Diospyros susarticulata Lecomte

Notulae Systematicae 4 (4): 120 (Lecomte 1928a).

TYPES. — Me-Kong. Oudan [= Laos. <Oudan>], 1866-1868, Thorel 2055 (lecto-, P, first-step designated by Nguyen [1996: 73]; P [P00721745], Fig. 4, second-step designated here; isolecto-, NY [NY00334761]!; P [P00721744, P00721746]!; VNM [VNM00015398]!).


Lecomte (1928a: 120) cited Thorel 2055 from “Oudan sur le Mékong” as the original gathering.Later, in the General Flora of Indochina, Lecomte (1930: 961) placed Oudan in Laos. Thorel 2055 has been located at NY, P and VNM.Here, we designate the specimen P00721745 as the lectotype because it is more complete.