Lapsias quimbaya sp. nov.

Figs 8–11, 57

Type material. Holotype: ♂ from Granja Bengala, Filandia, Quindío, Colombia, 2015 m, [4.68ºN, 75.61ºW], 17.II.2017, V. Muñoz-Charry (ICN-Ar 9217). Paratypes: 1♂ from Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Vereda Campo Alegrito, Finca La Albania, Parque Natural Municipal Campo Alegre, 2490 m, [4.8675°, 72.546667°], 22-24.II.2004, A. Pulido, Y. Martínez, E. Henao (IAvH-I-521); 1♂ from Caldas, Marulanda, Vereda El Páramo, Sector El Vergel, 3416-3436 m, [5.244803°, 75.351336°], 30.V. 2014, J. Moreno (IAvH-I-522).

Etymology. The epithet honors an extinct indigenous civilization from the Andean region of Colombia, which inhabited the Caldas, north of Valle del Cauca, Quindío and Risaralda departments. Noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males of L. quimbaya sp. nov. can be recognized from those of the remaining species in the genus by their rounded bulb, the long embolus (e) that is projected prolaterally and dorsally, with the final portion returning ventrally in front of the cymbium tip, the long and slender median apophysis (ma) that extends over the embolus base, the tibia with a large dorsal apophysis (dTa) and the retrolateral apophysis (RTA), both projected dorsally (Figs 9–11). This is also one of the smallest Lapsias species known.

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 2.90. Carapace light brown, 1.49 long, 1.23 wide, 0.95 high (Fig. 8). OC dark brown, 0.80 long. Anterior eye row 1.26 wide and posterior 1.21 wide. Sternum yellowish, 0.61 long, 0.57 wide. Labium yellowish, 0.23 long, 0.22 wide. Chelicerae brown, with two retromarginal and two promarginal teeth. Palp brown, rounded bulb with a long embolus (e) projected dorsally, membranous and slender median apophysis (ma), tibia with a long dorsal apophysis (dTa) and a retrolateral apophysis (RTA), both projected dorsally (Figs 9–11). Leg formula: 4132, all dark brown with yellow marks. Leg macrosetae: femur, I d 1 di; II d 2 di; III p 1 di; patella, III–IV p 1 me, r 1 me; tibia, I v 2-2-2; II v 1-1-1, p 0-1-1; III v 1-1-2, r 1-1; IV v 1-0-2, p 1-1, r 1-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2; II p 1-1-2, r 1-0-2; III v 1 di, p 2-0-2, r 2-0-2; IV v 1-0-2, p 1-0-2, r 1-0-2. Abdomen light yellow with dark brown spots and posteromedial chevron marks (Fig. 8).

Female. Unknown.

Distribution and Comments. Known only from its type locality in the Colombian Andes (Fig. 57). The holotype male was collected in a well-conserved Andean moist forest, beating low vegetation during the day.