File containing information on the data provided 'Meridian_Data.csv': Contents: - Sheet current density evaluated along the 105 degree magnetic meridian at 110 km altitude - Magnetic field evaluated along the 105 degree magnetic meridian at ground level - Values evaluated at 50 equally spaced grid points starting at 49 and ending at 81 degrees magnetic latitude - Vectors and locations are given in quasi-dipole magnetic co-ordinates using an epoch of 2008 Columns: 'Date_UTC' - String denoting the date and time, 'YearMonthDay HourMinuteSecond' 'MLT' - Magnetic local time 'Je_i' - Eastward sheet current density at grid points 'Jn_i' - Northward sheet current density at grid points 'Br_i' - Radial component of the magnetic field at grid points 'Be_i' - Eastward component of the magnetic field at grid points 'Bn_i' - Northward component of the magnetic field at grid points