Aamunops chimpa sp. n.

Figs. 19 37

Types. Holotype male. MEXICO: Veracruz, Atotonilco de Calcahualco, 15 km away from the Pico de Orizaba Volcano (Plot II, 19°8’30.2” N, 97°12’21.5” W, elev. 2,388 m), oak forest, leaf litter, collected with Berlese funnels, 21-30 May 2012 (CNAN-T01485). Paratypes: 1 ♀, same data as holotype except: 15-24 February 2013 (CNAN-T 01492), 1 ♂, same data as holotype except: 21-30 May 2012, pitfall traps (CNAN-T01493).

Additional material examined. MEXICO: Veracruz, Atotonilco de Calcahualco, 15 km away from the Pico de Orizaba Volcano (Plot II, 19°8’30.2” N, 97°12’21.5” W, elev. 2,388 m), oak forest, leaf litter, collected with pitfall traps, 21-30 May 2012, 4 ♂; Xamaticpac de Calcahualco, 23 km away from the Pico de Orizaba Volcano (Plot I, 19°7’34.1” N, 97°4’1.5” W, elev. 1,710 m), oak and tropical wet forest, leaf litter, collected with pitfall traps, 2-11 October 2013, 1 ♂.

Etymology. The species epithet, a noun in apposition is taken from the “Popoluca de la Sierra” word for dog.

Diagnosis. A. chimpa sp. n. pedipalp is similar to that of A. misi sp. n. by having an embolus as long as palpal tibia, with a bent distal portion (Figs. 26, 45), differ from this species by having a thicker, rounded embolus tip (Fig. 37) and by the swollen cymbium (Fig. 27). Female genitalia of A. chimpa sp. n. differs from that of A. misi sp. n. by the presence of a wider genital opening (Fig. 28), by the long, thin T-shaped sclerotized bifid duct and by having the anterior margin of the transverse plate dorsally curved on the medial region (Figs. 30, 35).

Description. Male (Holotype). Total length 5.14. Cephalothorax 2.04 long, 1.58 wide. Sternum 1.32 long, 0.99 wide. Legs: I 5.22 (1.64) (0.80) (1.36) (0.88) (0.54); II 4.92 (1.48) (0.84) (1.20) (0.88) (0.52); III 4.02 (1.20) (0.60) (0.90) (0.90) (0.42); IV 6.02 (1.70) (0.74) (1.44) (1.54) (0.60). Carapace surface dark orange; weak patterned (Fig. 19). Sternum, chelicerae, and labium dark orange (Figs. 22, 23). Palps and legs orange; coxae and trochanters lighter. Endites pale orange, anterior margin lighter. Abdomen dark gray, with a dorsal pattern of three white chevrons, ventral surface lighter (Figs. 19, 21). Anal tubercle and spinnerets light orange. Crista long, occupying about a half of metatarsus length (Figs. 31, 32), wider on leg I. Paired claws with five teeth (Fig. 34). PLS longer than PMS. Cymbium swollen; prolateral brush of palpal tibia with more than nine setae (Fig. 36); bulb globose, spherical; spermatic duct with a small, hyaline process (Fig. 37); embolus about the same length of the palpal tibia (Fig. 25), distal portion bent (Fig. 26), with a thick, rounded tip (Fig. 37).

Female (Paratype). Total length 6.53. Cephalothorax 2.40 long, 1.80 wide. Sternum 1.50 long, 1.10 wide. Legs: I 5.60 (1.80) (1.00) (1.40) (0.90) (0.50); II 5.28 (1.58) (0.94) (1.30) (0.92) (0.54); III 4.40 (1.22) (0.68) (1.00) (1.00) (0.50); IV 6.34 (1.80) (0.84) (1.50) (1.60) (0.60). Coloration as in male. Abdomen as in male but with five chevrons. Crista long, occupying all metatarsus length (Fig. 33), wider on leg I, translucent, whitish along the border. Paired claws with five teeth (Fig. 34). PLS same size as PMS. Internal genitalia with the anterior margin of plate dorsally curved only on the medial region (Figs. 30, 35), posterior median invagination shallow (Fig. 30); membranous anteromedian receptaculum formed by a long, thin T-shaped sclerotized bifid duct that protrudes from the posterior surface of plate leading to a large, oval sac (Figs. 29, 35).

Variation. N = 4 ♂. Total length mean: 5.23 (range 4.55―5.61). Cephalothorax length mean: 2.01 (range 1.84―2.17), width mean 1.53 (range 1.38―1.65). Sternum length mean: 1.31 (range 1.30―1.45), width mean 0.97 (range 0.85―1.05) Specimen coloration from yellowish to dark orange.

Natural history. All specimens were caught in Quercus and wet forests fragments in leaf litter with pitfall traps (six individuals) and Berlese funnels (two individuals).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 83).