This file contains information and explanations for the variables used for Black Scoter habitat selection during winter along the Atlantic Coast of the United States of America. Data accompany the following publication: Plumpton, H.M., E.D. Silverman, and B.E. Ross. 2021. Black Scoter habitat use along the southeastern coast of the United States. Ecology and Evolution. All analyses were completed using JAGS and the package "runjags" in R. Please contact the corresponding author with questions about this data. Beth E. Ross U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Science Applications Email: ______________________________ Dataset: data.csv This file contains the count data aggregated for each grid cell as well as the covariates for each grid cell. id: unique ID for each grid cell count: number of Black Scoters counted in each grid cell year: year of survey NAO: Value of North Atlantic Oscillation (varies by year only) bathy: bathymetry, or water depth, avereged for each grid cell slope: slope of ocean floor for each grid cell wind: average wind speed for flight day for each grid cell wave: average time between waves for each flight day for each grid cell dist: distance from shore from center of grid cell x: latitude for center point of grid cell y: longitude for center point of grid cell