Diospyros decandra Lour. var. laosiana Lecomte

Flore générale de l’Indo-Chine 3 (7): 962 (Lecomte 1930).

ACCEPTED NAME. — D. decandra Lour.

TYPES. — Me-Kong. Paklai [= Laos. Sainyabuli, Pak Lay], 1866- 1868, Thorel 3409 (lecto-, P [P00721479]!, designated here; isolecto-, VNM [VNM00015155]!).

REMAINING ORIGINAL MATERIAL. — Tonkin. Phrie Nhae, cult. [= Vietnam. <Phrie Nhae>, cultivated], 24.V.1882, Bon 1588 (NB) (P [P00721481]!); Ke Ja, cult. [= Vietnam. <Ke Ja>, cultivated], 15.V.1886, Bon 3145 (TH) (P [P00721482]!). — Cochinchina. Culta ad pagum Go Vap propè Saigon [= Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City, Go Vap, cultivated], IV.1865, Pierre 5033 (L [L.2665599]!, K [K001361153]!; P [P00721473, P00721474, P00721475, P00721476]!; SING!). — Me-Kong. Loung-Brabang [= Laos. Luang Prabang], 1866-1868, Thorel 3409 (P [P00721480]!).


Lecomte (1930: 962) cited four sources from three different Indochinese regions: Bon from west Tonkin, Thorel and Poilane from Laos, and Pierre from Southern Cochinchina. We could not locate Poilane material from Laos, and we found two different collections made by Bon, and the Pierre gathering, all from cultivated plants, and Thorel collections from Laos. Here, we designated Thorel 3409 (P [P00721379]) from Pak Lai, Laos as the lectotype. A third sheet of Thorel 3409 (P [P00721380]) was collected from Luang Prabang, Laos and is therefore not an isolectotype.