Diospyros faucium Lecomte var. grandifolia Lecomte

Notulae Systematicae 4 (4): 121 (Lecomte 1928a).

ACCEPTED NAME. — D. cauliflora Blume.

TYPES. — Annam. Linh Chiên, près Tourane [= Vietnam. Da Nang, Lien Chieu], 8.VIII.1923, Poilane 7391 (lecto-, P [P00721457]!, designated here; isolecto-, NY [NY00335018]!; P [P00721458]!; VNM [VNM00015224!, VNM00015225]!).

REMAINING ORIGINAL MATERIAL. — Annam. Linh Chiên, près Tourane [= Vietnam. Da Nang, Lien Chieu], 19.VIII.1923, Poilane 7677 (P [P00721459, P00721460, P00721461]!; VNM [VNM00015227]!).


Lecomte (1928a: 121) cited Poilane 7391 and 7677 from “ Annam: Tourane, Lieu chieu” as the original gatherings. The former collection has been located at NY, P and VNM and the later collection has been located at P and VNM. The collection Poilane 7391 is better preserved than the others. The specimen P00721457 is the best preserved, including a detailed label and Lecomte’s determination, and is designated here as the lectotype.