Diospyros dasyphylla Kurz var. oblongifolia Lecomte

Flore générale de l’Indo-Chine 3 (7): 950 (Lecomte 1930).

ACCEPTED NAME. — D. penangiana King & Gamble.

TYPES. — Annam. Nhatrang Prov., Massif de la Mère et l’Enfant [= Vietnam. Dak Lak, Mt. Vong Phu, Chu Mu], 24.V.1923, Poilane 6826 (lecto-, P [P007216687]!, designated here; isolecto-, P [P00721668]!; VNM [VNM00015159]!).


Lecomte (1930: 950) only cited Poilane collection from “ Annam: massif de la Mère et l’Enfant”. Three sheets of Poilane 6826 collected from this locality have been located at P and VNM. Among these, P00721667 is the best preserved and with an original detailed label and selected here as the lectotype.