Diospyros rufogemmata Lecomte

Notulae Systematicae 4 (4): 118 (Lecomte 1928a).

TYPES. — Laos. Kilo. 20 de la route de Savannakhet à Quang Tri [= km 20 on the route from Savannakhet (Laos) to QuangTri (Vietnam)], 19. I.1925, Poilane 11666 (lecto-, P [P00721722]!, designated here; isolecto-, HBG [HBG507333]!; K [K001361628]!; NY [NY00334757]!; P [P00721723, P00721724]!; VNM [VNM00015383]!).

REMAINING ORIGINAL MATERIAL. — Laos. Haut cours de la Tchépone et rivière de Quang tri [= Xepon and river of Quang Tri], 30. VI.1927, Poilane 13523 (P [P00721726, P00721727]!; VNM [VNM00015385, VNM00015386]!).


Lecomte (1928a: 118) cited two Poilane collections (11666 and 13523) from “ Laos, route de Savannakhet à Quang tri” as the original gathering. Poilane 11666 (HBG, K, NY, P and VNM) includes specimens with mature fruits. Here, we designate the specimen P00721722 as the lectotype.