Daily Maximum Temperature Projections
- 1. University of Bristol
- 2. Imperial College London
- 3. University of New England
- 4. Lancaster University
- 5. University of Edinburgh
- 6. University of Cambridge
Maximum Daily temperature projection for the SAFE project landscape
Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: Assessing the Impact of Microclimate During Development on the Physiological Thermal Tolerance of Lowland Malaysian Dung Beetles
Funding: These data were collected as part of research funded by:
- NERC (hmtf programme, NE/K016377/1 )
This dataset is released under the CC-BY 4.0 licence, requiring that you cite the dataset in any outputs, but has the additional condition that you acknowledge the contribution of these funders in any outputs.
XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here
Files: This dataset consists of 2 files: safe_submission_tmax.xlsx, T_max_raster.tif
This file contains dataset metadata and 1 data tables:
Data (described in worksheet Data)
Description: Empty
Number of fields: 0
Number of data rows: 1020
Description: 50-m resolution projection of maximum daily temperature across the SAFE landscape (n = 145,214 grid cells, equivalent to approximately 363 km2) using DEM, CHM and point cloud-derived metrics, combined with microclimatic data from dataloggers, as inputs. (See associated doi for details).
Date range: 2013-05-01 to 2015-03-01
Latitudinal extent: 4.5000 to 5.0700
Longitudinal extent: 116.7500 to 117.8200
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