Metadata for capture-mark-recapture and distance sampling dataset related to Ficheries bycatch mitigation measures as an efficient tool for the conservation of seabird populations Anaïs Dasnon Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, CNRS UMR7372, 79360 Villiers en Bois, France Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Terres Australes Françaises, TAAF, rue Gabriel Dejean, 97458 Saint-Pierre, France ********************************************************************************** ***Capture-mark-recapture: The dataset "CMR_WCP_adults_Crozet_Possession_1986-2017.inp" and "CMR_WCP_chicks_Crozet_Possession_1986-2017.inp" were built to be used with the software E-SURGE as MARK format. Surveys were conducted during each white-chinned petrel breeding season from 1985/1986 to 2017/2018 at île de La Possession (Crozet archipelago, South Indian Ocean). For more information about the acquisition of the data, see "Appendix S2: Details about surveys" into the supplementary materials. Those dataset contain two colums as in the following example: 00000000130400002233332330323300 1; where "00000000130400002233332330323300" represents the capture-history of an individual from the white-chinned petrel population, and each figure represents the capture status of the individual during one breeding season. In the "CMR_WCP_adults_Crozet_Possession_1986-2017.inp" dataset of adult individuals: 0 = not observed, 1 = captured as non-breeder, 2 = captured as failed breeder, 3 = captured as successful breeder, 4 = captured as breeder but success is uncertain, in the "CMR_WCP_chicks_Crozet_Possession_1986-2017.inp" dataset of individuals first marked as chicks: 0 = not observed, 1 = captured and marked as a chick, 2 = seen as a breeder at least once during the study, and "1;" indicates that this capture-history represents one individual. Each row represents the capture history of an individual from the 1986/1987 white-chinned petrel breeding season survey to the 2017/2018 white-chinned petrel breeding season survey. ********************************************************************************** ***Distance sampling dataset: The dataset "transects_WCP_Crozet_Pointe_Basse_2011-2012.txt" and "transects_WCP_Crozet_Pointe_Basse_2017-2018.txt" were built to be used with the software DISTANCE. Line distance sampling surveys were conducted during the 2011/2012 and the 2017/2018 white-chinned petrel breeding seasons respectively, both at île de La Possession (Crozet archipelago, South Indian Ocean). For more information about the acquisition of the data, see "Appendix S2: Details about surveys" into the supplementary materials. Those dataset contain five variables: Region.Label = the name of the region where the survey were conducted, Area = the surface of this region in square meters, Sample.Label = the name of the transect, Effort = the length of the transect in meters, distance = the perpendicular distance between the transect and the object detected (i.e. an active white-chinned petrel burrow) in meters. Each row represents an object detected or, if no object were detected on a transect, the row represents this transect and the column "distance" is left empty. For more informations about capture-mark-recapture and distance sampling modelisations, see "Appendix S3: Modelling breeding population density" and "Appendix S4: Modelling demographic parameters and model selection".