Paraconger sector (Koken, 1888)

Fig. 12A–C

Otolithus (Platessae) sector Koken, 1888: 292, fig. 14, non figs 15–16.

Paraconger americanus Müller, 1999: 70, fig. 20/11–17.

Paraconger sector – Nolf 1985: 43; 2003: 4, pl. 1 fig. 2; 2013: 36, pl. 24. — Nolf & Stringer 2003: 5, pl. 2 figs 9–10. — Ebersole et al. 2019: 190, fig. 69i–j. — Stringer et al. 2022: 5, fig. 3d.


The differences between the otoliths of P. sector and P. brazosensis are mentioned above. Interestingly, there appears to be a spatial separation in the occurrence of the two species (Table 1): P. brazosensis is known mainly from the western part of the Gulf Coast (Lutetian and Bartonian of Texas and the upper Lutetian Dobys Bluff Tongue of Mississippi), whereas P. sector is found in the Piney Point Formation of Virginia and throughout the Gulf Coast from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama (see Nolf 2003: 4).

Stratigraphic and geographic distribution

Lutetian: “lower” Lisbon Formation, Alabama; Piney Point Formation, Virginia. Bartonian: Cook Mountain Formation, Mississippi; Moodys Branch Formation, Louisiana and Mississippi; “upper” Lisbon Formation, Gosport Sand and Moodys Branch Formation, Alabama. Priabonian: Yazoo Clay, Louisiana.