2.3. Boroecia maxima (Brady & Norman, 1896)

(Figures 7–9)

Since Chavtur et al. (2015) have recently published a full and detailed description of this species, we are only providing a set of comparable drawings (of specimens collected in the Norwegian Sea at 65°N 20°W), and meristic data. Table 1 compiles length data for the juvenile instars from three localities, 65°N 20°W (sampled throughout a year), in the vicinity of Svalbard at 77° to 82.5°N, and over the Canadian Deep in the vicinity of 75°N 161°W. It was the dominant halocyprid species at all three localities; these length data are remarkably consistent. However, Chavtur et al. (2015) reported finding a few smaller specimens, which had lengths that are consistent with the sizes we provide for B. hopcrofti below. These length data show there are no significant size differences across quite a broad latitudinal range, nor were any suggestions of there being seasonal variations evident in the data from 65°N 20°W, although the data are insufficient for rigorous statistical evaluation.