Lapsias iguaque sp. nov.

Figs 1–7, 57

Type material. Holotype: ♂ from Sector Carrizales, Santuario de Flora & Fauna Iguaque, Boyacá, Colombia, 2810 m, [5.70°N, 73.45°W], 12.VI.2002, J. Cepeda (ICN-Ar 1848). Paratype: 1♂ from Villa de Leyva, Santuario de Flora & Fauna Iguaque, 2300 m [5.633333, 73.483333 °], 22.VII.1998, O. Díaz (IAvH-I-522).

Etymology. The specific epithet, a noun in apposition, comes from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males of L. iguaque sp. nov. differ from those of the other species by the trapezoidal RTA, which is projected dorsally, and by the accessory prolateral tegular apophysis (pTa) curved retrolaterally (Figs 2–7).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 5.90. Carapace brown with dark brown and reddish-brown marks, 2.94 long, 2.33 wide, 1.62 high (Fig. 1). OC reddish brown with eyes on black marks, 1.28 long. Anterior eye row 1.93 wide and posterior 1.85 wide. Sternum brown, 1.23 long, 1.03 wide. Labium yellowish-brown, 0.61 long, 0.50 wide. Chelicerae yellowish-brown, with two retromarginal and three promarginal teeth. Palp brown, with thick curved embolus, prolateral tegular apophysis (pTa) arising at the embolus base and with a hook-like median apophysis surrounded by membranous area, retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) trapezoidal and projected dorsally (Figs 2–7). Leg formula: 4312, all brown. Leg macrosetae: femur, I p 1 di, d 1-1-2; II p 1 di, d 0-1-2; III p 1 di, d 2 di; IV v 1 di, p 1 di, d 1-1-2; patella, I–II p 1 me; III–IV p 1 me, r 1 me; tibia, I–II v 2-2-2, p 1-1; III v 2-2, p 1-1, r 1-1; IV v 1-2-2, p 1-1, r 1-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2, r 1-1; II v 2-2, p 1-1, r 1-1; III v 2-2, p 1-1-2, r 1-1-2; IV p 2-1-2, r 2- 1-2. Abdomen light yellow with four anteromedial dark brown spots and posteromedial chevron marks surrounded laterally by four dark brown spots (Fig. 1).

Female. Unknown.

Distribution and Comments. Known only from its type locality in the Colombian Andes (Fig. 57). The holotype male was collected during the day, under a decaying trunk, in a secondary high-Andean moist forest.