Leioproctus (Leioproctus) alleynae (Rayment, 1935)

Paracolletes alleynae *Rayment 1935: 668, 1954: 46.

Leioproctus (Leioproctus) alleynae (Rayment). Michener 1965: 50.


Paracolletes alleynae — Victoria: holotype ♂, Croydon, 3.i.1939 (ANIC).

Additional material examined: 14♀, 6♂ Victoria: 16 k W Genoa; Reefton; Macedon; Box Hill, Melbourne; Parkville, Melbourne; Powelltown. South Australia: Millicent.

Months collected: December, January, February.

Floral visitations: Myrtaceae: Eucalyptus; Pittosporaceae: Bursaria spinosa.

Description— L. alleynae can be distinguished from L. recusus by the orange hair on the scutum and scutellum (whitish in L. recusus), the orange mid femur in L. alleynae (black in L. recusus) and male genitalia and hidden sterna. This species is most similar to L. recusus. Both are readily distinguished from other species in the group by the orange colour of all tibiae and tarsi and the hind femora, in contrast to the black basal areas. For male S7–8 and genitalia see figs 82–84.