Quang Tri." 71 90 24 46.20 MW 23 46.20 MW "http://www.baoquangtri.vn/Ph%C3%B3ng-s%E1%BB%B1-Ghi-ch%C3%A9p/modid/412/ItemID/145515" "http://vietnamprp.com.vn/prp/vi/tin-tuc/tin-tuc/202-ppa-huongtan-muabandien-gio.html" "https://baodautu.vn/he-lo-nguyen-nhan-dien-gio-duoc-cod-it-du-gan-het-thoi-gian-uu-dai-d153838.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tân Phú Đông 2 + 1" "Hoa Viet Corporation / TTC Group" "Phu Tan + Tân Thành" "Tan Phu Dong + Gò Công Đông" "Tiền Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.39164999 106.7791076 "Intertidal" 150.0 MW "Đấu về TBA 110 kV Gò Công hiện có qua ĐZ mạch kép, dài 23 km, ACSR185" "Matching to existing Go Cong 110 kV transformer station via dual circuit line, 23 km long, ACSR185" 6705 01/18/21 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 36 37 "IV.36" 91 117 150.00 MW 69 50.00 MW 3 "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/handing-investment-decisions-for-tan-phu-dong-1-and-2-wind-power-projects.html" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlIpxt3J78I" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/dien-gio-tan-phu-dong" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/handing-investment-decisions-for-tan-phu-dong-1-and-2-wind-power-projects.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Tân Tan Nhật – Dak Glei" "Đăk Glei" "Kon Tum" "Tây Nguyên" 15.16813012 107.7121785 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 110kV Bờ Y" "Connecting to Bo Y 110 kV transformer station" 1890 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "886/QD-UBND Kon Tum, 8/9/2020" 22 "III.22" 92 85 50.00 MW 27 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Thành 1" "Tân Thành" "Gò Công Đông" "Tiền Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.291356 106.756639 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.06" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Thành 2, 3" "Tân Thành" "Gò Công Đông" "Tiền Giang" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.291356 106.756639 "Intertidal" 197.5 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.06" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tân Thuận phase 1" "Ca Mau Renewable Energy Investment JSC" "Tân Thuận" "Đầm Dơi" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.001923182 105.3916305 "Intertidal" 25.0 MW "source empty" "6xSG 5.0-145" 983 "MOIT Decisions No 1402 QĐ-BCT, 11/4/2016 and No 4940 QĐ-BCT, 27/12/2018 " "Yes" "yes" 04/24/22 2022-04-21 "HDM" "EPC is PECC2. Tower 1 up by may 2021." 5 43 93 26 25.00 MW 30 25.00 MW "MOIT's Decision No.1402/QĐ-BCT dated 11/04/2016, approved the ""Planning on wind power development of Ca Mau province in the period to 2020, with a vision to 2030"" " "https://renews.biz/61680/siemens-gamesa-secures-165mw-vietnamese-double/" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Lap-dat-thanh-cong-tru-tuabin-dau-tien-du-an-dien-gio-Tan-Thuan-6-164-10169" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Tân Thuận phase 2" "Ca Mau Renewable Energy Investment JSC" "Tân Thuận" "Đầm Dơi" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.001923182 105.3916305 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "Lắp MBA T2 tại TBA ĐG Tân Thuận (gđ 1)" "12xSG 5.0-145" 1967 "MOIT Decisions No 1402 QĐ-BCT, 11/4/2016 and No 4940 QĐ-BCT, 27/12/2018 " "Yes" 04/24/22 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Pro-rated costs and turbines number." 5 44 94 42 50.00 MW 58 50.00 MW "https://renews.biz/61680/siemens-gamesa-secures-165mw-vietnamese-double/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tân Yang – Đak Pơ" "Tân An, Yang Bắc" "Đak Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 120.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 85 "III.15" "https://forbesvietnam.com.vn/tin-cap-nhat/general-electric-cung-cap-tuabin-gio-lon-nhat-chau-a-tai-viet-nam-10002.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tay Ea H’leo" "Ea Khal, Ea Ral, tri tran Ea Drang" "Ea H’leo" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 30.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.40" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Thái Hòa (Hòa Thắng 4)" "Công ty cổ phần Năng lượng Pacific - Bình Thuận" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 90.0 MW "Transit 01 mạch ĐZ 110kV Lương Sơn - Hòa Thắng - Mũi Né (0,1km)" "18x SG 5.0-145" 3879 "Yes" "Yes" 07/16/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Was 83 MW. EPC FECON" "near 10" 71 15 "I.B.35" 95 39 90.00 MW 65 90.00 MW "https://www.thaibinhduong.vn/tin-tuc/tin-cong-ty/dong-tho-xay-dung-nha-may-dien-gio-thai-hoa" "https://renews.biz/61680/siemens-gamesa-secures-165mw-vietnamese-double/" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hung-nguyen-ctvwind_windpower-civilengineering-renewables-activity-6732974763364499456-1bOa" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thái Phong (Hòa Minh)" "Công ty cổ phần Năng lượng Pacific - Bình Thuận" "Chí Công, Hòa Minh, Phong Phú" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 14.5 MW 694 "Yes" 2020-05-13 "HDM" "Metmast installed. 14.5 MW in #8, upgradeable to 52,5MW" "outside" 72 "I.B.36" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Hung" "Ia Phìn, Thang Hung, Bau Can" "Chư Prông" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.17" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thắng Lợi Đắk Lắk" "Công ty CP Cà phê Thắng Lợi" "Hòa Đông" "Krông Pắc" "Đắk Lắk" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 49.5 MW "Xây dựng trạm nâng áp công suất 63 MVA và 5 km đường dây 220 kV." 2090 2021-01-20 "HDM" "Asked registration on 10/2020" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/De-nghi-bo-sung-du-an-dien-gio-Thang-Loi-Dak-Lak-vao-quy-hoach-6-164-8324" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 1" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Tân Thành" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW "XDM ĐZ 220kV mạch đơn đi thanh cái 220 kV của TBA 500 kV Duyên Hải dài 12km, ACSR-400" "64x9.5MW MHI-Vestas turbines." 1,588 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "Pre-FS underway. Addition to PDP request by MOIT report to PM ref 4556/BCT-DL 2020-06-24." 68 "I.B.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office, and 4917 / VPCP-QHQT 6/6/2019" "https://e.theleader.vn/enterprize-energy-gets-greenlight-for-12-billion-offshore-wind-farm-1560597296097.htm" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 2" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 1,588 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "Pro rated costss: $9 billion for 3.4 GW (notional size), up to onshore substation included." "I.B.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office" "https://enterprizeenergy.com/projects/kega-offshore-wind-farm-23.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 3" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 1,588 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "I.B.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office" "https://thailand-construction.com/enteprize-energy-develops-vietnams-3400mw-offshore-wind-park-in-thang-long/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 4" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 1,588 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "II.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 5" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW 1,588 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "II.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thang Long (Kê Gà) phase 6" "Enterprize Energy + Renewable Energy Global Solution + PetroVietnam" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 400.0 MW 1,059 M$ "Yes" "Document 4556/BCT-DL dated 24/6/2020" 2020-04-16 "NLA" "II.1" "Letter No. 621 / VPCP-QHQT dated 22/01/2019 by Government Office" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thăng Long 1" "Công ty CP Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển nhà Sài Gòn – Hà Nội + Công ty CP Đầu tư thương mại và kinh doanh bất động sản Thăng Long" "Lộc Bình" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 3600 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thăng Long 2" "Công ty CP Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển nhà Sài Gòn – Hà Nội + Công ty CP Đầu tư thương mại và kinh doanh bất động sản Thăng Long" "Đình Lập" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 3600 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thăng Long 3" "Công ty CP Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển nhà Sài Gòn – Hà Nội + Công ty CP Đầu tư thương mại và kinh doanh bất động sản Thăng Long" "Chi Lăng" "Lạng Sơn" "Đông Bắc" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 2500 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thăng Long Hướng Sơn 2 " "Thang Long – Huong Son 2 ,.JSC (TIG)" "Hướng Sơn" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Company registered 6/2019" "http://thanglonginvestgroup.vn/thanh-vien-tig/cong-ty-co-phan-dien-gio-thang-long-huong-son-1.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thăng Long Hướng Sơn 2 " "Thang Long – Huong Son 2 ,.JSC (TIG)" "Hướng Sơn" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Company registered 6/2019" "http://thanglonginvestgroup.vn/thanh-vien-tig/cong-ty-co-phan-dien-gio-thang-long-huong-son-2.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Thang Long V3-1" "Thang Long Construction Group" "Lương Hòa A" "Châu Thành" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 96.0 MW "XDM for 220kV single-bus busbar 220 kV line of Duyen Hai 500 kV transformer station 12km long, ACSR-400" 3860 2022-03-02 2021-01-13 "HDM" "EXPENSIVE, TO CHECK. Suspect capacity only Phase 1, but cost for total. Or Offshore ?" 35 "IV.35" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149," "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Thạnh Hải GENCO1 phase 1" "Power corporation 1" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1800 "20/07/2017" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Phase 1 30MW (1.800 bn VND investment), phase 2 90MW" "4?" "Keynote Presentation at VOOWS 2019" "https://acis.com.vn/ben-tre-thu-hut-7-du-dien-gio/" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Thạnh Hải GENCO1 phase 2" "Power corporation 1" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 90.0 MW "Quote 3421 bn VND for 230 MW at " "5?" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Thanh Phong phase 1 " "Ecowin" "Thanh Hải" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 29.7 MW "9x" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Close to dwellings. Lawsuits. Probably duplicate...but which one." 96 40 29.70 MW 10 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Thạnh Phú" "Công ty TNHH Tài Tâm + Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển Phương Bắc" "An Nhơn, An Quý, Mỹ An" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.870101299 106.6636083 "Onshore" 120.0 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 110kV Bình Thạnh qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn" "Connect to Binh Thanh 110kV transformer station via single-circuit 110 kV line" 28 4996 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "1 ?" 10 "IV.10" 115 120.00 MW 39 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thien Long Kỳ Nam 1" "Công ty Đầu tư năng lượng Thiên Long" "Kỳ Nam" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 30.0 MW 1103 "6442/UBND-KT1 ngày 24/9/2020" "https://thixakyanh.hatinh.gov.vn/portal/pages/2021-11-02/Thong-nhat-vi-tri-xay-dung-mot-so-hang-muc-ky-thua-454409.aspx" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thien Long Kỳ Nam 2" "Công ty Đầu tư năng lượng Thiên Long" "Kỳ Nam" "Kỳ Anh" "Hà Tĩnh" "Bắc Trung Bộ" "Intertidal" 270.0 MW 9924 "6442/UBND-KT1 ngày 24/9/2020" "https://thixakyanh.hatinh.gov.vn/portal/pages/2021-11-02/Thong-nhat-vi-tri-xay-dung-mot-so-hang-muc-ky-thua-454409.aspx" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Thiên Phú" "Thien Phu Energy JSC" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.870101299 106.6636083 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Đấu gom về trạm cắt 110 kV và đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Thạnh qua 1 ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép" "Gathering to the 110 kV cut-off station and connecting to Binh Thanh 110 kV transformer station through a dual-circuit 110 kV line" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 6 "IV.6" 121 30.00 MW 43 "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Thiên Phú 2" "Thạnh Phú" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.870101299 106.6636083 "Intertidal" 30.0 MW "Đấu gom về trạm cắt 110 kV và đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Thạnh qua 1 ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép" "Gathering to the 110 kV cut-off station and connecting to Binh Thanh 110 kV transformer station through a dual-circuit 110 kV line" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 7 "IV.7" 122 30.00 MW 44 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Thiên Phú giai đoạn 2 và Thiên Phú 2 giai đoạn 2" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 500.0 MW "Letter 5993/TTr-UBND and 5994/TTr-UBND dated 20/12/2020" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Thuận Nam (Hàm Cường 2)" "CTCP Đầu tư HD (HD Investment jsc)" "Tiến Thành, Hàm Cường" "TP Phan Thiet, Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 19.8 MW "transist DD110kV Hàm Kiệm - Tân Thành, 0,5km, dây phân pha 2xACSR 185" 899 07/09/2019 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "#4 says 50 MW" 19 34 19 "I.B.39" 97 34 20.00 MW 68 20.00 MW "đồng thời dự án đã được UBND tỉnh cấp Quyết định chủ trương đầu tư số 2202/QĐ-UBND ngày 02/8/2017, Quyết định điều chỉnh chủ trương đầu tư số 1727/QĐ-UBND ngày 9/7/2019 cho Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư HD triển khai đầu tư xây dựng dự án." "http://vanban.binhthuan.gov.vn/thongtin/vanban/detail?id=4832" "https://devi-renewable.com/news/som-day-nhanh-tien-do-trien-khai-du-an-dien-gio-thuan-nam-ham-cuong-2/" "http://www.baobinhthuan.com.vn/en-us/print.aspx?id=99439" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Thuận Nhiên Phong" "Asia Renewable Energy Corporation joint with Công ty cổ phần xây dựng công trình 525" "Hòa Thắng" "Bắc Bình" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.083619 108.379324 "Onshore" 32.0 MW "TC 110kV trạm Mũi Né" "8x GE 3.8 MW-137" 1499 "Yes" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Planned capacity for zone 10 was 32 MW. Co-located PV field permitted." 10 59 23 25 10 "I.B.32" 98 8 30.40 MW 81 19.00 MW 12 "http://www.tazon.vn/san-pham/du-an-tru-tubin-dien-gio-thuan-nhien-phong-71.html," "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/dien-hat-nhan-nang-luong-tai-tao/ge-cung-cap-tua-bin-va-van-hanh-bao-duong-du-an-dien-gio-thuan-nhien-phong.html" "Normal" "B – Development" "Tiến Thành 1" "Ha Do Group JSC" "Tiến Thành" "Hàm Thuận Nam" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hàm Cường (transit 220kV Phan Thiết - Hàm Tân) - Thay đổi: Transit vào đz 110kV Hàm Kiệm - Tân Thành (AC-2x185, 2,5km) " 772 "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" "Capacity was 20MW in Decision 4715 dated 16/8/2012. HDG probably upsized to 50MW." 38 15 "I.B.47" "https://www.thesaigontimes.vn/280623/ha-do-day-manh-dau-tu-du-an-dien-gio-va-dien-mat-troi.html" "https://www.vndirect.com.vn/cmsupload/beta/research-HDG.pdf" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Tiến Thành 1 (old plan)" "Asia Clean Energy Development and Investment - Service - Trade Co. Ltd. " "Tiến Thành" "TP Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hàm Cường (transit 220kV Phan Thiết - Hàm Tân) - Thay đổi: Transit vào đz 110kV Hàm Kiệm - Tân Thành (AC-2x185, 2,5km)" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Follow up unknown. overlapping with Titan reserved areas " 15 19 30 "Zoned" "Tiến Thành 2" "Tiến Thành" "TP Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 15.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hàm Cường (transit 220kV Phan Thiết - Hàm Tân)" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-04-16 "HDM" "Seen in Provincial Wind Power Development Plan. Follow up unknown. No investor by 2020-03-10" 16 19 31 16 "I.B.51" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Tiến Thành 3" "Nhiệt điện Bà Rịa" "Tiến Thành" "TP Phan Thiết" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 20.0 MW "25MVA, TC 110kV TBA 220kV Hàm Cường (transit 220kV Phan Thiết - Hàm Tân)" "Not by 2020-03-10" 2020-05-13 "HDM" 17 19 32 17 "I.B.45" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "TNC Quảng Trị 1" "Công ty CP Điện gió TNC Quảng Trị 1" "Tân Thành, thuộc khu kinh tế - Thương mại đặc biệt Lao Bảo" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.87788808 106.6440733 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu 220kV từ trạm 220 kV Hướng Tân mạch đơn, dây 300 mm2, dài 7km" "220 kV connection from the 220 kV Huong Tan station with single circuit, 300 mm 2 wire , 7 km long" 1805 12/02/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 4 "I.4" 119 50.00 MW 41 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-2-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8761" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "TNC Quảng Trị 2" "Công ty CP Điện gió TNC Quảng Trị 2" "Tân Thành và xã Tân Long, thuộc khu kinh tế - thương mại đặc biệt Lao Bảo" "Hướng Hóa" "Quảng Trị" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 16.87789808 106.6440733 "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Đấu 220kV từ trạm 220 kV Hướng Tân mạch đơn, dây 300 mm2, dài 7km" "220 kV connection from the 220 kV Huong Tan station with single circuit, 300 mm 2 wire , 7 km long" 1667 12/02/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 5 "I.5" 120 50.00 MW 42 "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Quang-Tri-chap-thuan-chu-truong-dau-tu-2-du-an-dien-gio-6-164-8761" "Cancelled" "Tra Vinh 1-1" "Woojin Construction " "Trường Long Hòa, Dân Thành" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 48.0 MW "TC 110kV Vĩnh Trạch Đông, mạch kép 10km, ACSR240" "24x 2MW" 120 M$ 2016 02/24/16 2020-04-15 "NLA" "Project V1-1 in decision 13309. Restarted 24/04/19. without Woojin, ref 41 in source #2" 22 "MOIT Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "Cancelled" "A – Preliminary" "Tra Vinh 2 (Korea – Tra Vinh)" "Woojin Construction " "Trường Long Hòa" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 96.0 MW "5/2016" 03/12/15 "Woojin Construction licence cancelled on 8/2019. Feasibility study contract for Tra Vinh 2, 96MW by IE signed 8/6/2016" "https://vietnambiz.vn/tra-vinh-thu-hoi-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-von-dau-tu-hon-247-trieu-usd-20190805102622344.htm" "Zoned" "Trà Vinh 4" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.716910087 106.560594 "Intertidal" 48.0 MW 4 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 1-7, zone 3-8" "CTCP Đầu tư xây dựng Trung Nam" "Duyên Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" "TC 110kV Vĩnh Châu, mạch kép 14km, ACSR240" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Company selected 4/2/2020" "https://www.travinh.gov.vn/SiteFolders/bqlkkt/4955/Thong%20bao%2005-TB-BQLKKT%20ket%20qua%20nha%20dau%20tu%20thuc%20hien%20du%20an%20dien%20gia%20.pdf" "https://www.phanvu.vn/en-US/project/industrial-production/wind-power-trung-nam-tra-vinh-v1-7" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 3-2" "ATAD + HTECO + Malaysia Solar Resources" "Duyên Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" "TC 110kV TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu, mạch kép 20km, dây phân pha 2xACSR240 (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu)" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Company selected 4/2/2020" "https://www.travinh.gov.vn/SiteFolders/bqlkkt/4955/Thong%20bao%2005-TB-BQLKKT%20ket%20qua%20nha%20dau%20tu%20thuc%20hien%20du%20an%20dien%20gia%20.pdf" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 3-3" "CTCP Tap doanTruong Thanh + Mainstream Renewable Power" "Duyên Hải" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu)" 2020-03-24 "HDM" "Company selected 4/2/2020" "https://www.travinh.gov.vn/SiteFolders/bqlkkt/4955/Thong%20bao%2005-TB-BQLKKT%20ket%20qua%20nha%20dau%20tu%20thuc%20hien%20du%20an%20dien%20gia%20.pdf" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 3-5" "CTCP Đầu tư xây dựng + Phát triển nhà Phương Bắc + Đầu tư Năng lượng Hưng Bắc" "Trường Long Hòa" "Duyen Hai" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.649192 106.54864 "Intertidal" 100.0 MW 7172 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.04" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 3-7" "Hung Hai Investment JSC + Truong Thanh Energy and Technology JSC" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 2020-03-27 "HDM" "Source 1 unreliable for cost" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trà Vinh zone 3-8 (Hiep Thanh 3)" "Hiep Thanh" "Duyen Hai" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.717961 106.550909 "Intertidal" 210.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "I.02" "Normal" "B – Development" "Trần Đề" "Trần Đề" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.474627152 106.2067504 "Intertidal" 50.0 MW "ĐZ 110 kV mạch đơn về Trạm cắt 110 kV Trần Đề dài 4 km, ACSR185" "the single-circuit 110 kV line to the Tran De 110 kV cut-off station is 4km long, ACSR185" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 28 "IV.28" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Trung Nam Ninh Thuan phase 1 2 3" "Công ty CP Điện Gió Trung Nam (Trungnam Wind Power)" "Lợi Hải, Bắc Phong" "Thuận Bắc" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 11.697788 109.027874 "Onshore" 152.0 MW "Thanh cái 110kV, TBA 220kV Tháp Chàm" "Biến áp 220 kV Tháp Chàm" "ENERCON : 17xE103/2350 + 16x4MW E126 EP3 + 12x4MW E127" 4000 "Yes" 08/26/16 "04/27/2019, 1/20/19, 4/16/21" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Siemens Inverter. First turbine operating on 29/11/2019. Energy complex PV + WInd. 16/4/21 date is inauguration ceremony. TN sold 35.1% to Hitachi in May 2021." 2.3 10.11 60 7 151.95 MW 6 151.95 MW "Capacity upgrade by PM document 311/TTg-CN 10-03-2020" "https://www.vir.com.vn/trung-nam-group-to-join-renewable-energy-sector-49877.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Chuyen-nhuong-351-co-phan-Nha-may-dien-gio-Trung-Nam-6-164-10173" "https://www.trungnamgroup.com.vn/dien-gio-trung-nam" "https://www.phapluatplus.vn/kinh-te-cong-nghe/trung-nam-group-phat-dien-du-an-dien-gio-giai-doan-2-d112208.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/increasing-capacity-of-trung-nam-wind-power-project.html" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Nha-may-dien-gio-Trung-Nam-duoc-tang-cong-suat-len-hon-150-MW-6-164-6024" "https://viettimes.vn/trungnam-group-khanh-thanh-nha-may-dien-gio-4-000-ti-tai-ninh-thuan-post144677.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trung Nam Trà Vinh (Trà Vinh zone 3-6)" "Trung Nam Construction Investment Corporation" "Trường Long Hòa" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 348.0 MW 2021-01-13 "HDM" "Source 1 unreliable for cost" "I.01" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/dien-gio-trung-nam-tra-vinh" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Trường Thành Trà Vinh" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 2,000.0 MW "Letter 848/UBND-CNXD dated 23/3/2020" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Zoned" "Tuy An 1" "An Hiệp, An Lĩnh, An Cu, thi tran Chi Thanh" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-05-22 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ? See also Bắc Phú Yên 1 – 4." "III.45" "Zoned" "Tuy An 2" "An Dinh, An Nghiep" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-05-22 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ?" "III.46" "Zoned" "Tuy An 3" "An Xuan, An Nghiep" "Tuy An" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "TC 220kV TBA 220kV Tuy Hòa (mạch đơn, AC400, 16km) (đấu nối cho GĐ 1)" "" 2021-05-22 "HDM" "Planning for HBRE An Thọ ?" "III.47" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tuy Đúc 1" "N&G Group + VESTAS" "Đac R’Tih" "Tuy Đúc" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 10/15/19 2021-01-14 "HDM" "Follow up on political MoU for 400MW at end of 2018" "III.22" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/in-dak-nong-will-be-added-400-mw-of-wind-power.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tuy Đúc 2" "N&G Group + VESTAS" "Đac R’Tih" "Tuy Đúc" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 10/15/19 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.23" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/in-dak-nong-will-be-added-400-mw-of-wind-power.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tuy Đúc 3" "N&G Group + VESTAS" "Đac R’Tih" "Tuy Đúc" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 10/15/19 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.24" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/in-dak-nong-will-be-added-400-mw-of-wind-power.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Tuy Đúc 4" "N&G Group + VESTAS" "Đac R’Tih" "Tuy Đúc" "Đắk Nông" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 10/15/19 2021-01-14 "HDM" "III.25" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/in-dak-nong-will-be-added-400-mw-of-wind-power.html" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "UPC - Quảng Bình 1" "UPC Renewables Asia" "Hưng Thủy, Sen Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-03-27 "HDM" "2/7/2018 first met Local authority" 60 "http://tietkiemnangluong.vn/d6/news/Quang-Binh-khao-sat-vi-tri-trien-khai-du-an-dien-gio-111-136-10945.aspx" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "UPC - Quảng Bình 2" "UPC Renewables Asia" "Sen Thủy" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-03-27 "HDM" "2/7/2018 first met Local authority" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "UPC - Quảng Bình 3" "UPC Renewables Asia" "Ngư Thủy Trung" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-03-27 "HDM" "2/7/2018 first met Local authority" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "UPC - Quảng Bình 4" "UPC Renewables Asia" "Ngư Thủy Trung, Ngư Thủy Nam" "Lệ Thủy" "Quảng Bình" "Bắc Trung Bộ" 30.0 MW 2020-03-27 "HDM" "2/7/2018 first met Local authority" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "UPC Soc Trang 5 (Lạc Hòa)" "UPC Renewables + AC Energy" "Hoa Dong" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Onshore" 30.0 MW "TC 110kV NMĐG Hòa Đông (mạch đơn 5km)" "6xV150-3.8 + 2xV150-3.6" 1300 "05/10/2018" "Yes" 09/16/20 04/08/22 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Zone 20. There are two homonym projects." "outside" 17 77 59 100 30.00 MW 33 "Normal" "D – Operation" "V1-2 Trà Vinh (Duyên Hải phase 1 ?)" "Truong Thanh Vietnam Group JSC + Sermsang Power Corporation (KR)" "Trường Long Hòa" "Duyên Hải" "Trà Vinh" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.677400228 106.5777785 "Intertidal" 48.0 MW "Transit 110kV NMĐG V2-2 - TBA 110kV Vĩnh Châu (các NM đấu nối theo p/a này sẽ phải giảm phát khi quá tải trong thời gian chờ TBA 220kV Vĩnh Châu)" "12x4MW" 2232 01/15/20 "Yes" 08/01/20 2022-04-21 "HDM" "EPC : AFRY. 2021-06-28 : starting pic on LinkedIn by Esa Holttinen. Re-launch of UNISO project cancelled in 2018. Upsized turbines." "1.2" 99 36 48.00 MW 32 48.00 MW "MOIT Decision No. 13309/QD-BCT dated 04/12/2015 approved Planning on wind power development of Tra Vinh province up to 2020, with a vision to 2030" "https://www.evwind.es/2020/01/20/wind-energiy-boom-in-tra-vinh-vietnam/73149" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tra-Vinh-Dong-tho-du-an-Nha-may-dien-gio-V1-2-6-164-7613" "https://www.linkedin.com/posts/esa-holttinen-4721495_offshorewind-vietnam-makingfuture-activity-6815194371370168320-QoCC" "Normal" "B – Development" "V1-3 Bến Tre next phases (Số 7 Ba Tri)" "Công ty CP Năng lượng tái tạo Bến Tre (BTRE) (Ecotech)" "Ba Tri" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Intertidal" 81.0 MW 4818 "20/07/2017" 2021-05-21 "HDM" "Prorated costs. Total 110MW, VND 6543 bil" 7 "https://acis.com.vn/ben-tre-thu-hut-7-du-dien-gio/" "https://bnews.vn/cac-du-an-dien-gio-tai-ben-tre-khong-dam-bao-dung-tien-do-dong-dien/165902.html" "Normal" "D – Operation" "V1-3 Bến Tre phase 1 (Số 7 Ba Tri)" "Công ty CP Năng lượng tái tạo Bến Tre (BTRE)" "An Thủy" "Ba Tri" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 9.990728771 106.6474491 "Intertidal" 29.0 MW "TC 110kV TBA 110kV Ba Tri (2xACSR185, 18km) " "7x V150-4.2" 1725 "20/07/2017" "Yes" 11/28/21 2022-04-21 "HDM" "EPC by Sigma Engineering JSC, formerly Woojin Construction for Ecotech" 8 41 29.40 MW 13 29.40 MW "http://sigma.net.vn/du-an-nang-luong-tai-tao/du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-ben-tre-v13.html" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/en/nuclear-renewable/insuring-for-ben-tre-v1-3-wind-power-project.html" "https://nangluongvietnam.vn/khanh-thanh-nha-may-dien-gio-v1-3-ben-tre-27881.html" "https://laodong.vn/kinh-te/de-nghi-gia-han-gia-fit-cho-nhung-du-an-dien-gio-chua-kip-ve-dich-979717.ldo?fbclid=IwAR0Mu6FhOEUOXVINwhR25kJMAw5UFUEyr7OfsM1vIjHmPlFYv3YH92kg9aE" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Văn Lâm " "Văn Lâm village, Phước Nam" "Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 50.0 MW 2020-03-27 "HDM" "Connecting to the exisiting 110kV Ninh Phước substation;" "http://www.vietnamwind.com " "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Viên An" "Công ty TNHH Tài Tâm và Công ty Cổ phần Đầu tư xây dựng và phát triển Phương Bắc" "Ngọc Hiển" "Cà Mau" "Tây Nam Bộ" "8.589973882739907, 104.94765626527439" 104.9476563 "Intertidal" 49.6 MW "Đấu nối về TBA 220 kV Năm Căn qua ĐZ 220 kV mạch đơn dài 17 km, ACSR400" "Connect to Nam Can 220 kV transformer station via single-circuit 220 kV line, 17 km long, ACSR400" 2411 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 3 37 "IV.27" 101 114 50.00 MW 38 "https://khangducconst.com/project/nha-may-dien-gio-vien-an/" "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-vien-an-50mw" "Normal" "B – Development" "Viet Nam Power No 1" "Palatial Global Inc" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 10.82837028 107.8753132 "Onshore" 30.0 MW "Đấu vào ĐG 7A" "Entering the 7A wind power plant" 2021-01-13 "HDM" 8 "II.8" "http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/111608p25c44/don-doc-xu-lycac-du-an-dien-gio-cham-tien-do.htm" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Viettracon phase 1" "Viettracon Management and Investment Co., Ltd. (Allemagne) en coopération avec Green Venture Invest AG (Suisse) " "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" 30.6 MW 109 M$ 07/04/14 2020-03-30 "HDM" "https://www.pvpower.vn/binh-dinh-cap-phep-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-109-trieu-do-la-my/" "Ghosted" "A – Preliminary" "Viettracon phase 2" "Viettracon Management and Investment Co., Ltd. (Allemagne) en coopération avec Green Venture Invest AG (Suisse) " "Bình Định" "Nam Trung Bộ" 30.6 MW 07/04/14 "https://www.pvpower.vn/binh-dinh-cap-phep-du-an-nha-may-dien-gio-109-trieu-do-la-my/" "Zoned" "Vĩnh Châu 1" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 260.0 MW 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Calling for investor on 27/4/2022" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Soc-Trang-keu-goi-dau-tu-5-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-16234" "Zoned" "Vĩnh Châu 2" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 1,000.0 MW 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Calling for investor on 27/4/2022" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Soc-Trang-keu-goi-dau-tu-5-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-16234" "Zoned" "Vĩnh Hải" "Vĩnh Hải" "Vĩnh Châu" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 800.0 MW 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Calling for investor on 27/4/2022" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Soc-Trang-keu-goi-dau-tu-5-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-16234" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Vĩnh Hảo" "Thuan Binh Wind Power JSC (EVN)" "Tuy Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" 10.17197029 106.7521053 "Onshore" 60.0 MW 2021-05-27 "HDM" "Metmast installed" 27 "http://www.tbw.com.vn/en/Du-an-Vinh-Hao.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Vinh Phong phase 1" "Zarubezhneft (RU) + DEME Offshore (BE)" "Vĩnh Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 600.0 MW "Proposed" 2021-06-30 "HDM" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Bo-Cong-Thuong-thong-tin-ve-cac-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-8381" "https://ocean-energyresources.com/2021/06/30/zarubezhneft-prepares-to-bid-for-offshore-wind-farm-project-in-partnership-with-deme-offshore/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Vinh Phong phase 2" "Zarubezhneft (RU) + DEME Offshore (BE)" "Vĩnh Phong" "Bình Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 400.0 MW "Proposed" 2021-06-30 "HDM" "Zoned" "Vĩnh Tân" "Vĩnh Tân" "Vĩnh Phước" "Sóc Trăng" "Tây Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 200.0 MW 2022-04-28 "HDM" "Calling for investor on 27/4/2022" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Tinh-Soc-Trang-keu-goi-dau-tu-5-du-an-dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-6-164-16234" "Normal" "D – Operation" "VPL Bến Tre" "VPL Heavy Power JSC, racheté par CTCP Điện Gia Lai" "Thừa Đức" "Bình Đại" "Bến Tre" "Tây Nam Bộ" 10.17197029 106.7521053 "Intertidal" 29.4 MW "Đấu gom các ĐG VPL Bến Tre-GDD1-2, ĐG Bình Đại, Bình Đại 2, Bình Đại 3 vào thanh cái 110 kV; sau đó đấu nối về TBA 110 kV Bình Đại qua ĐZ 110 kV mạch kép dài 15km, ACSR-2x240" "Combine the Ben Tre VPL wind power plants - Phase 1-2, Wind Power Binh Dai, Binh Dai 2, Binh Dai 3 into the busbar 110 kV; then connect to Binh Dai 110 kV transformer station via 110 kV dual circuit line of 15 km long, ACSR-2x240" "71x" 1320 "12/2017" "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Phase 2 for 40MW" "2 ?" 15 "IV.15" 102 17 29.40 MW 45 25.20 MW 1 "https://www.phanvu.vn/du-an/du-an-cong-nghiep/nha-may-dien-gio-vpl-ben-tre" "Normal" "D – Operation" "Win Energy Chiến Thắng" "Chinh Thang Wind Power Ltd." "Phước Ninh" "Thuận Nam, Ninh Phước" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 49.8 MW "Transit 110kV Tháp Chàm - Ninh Phước (ACSR 300, 0,1km)" 1701 "Yes" "25/04/2019" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Investor quality?? Transit 110kV Tháp Chàm - Ninh Phước (ACSR 300, 0,1km)." 73 57 103 22 49.80 MW 27 49.80 MW "http://www.ninhthuan.gov.vn/chinhquyen/thuannam/Pages/Khoi-cong-dien-gio-Win-Energy-Chinh-Thang-.aspx," "https://viettimes.vn/soi-thuc-luc-nhom-win-energy-dn-nang-luong-trung-quoc-tham-vong-choi-lon-o-viet-nam-post138313.html" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Xã Trang" "Trang, Hnol, K'Dang" "Đak Đoa " "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.873436 108.186897 "Onshore" 350.0 MW 2021-01-14 "HDM" 59 "III.02" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Xanh Sông Cầu phase 1" "Công ty Cổ phần Năng lượng Xanh Sông Cầu" "Xuân Cảnh, Xuân Hải và Xuân Bình" "Phú Yên" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Onshore" 49.9 MW "11x4.54" 1764 10/27/20 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" "Reactivated. #5 planned for 150MW overall." 62 140 49.50 MW 56 "approved by the People's Committee of Phu Yen province in Decision No. 2570/QD-UBND dated December 28, 2017 and Decision No. 1866/QD-UBND dated October 27, 2020" "http://vietnamconstruction.vn/vi/dau-tu-du-nha-may-dien-gio-xanh-song-cau-voi-cong-suat-4994mw/" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Xuân Trường 1" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 50.0 MW "Kết hợp Xuân Trường 1 và 2 - Transit 110kV Đa Nhim - Đơn Dương (5km, 2xACSR-185) " 2021-01-20 "HDM" "https://vietnambiz.vn/lam-dong-hoan-tat-quy-hoach-10-du-an-nang-luong-dien-20201219205853641.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Xuân Trường 2" "Lâm Đồng" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 48.0 MW "Kết hợp Xuân Trường 1 và 2 - Transit 110kV Đa Nhim - Đơn Dương (5km, 2xACSR-185) " 2021-01-20 "HDM" 56 "https://vietnambiz.vn/lam-dong-hoan-tat-quy-hoach-10-du-an-nang-luong-dien-20201219205853641.htm" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Xuyên Mộc" "HBRE" "Xuyên Mộc" "Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu" "Đông Nam Bộ" "Offshore" 760.0 MW "Letter 7586/UBND-CP dated 24/7/2020" 2021-06-19 "HDM" "http://nangluongvietnam.vn/news/vn/nhan-dinh-phan-bien-kien-nghi/dien-gio-ngoai-khoi-be-phong-cho-phat-trien-kinh-te-bien-viet-nam.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=ajax&_x_tr_sch=http" "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "Yang Bắc" "Tasco JSC" "Yang Bắc" "Đắk Pơ" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" "Onshore" 100.0 MW 169 M$ "Yes" 2020-04-13 "NLA" "Wind mast up since 15/7/2019." 66 "http://tasco.com.vn/dau-tu-nang-luong-tai-tao/dien-gio-yang-bac-gia-lai-nd499545.html," "http://scigroup.vn/vi/du-an-dien-gio/cot-do-gio-yang-bac-tasco.html" "Normal" "C – Implementation" "Yang Trung" "Công ty CP Phong điện Yang Trung" "Yang Trung, Đak Pơ Pho, Chơ Long" "Kông Chro" "Gia Lai" "Tây Nguyên" 13.79394743 108.51619 "Onshore" 145.0 MW "35/220kV ĐG Yang Trung đấu nối transit 1 mạch ĐZ 220kV TĐ An Khê - 500kV Pleiku 2" "Construction of Yang Trung wind power 35/220 kV booster station connected to the relay on 01 transmission line of 220 kV An Khe hydropower plant - 500 kV station Pleiku 2" "29x" 4403 "Yes" 2022-04-21 "HDM" 7 68 "III.7" 104 95 145.00 MW 31 "Normal" "A – Preliminary" "zone 2-1, Phước Dinh" "Trung Nam" "Phước Dinh" "Thuận Nam" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 502.0 MW "Yes" "Letter 5934/VPCP-CN dated 21/7/2020, Letter 118/TTr-UBND and 118/TTr-UBND dated 16/7/2020" 2021-05-21 "HDM" "Proposed for MOIT PDP8" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ninh-Thuan-se-tap-trung-phat-trien-dien-khi-LNG-dien-gio-bien-6-164-9997" "Zoned" "zones 2-2, 3-1, 3-4" "Ninh Thuận" "Nam Trung Bộ" "Offshore" 618.0 MW "Letter 5934/VPCP-CN dated 21/7/2020, Letter 118/TTr-UBND and 118/TTr-UBND dated 16/7/2020" 2021-05-21 "HDM" "Proposed for MOIT PDP8" "https://nangluongsachvietnam.vn/d6/vi-VN/news/Ninh-Thuan-se-tap-trung-phat-trien-dien-khi-LNG-dien-gio-bien-6-164-9997"