Diospyros magnifica Lecomte

Flore générale de l’Indo-Chine 3 (7): 942 (Lecomte 1930).

ACCEPTED NAME. — D. dasyphylla Kurz.

TYPES. — Cochinchina. Bien Hoa Prov., Núi Chua Chan [= Vietnam. Dong Nai, Mt. Chua Chan], 12.I.1928, Poilane 14499 (lecto-, P [P00721469]!, designated here; isolecto NY [NY00335039]!; P [P00721470, P00721471]!; VNM [VNM00015266, VNM00015269]!).


Lecomte (1930: 943) cited Poilane collection from “Cochinchine: Nui-chua-chan, prov. de Bien-hoa, sol volcanique” as the original material. Five sheets of Poilane 14499 collected from the cited location have been located at NY, P and VNM. The specimen P00721469 is the best preserved and with a detailed label and Lecomte’s determination. It is, therefore, designated here as the lectotype.