Sample report Report includes detailed information about samples taken for testing: location/depth, type/form factor, test, request number, and database identifier. Data File format Exp: expedition number Site: site number Hole: hole number Core: core number Type: coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X). Sect: section number A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half. Top offset (cm): offset of sample from the top of its ancestor parent section or section half. Not meaningful for liquids, powders, squeeze-cakes, or other process specific transforms of sample material. For sections, the parent referenced is the core. For cores, the parent referenced is the hole. Holes are defined with top offset zero. Bottom offset (cm): top offset + sample length. Top depth CSF-A (m): bottom edge of sample indexed to depth below seafloor on CSF-A scale. Bottom depth CSF-A (m): bottom edge of sample indexed to a depth below seafloor via the CSF-A scale. Top depth CSF-B (m): top of sample indexed on an CSF-B depth scale. Bottom depth CSF-B (m): bottom of sample indexed on an CSF-B depth scale. Length (cm): sample length. Volume (cm^3): sample volume. Sample type: abbreviation for curatorial classifications (e.g., hole, core, section) or general physical form-factor (liquid, powder, thin section, whole round, etc.). Test: curatorial codes indicating analytical methods applied to sample. Request code: short name or mnemonic used to note a sample taken in fulfillment of a sample request. Request number: the unique identifier for a specific sample request. Sample name: short name that may be specified for a sample. Text ID: automatically generated unique database identifier for a sample. Date sample logged: date and time sample logged into the database. Sample entered by: person who logged the sample into the database. Location: Indicates whether samples were taken on the ship (JR) or at the Gulf Coast Location (GCR). Comments: additional notes about the sample, if any. Label identifier: automatically generated, human readable name for a sample that is printed on labels. This name is not guaranteed unique across all samples.